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Im so ill and so scared!!


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I've been really ill recentley getting about 3 migrains a day for the past month, i have never had migrains before in my life and this is so sudden and really painfull, i have been to the doc's and they took a blood test, i went back for the results yesterday and he said that my ESA (i think that what he said) was high at 29 which meant there was something wrong but it wasnt caused by a normal infection. He has now refeerd me to a neurologist for a CAT scan, im going on weds but am really scared of what they are going to do and what they are going to find.


Has anyone else had anything like this, can anyone give me any words of advice, im feeling so scared and alone at the moment, none of my friends seem to understand :cry:

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Well, hugs and kisses wont help. I think it's really scary what it's happening to you, sometimes bad things can happen and not really good when it's about our health, the most valuable thing that we all have I think... Just have to wait what ur docs have to say and hope that won't be terrible. btw sometimes our mind deceives us and think we're feeling really bad when nothing importan is happening.


Good luck :rolleyes:

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One of my friends suffer migraines often and it's very painful. It's something chronic for her. I've only had one but it was horrible...


Kerry, I hope it will alright and it will be nothing too much serious. Tell us what the doctor tell you.


*hugs* (because sometimes they help)

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Kerry it may be completely different but I suffered severe headaches for a long while....I had all kinds of tests done but was fine, they just gave me medication to stop them reoccuring.


I hope everything is alright with you too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou everyone for your support *lot's of hugs back*


I went to see the consultant and he sent me for a brain scan, im waiting on the results, i should get those on friday. I have been off work for two weeks and am now in danger of loosing my job. I think im having the worst luck in the world, im so stressed.


But one good thing is that i have decided to leave Manchester and move to London with my dad, i have allways fancied living in London and now is my chance!

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Why are you in danger of lose your job? They can't do it if you're off-work for an illness!! :angry: :angry:


Anyways, I hope the scan results will be fine! And living in London sounds soooooooo cool!! *is jealous*

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they are saying i have exceeded my limit for the amount of time off sick, they are giving me a disaplinary but there seems to be alot of meetings with personnel going on, i really hope im just being paraniod although im leaving i'd rather not get sacked !!

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All my life I've gotten at least 1 or 2 migranes a week. I'm on migrane medication, but I don't know what your doctor meant by ESC. Honey, if it was something life threatening you would know by now. The doctor would have said something. I'm sure everything will be okay. I hope you begin to feel better. Good luck tomorrow. I'll say a prayer for you :kiss:

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