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Kingdom Of Heaven


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because i like having opinions that piss people off.

and i didnt say the 9/11 terrorists were even better.


Oh, and btw, the catholic church sent the men/boys.


which brings me to my point... Christianity and the church... not the same thing...


Very good point. christianity and the church are to different things.

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*Ali* wrote:

william wallace was scottish, you said maybe cos he was irish, he wasn't, and don't call me names.



I was talking about the IRISH GUY in Braveheart. NOT William Wallace. People can be so fucking dumb. Geez.



sorry i misunderstood your post, cos you wrote 'he' i inferred from that that you were talking about william wallace, i am not stupid or 'fucking dumb'. even so, the guy was supposed to be scottish, not irish, and you had no right to call me what you did.

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Can I just jump in here to clear up this little mess. Basically, I don't think Brian was talking about William Wallace (well maybe he was) but there were a bunch of irish people in that film. They used the FCA (the irish reserve army) to make up alot of the fighting cast and there were a load of irish people trying to pass as Scottish....just to save confusion, you are both very correct :)

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cheers fif :) i knew there were some, but there was one particular scene where the scots were talking to each other and this one guy suddenly started talking in an irish accent and me and my dad just looked at each other and were like 'what the hell?' :lol:

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ive talked to many muslims who say that the terrorist arent really followers but use it as a way to get other to use violence and they hide behind islam. islam is a peaceful religion, but there are a few people that claim to follow it but arent and are killing in there gods name, just like with the crusades. i dont know if that made any sense but im not too good at this


Oh my gosh Mrcool I think I love ya. I'm a muslim, and I stand here today to inform all coldplayers that the terrorists behind 9/11 are NOT muslims! They may call themselves muslims, but they're lost. Islam has NEVER encouraged war. Those terrorists don't deserve to be called muslims. It upsets me that people today believe that Islam is a violent religion when in fact it is far from it. Want proof? Take a look into the Koran.

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