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UK: Ring 2 on Channel 4 Tonight (31st March)


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12:10am (Yeah I know thats officially the 1st of April every nit picker SHADDYAUFACE'a)


The Ring 2 American version opens tomorow or Saturday I think. I'd suggest seeing the Japanese version first because its MUCH more scary, its more subtle.


Thats really the Japanese style, they try and make things realistic and subtle so that its eerier in the long run, and I could watch the original Ring (Japanese) over and over again. The Ring (American) doesnt have this effect, its shock horror the first time you see it,and it sucks. Japanese Ring however had more of a lasting effect on me, it wasnt as SHOCKING seeing it the first time but it left its impact more.


And then comes Ring 2 (Jap), which is twice as good. It delves into the background of the Ring and its done superbly. It focuses more on shock horror, but with depth to it.



See it tonight.

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