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The Aviator


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I sat through the whole 169 hours (sorry minutes :P ) of this last night and well, I thought I'd give a little summary of what I thought.


Now don't get me wrong, the opening scenes of the film were fantastic. The cinematography was amazing - especially when Leo Di Caprio was in the first flying scenes... it drew me into the exhilarating world of Howard Hughes.


But then, after around an hour and a half.. the story dragged on... and on.. and oh my god on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would not reccommend seeing this in the cinema...

For health reasons including : neck cramp, back cramp, leg cramps and eyelid strain!

However, rent it on dvd perhaps, then you can pick and choose how much you want to watch at one time :lol:

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I have not seen it but I saw little random clips on Oprah and such. Leo looks like he put out another great performance. I want him to get an Oscar, not only for this film, but as recognition for all the other great work he's done.


But I'm pretty sure Jamie Foxx will get it b/c seriously he was great in Ray, but I don't know. I'm (not so) silently rooting for Leo.

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i did not like cate blanchett as katherine hepburn though :stunned: she was just TOO much!! :lol: "hot dawwwwwg!!!"


i certainly was interesting charlie.

the only complaint i have is with the length - i agree about the last 40 minutes! that's when i started to get really restless :lol:

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i did not like cate blanchett as katherine hepburn though she was just TOO much!! "hot dawwwwwg!!!"


i certainly was interesting charlie.

the only complaint i have is with the length - i agree about the last 40 minutes! that's when i started to get really restless


aw i liked cate blanchett, she was funny! :lol:

and yeah the last 40 mins were hard-going, mostly cos i REALLY needed to pee but i didnt want to get up or i'd miss something! :stunned: :lol:

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