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working a job in retail


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hi Sarah!


i've worked in retail in the past...i guess most everyone does while growing up in the u.s.


you just have to ignore things that bore you, customers that talk down to you, and you should just try to be the best helper there is! :) i know that during x-mas 2 years ago, one of the customers said to my boss while i was still there, that she can see how they're going to lose me soon because good folks like me don't hang around unless given good money. :cool:


some days are indeed bad. but if you do your job well, there are rewards too. don't give up... :)


and have fun! :cool:

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i worked in a supermarket a couple of years ago


it fucking sucks


the customers treat you like shit, it's boring as hell, and you get different bosses telling you to do five different things at once.


i could put up with it as long as the customers didn't piss me off. that was the one thing that REALLY got to me - people complaining to me about trivial things that I had no control over.


christmas is the worst. everyone just goes crazy. on plenty more than one occasion I had customers knocking into me, or smacking their shopping trolleys into the back of my ankles and not even saying sorry. wankers. :angry:


i got sick of it and quit after a while, and i'd never do it again.

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yeah, that job is really only for people in their teens and early 20s (at most) and i guess later on in life when you are retired and just wanna have a job to keep busy... :D


not saying u can't have a career in it, though. u can...u can become store manager, for example...

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hi Sarah!


i've worked in retail in the past...i guess most everyone does while growing up in the u.s.


you just have to ignore things that bore you, customers that talk down to you, and you should just try to be the best helper there is! :) i know that during x-mas 2 years ago, one of the customers said to my boss while i was still there, that she can see how they're going to lose me soon because good folks like me don't hang around unless given good money. :cool:


some days are indeed bad. but if you do your job well, there are rewards too. don't give up... :)


and have fun! :cool:


this is my second job in retail. this store i work at now is similiar to BArnes and Noble in the US. i like working in a book store and i like helping customers but there are days that are very slow and mindless.


my first retail job was at Staples and now that i work at this store i see what shit the customers were at staples. the customers now are much more pleasant. i would say 95% of the customers are nice and patient.


but at staples i earned a lot more than this job which sucks :(

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i can see the difference...and totally understand your frustration.



i shop at BN's music section many times because they let you sample music right there. And yeah, on an average weekday/evening/night, the place is so still with nobody around. The girl that works there must get bored at times, I felt. And now, I can superimpose your image onto that girl's face... :/

but at least you get customers that are as nice as i am... :D


i worked for years at a pharmacy as store clerk..and i got all kinds of customers, from the very nice ones who wished me luck in school and knew a little about me to the ones who came in just for condoms and couldn't bear to wait 2 minutes in line and get mad at me for not working hard enough.... :rolleyes: and got some girls who would come in just for stockings but were all dressed-up so that one could tell what they were up to.... :rolleyes:


but than i also worked at an upscale department store at the mall and that was mostly good....


but yeah, working retail is hard job that doesn't pay much, nor do you get appreciated much. but that's how it is....you gotta do it sometimes in your life. :)

and in this economy, i'd rather have a job...any job...than to sit at home. :cool:

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