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Stop press: Wacko Jacko verdict due any minute!!


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Hey you :) I feel sorry for him too. I can't imagine what it must've been like to be pushed into popstardom by your (abusive?) dad, and have no friends at all, and to have all your siblings hating you for being so good at what you're doing.

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I can't believe he didn't do anything to any of those children. I know some of those children or their gardians sued only for attention and money, but there must've been some truth in the charges. Besides, mr. Jackson is kind of mentally disabled, remember that time when he hung his baby from the balcony? I thought for sure he was gonna drop it!

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Hey you I feel sorry for him too. I can't imagine what it must've been like to be pushed into popstardom by your (abusive?) dad, and have no friends at all, and to have all your siblings hating you for being so good at what you're doing.


*True - he's a "victim" himself. As a doctor said on TV this week, he needs treatment/help - although he's unlikely to get it with all those "hangers-on" around.

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I can't believe he didn't do anything to any of those children. I know some of those children or their gardians sued only for attention and money,


If that's true, what those parents were doing was nothing short of prostituting their children - disgusting.

True or not - what parent would have let their child stay over at Wacko's given everything that had gone before??

It's a pity THEY can't be charged with being ACCESSORIES to child abuse!! :angry:

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The only thing that comes out of the affair with any credit is the California judicial system. Given the (lack of) evidence, as the jurors said afterwards, no other verdict was possible other than to find Wacko "not guilty". But of course none of them said they were convinced he was innocent, either....................

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