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the "where the hell is Hicksy?" post


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for those of you who are used to seeing me on a daily basis on the board / msn / webcam / bus etc...


i just wanted to make a post to explain where i am, or more to the point why i am not there... basically ive become a hermit... well not really :D its just that nowdays i am VERY busy at work, especially the afternoon and often early evening :sad: and that we FINALLY have good weather in the early evenings and weekends and spring is in the air(ish), not to mention that i really have let far too many things in my real life slip since Chrimbo, ive changed my lifestyle (especially my evenings because im normally knackered by then!)


basically i'll check the board and post when i can during the day, the fact that this place has got so huge with so many posts means that i will just have to live with not being able to keep totally up to date everyday as it's just not possible (although ill make a special effort for the Other Music section - whitty new posts being developed atm ;) )


as for e-mail, msn / webcam etc. i was finding that it was so easy for a planned 30min brief hello to become a 1-3hr session which would suck in my entire evening, and leave me either not doing the stuff i should be doing or spending far too much not achieving anything when i really haven't got a great deal of time to spare in the first place


sooo.... you wont see that much of hicksy no more :sad: please keep in contact with me though board posts / pms / e-mail as i can access these whenever - and this does not mean im not around, its just that im a busy bunny (im probably kicking a football :D )


luv ya all loads :D


Si xx (handhakes for the lads :D )

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i miss you simon!!! ill email you and ill let you know now that i wont be able to come with u in march im going to holland then sorry :( its my aunts bday then!

i realy miss ya!!! luff ya!! ill mail ya!!







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