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Miro, I love your poem, it's absolutely beautiful.


Elsje, I love it too, and I know who she's talking about.

You know I wish you the best about this, my twin:)


Here's a new one... Quite... I'd say not really poetic... but I needed to write this

It's about the accident I had yesterday...


It's called Rainy day


Spending time together,

Enjoying the rain,

Feeling we're still the same

I'm happy you're here.


But we're suddenly floating,

Out of control, you scream,

Curves, right, left, right.

Having no other option,

We finally strike

Hitting the iron protection,

We hear the twisted steel,

The screaming wheel.


Scared, I closed my eyes,

Watching the movie of my life,

Playing slowly, silently,

I felt like it was the end,

You both'd have been

The last persons I could see.

I could feel the death again.


All slowly and carefully stopped,

Our lost sights crossed,

And I saw your tears,

I couldn't even realize your fear.

I thought it was a dream,

I thought it wasn't real.


This rainy day,

I saw the death,

I looked at it, straight

Straight in the eyes,

It was ready to take my life.


sheesh, sorry about your accident. I could state the obvious and say it's scary. For the sake of this poem, though, you could add some more details about how the crash happened, more than "hitting the iron protection" :: says the person who sucks at details

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"smoking is not enough"


one bit



an echo of God cannot save me

I can't feel

that I am bleeding

on this small piece




it says this, boy:



but it has no words

there's blood, hell

all over my head

inside my head

but I swear

I ain't bloody dead


it feels like

I bit off my tongue

and I'm chewing the

wiggling dead undead

unsaid words

but I don't taste it


so new

to write about self


take it, boy

the way I take it is:

bye bye


don't stay

unless you hate



life is dead



wakes you up


onto your naked face

life is dead

take nothing

because it feels so warm

in the grave

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I'll Hear You


You're on the other side of the window

I can't hear the song you sing

Whatever you do, please don't leave me

Whatever you do, don't go

Bet the song's a perfect melody

Whatever music you bring


;) Elsje, very nice.

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You are the wall I cannot reach.


No matter how hard I try

Your soft bricks are too far


You are the wall I want to reach.

I believe.


I want you closer

By my heart

I will not lie.



You were the only one I wanted to touch

You were the only one I wanted to feel


I thought about many things

And I still don't know where are you


I believed, and that's the ultimate truth

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^Nice poem, Miro, but it's a sad one.


This is the last poem I wrote. A sad one too.

It may not make sense cos it was a bit random.


This is called Days are slowly flowing


Days are slowly flowing

In the dark I'm quietly waiting

Waiting for you, your words,

Waiting for being taken in a love storm.


You come as quickly as the thunder

Making me feel better than before,

Intense but short, I'm yearning for more,

I want to be with you forever.


Then you leave, and like porcelain

My heart breaks, dives into the sea of pains,

Floating like a lost and hurt boat

Which tries to get back to the coast.


Days are slowly flowing,

Like a river, like my own tears

I remain in silence but my heart screams

My love, my hope, my addiction, my fear.

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^thx. I know how much you feel this poem.


This is my last one, about an unreachable stronghold.


Btw, the name is Stronghold.


You, brave and lonely knight,

Walking through a dark forest

Nearly lost, you saw a far light,

You knew, there, you could rest.


Day by day, you came closer,

Closer to this welcome shelter.

Reaching the door of this stronghold,

You found it tightly closed against the cold.


Hearing whispers and sad cries,

You answered with your heart

Stayed there during days and nights,

Warmed by your feelings, frozen by the stars.


By trying and trying, you finally entered that castle,

Found an enemy to fight, the ghost of the doubt.

Bravery is your virtue and you were ready to struggle,

Thanks to your power, with its lethal shouts.


Stronger was the ghost and the more you could see

The walls and each brick bleeding,

Crying silently, all was filled with pain.

You said three words and the ghost reached its own end.


This stronghold you entered was my heart.

You are this lovely and brave knight.

The three words you said will stay forever in my mind.

I'm the Earth and you're the sun which shines.

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No Feelings In This Happy Land of No Feelings At All, Not Allowed To Have Any Feelings: Leave Me Alone So I Can Sleep Forever.


I passed into a world

where sleep

equals work

where roads

are made by

a few footsteps

the best songs

are full of lulls.


sometimes a new invention comes along

to remind us that there is someone doing all

of the work.


animals take care

of people

when they get

caught in a trap.

parties are full

of booze

and couples sleeping;

Night is when

we wake up

and play a game:

who will be

so far away, so brave

to walk off

in the woods

where it’s cleaner

than home

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Nope. And I know Mike hasn't either....



