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its not confirmed yet... thats just a rumor going around.... I think its too early to name the album... they're still in the creative/recording process.....



Joyce..defo call me, I have no plans for NYE and it would be really cool to hang... let me know... but just as an FYI- NYC on NYE is INSANE!!!!! :)

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for those of you who may in the NTC area on New Year's Eve.... *ehem* Paul will be dj'ing on Sunday at the Annex (152 Orchard St. b/t Rivington and Stanton) alongside Womanmaker, and a bunch of other dj's....


party starts at 10pm.. til 8am!!!!!! I am seriously contemplating this!!! NYE with Paulie!!! :grin:


for those who can't be there... I bring you this little rare gem.. from my concert in 2005- Radio City Music Hall Mar. 3rd.. (I didn't actually record this.. someone else did... :P) but it was my show none the less.. the first time I had seen them live!!! :)


clip from Stella Was A Diver...

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I missed them live twice! One time I actually had a ticket and got ill, the next concert was sold out (GRRRRR!) and the when I finally was at the third one I was so scared something would go wrong. I almost got sick in front of the venue. I missed the band just by seconds (I saw Daniel walking in...) but the concert was so amazing. First row, right in front of Daniel, next to a hardcore fan from Japan. Man and when they did PDA and I had Daniel right in front of me singing, that was just bliss. I was so freaking happy. Also when I heard Obstacle 1 live it was, just, wow.

Ahhh, I want to see them, I want to see them. The only band I'd like to see more at the moment is Coldplay. And Zoé maybe...

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Im dying to see them live again! When i saw them they were supporting coldplay. Man was that a good gig! I was also right in front of Daniel, which was awesome. All this talk makes me even more desperate to see them again!!

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Sam put this on the myspace bulletin. I assume is in the interpol page. ANyway, it´s nice to see people caring about others... so, there you go:

Xmas had officially ended with the departure of the last house guest.

my spirits were unusually high for the time of year - i'm not a big "happy holidays" kind of person. on the fly, i decided to hit my neighborhood bar to meet up with some friends. the drinks and conversation flowed. someone mentioned the band jawbox --- i interjected with my praise for them. then, i realized what was being discussed - it was not the admiration for this great, (but now defunct) redefinition of a "rock" band; it was about callum robbins, the one year old son of j. robbins (former singer/guitarist of jawbox) and how callum is stricken with spinal muscular atrophy, for which there is no cure. adding to this nightmare, treatment for SMA is far beyond a financial burden. after leaving the bar, i went home feeling a bit deflated. almost immediately i received the following link in an e-mail, from a friend whom i'd just left the bar with.




instantly i became overwhelmed with sadness and inspiration all at once...

i figured the least i could do was share little cal's story with a part of the world that i could reach... although it has yet to be confirmed, i'm in the midst of planning/curating a live callum robbins benefit in NYC, which i will also host. no date has been set, but i'll keep you informed as plan turns to action.


click on the link, read the information, and do what you can.


thank you,


sam fogarino

jersey city, january 9, 2007


I´m a zu in your headlights

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Stooges, Interpol, Bloc Party, Lily Allen Play SXSW

Matt & Kim, Cold War Kids, the Watson Twins also on board


Struggling to find vacancy at a convenient Austin hotel for South by Southwest 07? It's no wonder. Tucked away in a handy brochure offering hotel information on the festival's website is the fest's star-studded initial lineup.

The Stooges, Interpol, Bloc Party, Lily Allen, Matt & Kim, the Watson Twins, Cold War Kids, Devin the Dude, Hoodoo Gurus, Ghostland Observatory, Stax 50th Anniversary Soul Review, Ozomatli, and Turbonegro are slated to play the music portion of the mega-event, which runs from March 14-18 (the full extravaganza, including film and "interactive" festivals, runs from March 9-18). As previously reported, Under Byen are also scheduled to perform.


Following the announcement is a line of small italic text reading, "everything subject to change," and while we hope nothing changes, we're letting you know anyway.


In addition, Pete Townshend will appear as the keynote speaker for SXSW's Music Conference. Following the keynote, which takes place on March 14, Townshend and "Attic Jam" partner Rachel Fuller will put on a March 15 show featuring some special guests. Other SXSW speakers and interviewees include David Byrne (with his presentation "Record Labels: Who Needs Them?"), Emmylou Harris, Gilberto Gil, Terry McBride, Rickie Lee Jones, Booker T, and Joe Boyd.





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