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The Chemical Brothers


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These guys are awesome, I don't like techno usually, but these guys are amazing. They are so tripped out. "Prive Psychedelic Reel" is the best dance song ever. Nine and a half minutes long too! Dig Your Own Hole is one amazing cd, "Setting Sun" with Noel Gallagher on vocals is a really good listen too.

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The only album I have by them is Surrender, which I've been listening to quite a bit for the last week or so - in fact, I'm listening to it right now! Every song on this album is great, but 'Let Forever Be' and 'The Sunshine Underground' are the stand-out tracks for me.


Setting Sun, Star Guitar and Block Rockin' Beats are some of my other favourites.

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  • 2 years later...

Do It Again! A new single from them. Is there anyone has a song? Could you upload it pleasee?

I like Star Guitar, The Boxer, Galvanize, and Believe. Those songs are amazing especially Star Guitar.. I lovee the video! It was like realistic.......

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  • 8 months later...

It came from Afrikakakakakakakakaaaaaa........................ :dance: :dance: :dance:


Love them, hate them, don't know what to think. Though they do have some awesome videos.


My brother was into them big time a few years ago. Played them constantly. Drove me crazy. Then he moved out. And then I missed them terribly. And now I like them.


Funny how that works, eh?

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  • 4 months later...

I've gotten really addicted to The Chemical Brothers lately. I was wondering if anyone else here likes them. My favorite songs are "Hoops", "The Salmon Dance", "Do It Again", and "The Test". I also like "Galvenize" but I prefer the others.

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  • 2 months later...

actually I've been really addicted to them this past months! they're music is awesome! some of the songs can be very atmospherical, I wasn't expecting that. Also, I NEED to see them live next time around, their live shows are mind blowing!


my favorites are:


star guitar, do it again, surface to air, we are the night, believe, surrender, out of control, the golden path, elektrobank, saturate, das spiegel, and so many more

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I've been listening to their 2nd album, Dig Your Own Hole, loads recently. Great to listen to on train journeys.


Speaking of trains:

[ame=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws_R_GxZX2o]YouTube - Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar[/ame]

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over the last year ive been really getting into the chemical brothers albums. ive got everything from Surrender to We Are The Night now and all of them have impressed me. but what ive enjoyed the most are their wicked liive shows. most people preceive live electronic music to be a guy standing there pushing play pause and stop on a record player. but these guys are sooo much more. their sound is incredibly dense and complex and the way their improvise live on stage is brilliant.


easily the best electronic act of all time. i have a knack for liking the title tracks of each other albums

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  • 1 year later...

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