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I liked Jason Mraz and Josh Ritter looked great. It's a shame I almost fainted during The Scientist :cry:

I had to leave because I needed more air by then, perhaps you saw me leave, I think I disturbed quite a lot of people, and I went by your side, I think...:thinking:

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I liked Jason Mraz and Josh Ritter looked great. It's a shame I almost fainted during The Scientist :cry:

I had to leave because I needed more air by then, perhaps you saw me leave, I think I disturbed quite a lot of people, and I went by your side, I think...:thinking:


Oh I didn't know that. Yeah it's such a shame :(

Ah well, you needed more air, it's understandable.



I gotta go to bed

See ya ! :D

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Happy New Year neighbours!! Hope you all have some exciting celebrations lined up!


I was just in front of the place in which Chris played Postcars From Far Away (you know, that part of the stage), on Guy's side (:wink3:), in second row.


What about you?


:curtain:...sorry couldn't help overseeing. That's really cool! I was at Osheaga too and it sounds like you and I were nearby each other! I was on that side in the second row from the barrier but about 5 rows from the catwalk, where Chris had his piano. :nice: It was a blast wasn't it? My feet killed by the end of the night but I didn't care :P


Holy muffin!!



Did you see the girl who fainted?


hmmm I don't recall someone fainting ...I know when they played 'The Scientist', two girls in front of me left but probably to beat the crowd.

at which point I stole their spots muahahaha

and before that, I remember one girl to my left was leaving....did you happen to pass a short, dark-haired caucasian girl with sunglasses on her head? :P


I have no piccie of myself :/

But I was just behind a blond girl, the girl you can see in this picture:


Err..just next to that blue sleeve at the right.


LOL omg I think I know that girl. A friend of mine, who is blonde, was at the show too and she was pretty close and almost centre to that stage....I really think that's her :P that's so cool! :)

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Happy New Year neighbours!! Hope you all have some exciting celebrations lined up!




:curtain:...sorry couldn't help overseeing. That's really cool! I was at Osheaga too and it sounds like you and I were nearby each other! I was on that side in the second row from the barrier but about 5 rows from the catwalk, where Chris had his piano. :nice: It was a blast wasn't it? My feet killed by the end of the night but I didn't care :P



hmmm I don't recall someone fainting ...I know when they played 'The Scientist', two girls in front of me left but probably to beat the crowd.

at which point I stole their spots muahahaha

and before that, I remember one girl to my left was leaving....did you happen to pass a short, dark-haired caucasian girl with sunglasses on her head? :P



LOL omg I think I know that girl. A friend of mine, who is blonde, was at the show too and she was pretty close and almost centre to that stage....I really think that's her :P that's so cool! :)


God, it was so damned awesome. I almost died by

the end but I don't regret it :lol:


And perhaps you stole my place! 'Cause I left with my mom, so maybe it was us, although I'm not quite sure of the place you were.


If it is your friend, she's awesome! She gave me one of her glowsticks :lol:

And, I should have apologized when I droped water on the floor during the concert, right behind her feet :confused:

I wasn't thinking straight

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Hmmm maybe...these two ladies were right at the black-bar barrier. In fact, I would say that we were right in front of the stairs that the boys climbed at the beginning of the concert, to get to the stage. Anyway, ya I was a little worried that I was invading their space; one of them looked offended lol (if that was you or your mom, I'm sorry :P :nice: but I was being nudged from all different directions...it was cozy lol maybe if I was taller it wouldn't be so bad :P).


In any case, it's still great to know that some fellow Coldplayers were nearby! We should all try to meet up next chance! :D


Hahaha aw that's really nice!...oh dear lol well at least it was just water and not juice...that would have been sticky.

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Hmmm maybe...these two ladies were right at the black-bar barrier. In fact, I would say that we were right in front of the stairs that the boys climbed at the beginning of the concert, to get to the stage. Anyway, ya I was a little worried that I was invading their space; one of them looked offended lol (if that was you or your mom, I'm sorry :P :nice: but I was being nudged from all different directions...it was cozy lol maybe if I was taller it wouldn't be so bad :P).


In any case, it's still great to know that some fellow Coldplayers were nearby! We should all try to meet up next chance! :D


Hahaha aw that's really nice!...oh dear lol well at least it was just water and not juice...that would have been sticky.


I could have been my mom, but don't worry about that, we had great time anyway and we expected pretty much that to happen...but I don't remember any stairs?

And we really should meet at the next concert nearby. If there is one:confused: (let's hope so)

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Ohhh okay well remember when they came on stage with those sparklers? From where I was standing, I could see them going up some stairs...or maybe just their sparklers through some curtained stairs..I dunno it was pretty dark at that point :P. I have a pic somewhere so when I get the chance I'll put it up!


Ya hopefully! :nice:

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Hey Marie! I had a blue top on :nice:


Hmm then you might not be the one I thought you were. Is English your first language? Or French? cause the the girl I am thinknig of was speaking english.


In any case, it's still great to know that some fellow Coldplayers were nearby! We should all try to meet up next chance! :D


Yeah we should! :wacko:

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Haha aright, then you might or might not be this person.. :thinking: anyways, doesnt matter much :P

If by any chance you can remember seeing me, I was with a bunch of guys (all tall ones, except the small redhead :P), wearing a green CP shirt and speaking french :P

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