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Angel at his table

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oh, cool! i'm going outside now, so i'll check them later :)




I'm studying for my French Lit exam taht I have on Tuesday. Now I just added some notes to my schoolmate's. I'm gonna use hers to study. :P And then I need to study English vocab. for a partial exam and French and English grammar. :sick:





I see. Did you see the new pics? I'm not proud of them much, but I really like the picture of the church :)


I'm going to study the English vocabulary now. :)

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I did! I liked those round thingies. :)


Yay, I'm studying English vocab, too!



thanks, i took the picture in the photography course. ;)


yesterday, there was a special music festival in brno. it was awesome.

i saw a few awesome bands of the czech republic. for example sunshine, they're pretty known world-wide, they had a lot of gigs in japan etc. then airfare - this is a new band, the guys are young and really good. i was amazed. you can listen to some of their songs here:



and then the czech known bands like wohnout, vypsaná fixa etc. they're popular in here, but i don't like them so much.


i met two guys from a band that takes part in a competition called "x factor" - if you don't know it, it's something like "pop idol" and stuff, but it's also for younger, older people, duos and bands.

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great, Magda! :) I'm glad you had fun! :nice:


I don't know Sunshine ... what kind of music do they play? But Airfare seems cool! :thumbsup: ;)


Ahhhh I was at a gig, too! yesterday Elvis Jackson had a concert in a city nearby. It was quite ok - there was some mud though, which wasn't ok. but i enjoyed it anyway!

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great, Magda! :) I'm glad you had fun! :nice:


I don't know Sunshine ... what kind of music do they play? But Airfare seems cool! :thumbsup: ;)


Ahhhh I was at a gig, too! yesterday Elvis Jackson had a concert in a city nearby. It was quite ok - there was some mud though, which wasn't ok. but i enjoyed it anyway!


yeah, airfare were really good. the singer is 19 and he lived in the usa for 18 years :lol:


well, sunshine - here's the link www.sunshinetrash.com


they play something between electronical music and rock... quite catchy in my opinion :) search for "top! top! the radio" and "victim is another name for lover" on youtube.. it's really nice :D

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hey, how's everyone?

i'm exhausted, i've just came back from prague. i went there with my class, it was a normal sightseeing tour and it took three days. we were walking all days and i'm almost dead.


anyway, "kiss" have a concert in prague today, my classmate stayed there, i'm pretty curious if he likes it.

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Hey Magda! I'm kinda exhausted, too, but because of exams. :( But I'll be alright. :)


Coldplay are coming to CZ, too, right? :uhoh:


Gaaaahhhhh I can't wait for that Radiohead concert, I finally got my tickets! :D


I wish I'd come to CZ this August, but I won't be able because I have no money (well I still have it, but UK will eat it all ...).

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yay, nina, you're in the uk? i didn't know that :confused2:

where are you going to see radiohead? i don't think they're coming here, but if they did, i'd probably go there :)


yesh, coldplay have a concert here in september and i hope i'll be able to go there! it would be gorgeous. :D

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