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Best Dramatic Realistic Movie Ever


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"I Am Sam"


i just watched the movie today (yea maybe it is very late:P) but it is never too late to learn from it and realise true meaning full things from this movie


i know that most of u who watched this movie and felt with sam (the retarded father) and teared (i know there are alot of u who cried while watchin this great movie).

we all felt sad for him during the movie not because he was goin to loose

his daughter or not because he was tryin hard again and again to gain his daughter back, we all felt sad with Sam Because we are HUMANS and there is somethin that connects us all together which is our Emotions that come straight from our heart...we cry with sam (whether they are tears of sadness or happiness) because we felt deep inside wt true happiness is his daughter for him and how the love he has for her is unstopable and overwelmingly real.


personaly i also realised from this movie that sometimes greedyness and rules blinds us from seein wt truly matters, for example: the ppl who hiered sam to work for them, even though he screwed up sometimes, makin them loose some money and customers, they would always help him and support them, they would put their Ego and selfishness aside care for sam, now thats wt i call humanity...

i believe if everyone would stop carryin so much about wt they get and wt they earn, and start listenin to others and really and i mean really try to help them even though if it costs them alot...then we would truly live in a beautiful world (as chris martin says in dont panic :) ).

belive me,u may think that bieng rich or having sex is great,well givin ur love to who ever needs it greater then and truly helpin others is a feelin GREATER then any other.

i hope i didn't sound like...i donnu...full of crap, i just said wt this movie made me feel, it changed to me become more better and less selfish and more carrin to others, and most of all it made me aware to the greater things in life.


i really hope u understood all the things i've said, and pls feel free to share ur expirience (cause i know most of u kept thinkin of these things after the movie was over), tell me wt u felt...how it motivated u, wt it made u think or feel, even if the movie just made u feel a bit better that is very good...just share it with me and with others, even though u watched this movie years ago...


wow i just realised i typed too, well thx for readin...and just knowin that atleast one of u feel even a bit of how i felt, i'll be very glad :)

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Camille before you give us your PROPS on Marlon Brando, do your fricken job here!?! EH?!?!


m8 i would rather hear ur opinion on the movie, and dont worry i asked permision from laura, she is doina great job in my opinion

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(the ladies love this movie)

i think sleepless in seatle is more loveable by the ladies :lol:





laura u supported me all the way as u promised thx friend




no problem johnny!


I've seen this movie and apart from Sean Penn being freakin' awesome, it was really touching. But man, Sean Penn rocked that film.


tottaly agree :cool:

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(the ladies love this movie)

i think sleepless in seatle is more loveable by the ladies :lol:





laura u supported me all the way as u promised thx friend




no problem johnny!


I've seen this movie and apart from Sean Penn being freakin' awesome, it was really touching. But man, Sean Penn rocked that film.


tottaly agree :cool:

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Mods are getting slower by the minute... :dozey:




OI! I was busy doing some research!! and creating a beautifukl creation in honor of the birthday boy for tomorrow! :embarrased:


Psssht... :smug:


Sorry johnny! I do LOVE "I Am Sam" and later I will read what you wrote about it.

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i really connected w/Garden State

and i really enjoyed Almost Famous, as well as Before Sunrise


and i don't think that Ghost would be considered a realistic drama


Garden state was great.

I loved it.

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okpathos wrote:

i really connected w/Garden State

and i really enjoyed Almost Famous, as well as Before Sunrise


and i don't think that Ghost would be considered a realistic drama



Garden state was great.

I loved it.


i heard alot of good things of this movie, so i'm goin to watch it...but wt was ur favourite part jess and okpathos in the movie?

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Jack Nicholson plays this guy who gets admitted to a mental institution. The film shows how he helps the other patients stand up to the staff, particularly the head nurse (Nurse Ratched) who acts more like a fascist dictator than a carer for the mentally ill.

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