But I am planning to publish a book in the future :P



good luck with it friend ;) i heard about versalbooks, they publish your book, you have to pay for it but they send some copies to magazines. ;)

I want to try it but i don't have money (i don't have a job) that's why i want to try to publish some of them on a local review but i don't know if i'm good...

i recently wrote a new one, in spanish but now i want to concentrate on trying to wrote a novel.

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^ Thank you :nice:

I wish you the very best with that too.


And as for me, I'm now in a stadium in which I don't know a thing about publishing but once I write something big (as this novel I've been working on for a long long time) I guess I will easily get things straight. I hope :uhoh:



Btw, go for it :wink:

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^ Thank you :nice:

I wish you the very best with that too.


And as for me, I'm now in a stadium in which I don't know a thing about publishing but once I write something big (as this novel I've been working on for a long long time) I guess I will easily get things straight. I hope :uhoh:



Btw, go for it :wink:


thanks ;) I think the same, the hartest is to publish the first thing, then everything is easier. Good luck with your novel.

I thought about take part in a contest or awards. A teacher told me to write a short story about my city monuments to take part in a uni awards. :) I'm still thinking what to write about i think i'll revise some mysterious short stories i tried to write time ago... anywyas i have to find more info about this award-competition.

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what do you mean with emo? what does emo means?



Emo personality is also often connected with writing poetry, which addresses confusion, depression, loneliness, and angerall resulting from the world's inability to understand the author.Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone, stream of consciousness writing, references to the flesh, especially the heart, heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives, concern over the mutability of time and/or love




what I mean is, why do people always write about that? it's nice to read a love poem once in a while but all the time? there are more things in this world :wacko:

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a poet should write about everything, that's what a writer should do, after getting to know the perfect way to do it , then they can write about what the want to. and a poet should do that even more, just because poems are all about expressions, if you cant express everything no matter what you talk about, then what good it comes out from being a poet? if you will be happy with writing one kind of poems, not caring about ervything that is outside, then, from my point of view, you are a mediocre writer :wacko:


btw, my boyfriend is a poet and people want to publish his stuff :cheesy:

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a poet should write about everything, that's what a writer should do, after getting to know the perfect way to do it , then they can write about what the want to. and a poet should do that even more, just because poems are all about expressions, if you cant express everything no matter what you talk about, then what good it comes out from being a poet? if you will be happy with writing one kind of poems, not caring about ervything that is outside, then, from my point of view, you are a mediocre writer :wacko:


btw, my boyfriend is a poet and people want to publish his stuff :cheesy:


Oh, I see. :thinking:

And that makes you an art director?


Btw...where are your poems? :rolleyes:


It's stupid to give definitions of art when it's subjective.

You ought to read more poems posted here :wink:

And it's not about writing many different kinds of poems that makes you great. It's the words you use, the way you use them, the way you interpret your thoughts. Every artist has its own moods, periods, good & bad times.


One can write a large quantum of different poems..and still be a "bad" poet.


Try reading/watching/listening some great world artists.

Yesenjin, Poe, Homer, Monet, Inarritu...and then say your opinion.

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a poet should write about everything, that's what a writer should do, after getting to know the perfect way to do it , then they can write about what the want to. and a poet should do that even more, just because poems are all about expressions, if you cant express everything no matter what you talk about, then what good it comes out from being a poet? if you will be happy with writing one kind of poems, not caring about ervything that is outside, then, from my point of view, you are a mediocre writer :wacko:


btw, my boyfriend is a poet and people want to publish his stuff :cheesy:


All I read of you is : a poet should do this and that and blabla.


A poet should do whatever he thinks the need to when it comes to his own work, his art whether it's sad *emo wtf?* or happy things.

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Oh, I see. :thinking:

And that makes you an art director?


Btw...where are your poems? :rolleyes:




Try reading/watching/listening some great world artists.

Yesenjin, Poe, Homer, Monet, Inarritu...and then say your opinion.


I never said you are bad or good, I just gave my opinion.

my poems are where I want them to be, school, newspapers things like that. though I like writing stories better, I got some stuff published

and I read a lot, you just dont know me :nice:

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All I read of you is : a poet should do this and that and blabla.


A poet should do whatever he thinks the need to when it comes to his own work, his art whether it's sad *emo wtf?* or happy things.


did I say you should stop? :cheesy:


I just gave my opinion, this is an open forum, take it or leave it :wacko:

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