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We should have a languages forum


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I speak spanish too!! Its a beautiful language...


A mí me gustaría mucho asistir un concierto de los muchachos más guapos del mundo!!!



En ese caso somos dos......... :D


somos tres! ya se podría decir que somos multitud! ;)

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kat might be able to help


ja ich hoffe dass sie will mich helfen <---aint my german crappy? kat huni help!!!! i think imma send her an email



i'd like to help you, if you want it.

what's you essay about?

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thank you so much. it`s gotta be 70-100 words long (so not that bad) and the subject is : 'Vorteile und Nachteile des Plastikgeldes' i have no idea how to write it cuz i really suck at german. i luff this language tho. oh yeah and i have to have it done till thursday. yayks

i'd be very pleased to help you. just tell me what you want to know and i'll try my best. :)

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as i said above i need someone who`d write an essay about the topic given above. do u speak german? is it your mother tongue? thanx for your good intentions


yes it is, but actually i don't really know what to write in it. if you could give me some ideas in english, i will try it, ok? :)

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oh hmm ok shite i have no idea what to write. isn`t this topic stoopid? i`ll think of it later today i`ll write an essay in english and theeeen i`m gonna send it to u by email and u`re gonna translate it and send it to me. i have to give the essay on friday. yay! thx so much athy and sunset :D

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hey athy i pm`ed you!!!! check yer messages muaahahaha

well, that topic was really a bit stupid, but we are getting even worse (sometimes) at school too. usually I have to do the same topic in 4 languages within 2 years...again&again&again&again... :roll:

i should keep one of them and then just translate the text into the next language when it's necessary! why didn't i think of this earlier? (ouhhh my english must sound horrible, though i'm learning it since nearly 6 years, why do i actually go to school :-o ))

so i translated your text and its nearly word for word the same.

i really had some prob's, cause when i have to think in two languages at the same time i'm a bit swamped, so i had to think of german! words for minutes and even had to look one up in dict. :oops:

so here is the result


Kreditkarten sind ein moderner Weg um Dinge zu bezahlen die wir kaufen.

Einige Leute finden es einfach, andere bevorzugen den gewöhnlichen Weg - barzahlen/Barzahlung.

Ich persönlich finde es praktisch und sicher, denn wenn man seine Kreditkarte einmal verliert oder sie gestohlen wird, hat niemand wirklich Nutzen von ihr, da er die PIN (personal identity number) nicht kennt.

Auch wenn man ins Ausland reist, muss man "Plastik-Geld" nicht umtauschen, man kann es im eigenen Land und im Ausland nutzen. Ich kann eigentlich keine Nachteile im Bezahlen mit Kreditkarte sehen.

Words: 94


sounds ok i think.

if you don't understand something just ask, so that you maybe even learn sth. out of it. ;) :D


sorry that i'm posting this here but i've got a few prob's with my mails...


good luck on friday!

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aww i had a teacher like that, but it wasn't just her memory

but when she was supposed to give essays back she had "forgotten" which means "lost" them


we used to hand in essays knowing that they would never see the light of day again because she would lose them!!

what a dumbass! :shock:

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