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Kill the cat


When we kill the cat

It will be the end of that

She's such a horrid thing

Screechs when trying to sing


When we kill the cat

We'll burry her out the back

Her funeral will be short and sweet

"She was the worse cat you'd ever neet"


When we kill that cat

I think we'll buy a bat

And name him Dom

Or maybe Tom


Dom will fly around

Dom will eat taco chips off the ground

I suppose I named him afterthe guy in Muse

It's such a name you cant refuse


When we kill the cat,

We'll get a bat

Name him Dom

Then finish writing this song

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Kill the cat


When we kill the cat

It will be the end of that

She's such a horrid thing

Screechs when trying to sing


When we kill the cat

We'll burry her out the back

Her funeral will be short and sweet

"She was the worse cat you'd ever neet"


When we kill that cat

I think we'll buy a bat

And name him Dom

Or maybe Tom


Dom will fly around

Dom will eat taco chips off the ground

I suppose I named him afterthe guy in Muse

It's such a name you cant refuse


When we kill the cat,

We'll get a bat

Name him Dom

Then finish writing this song


hey, good job! its like a lyric of the song :nice:

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Blue June, Black May


I open my eyes to a brand new day

The sunrise beautifully chasing dreams away

It will be a blue June, some will say

Hope will be the end of this black May


Starlight's twinkle has gone away

The threads of sanity has started to fray

Don't keep them waiting, don't keep them at bay

Patience runs thin, in the horrid black May


Skies are clouded in the same way

There's nothing left to do but pray

That this smog will eventually go away

Darkness prevails in the black May


Things will get better, that's what everyone can say

I hear it every night and day

The grass is not soft where I lay

It has been eaten up by the black May


Nothing matters, becuase today is a luck day

I'll close my eyes now, let my imagination play

I'll watch movies all day

Cus now it's a blue June, not a black May

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I was going to when the school had a poetry competition, but unfortuantely, I was experiencing the lovely diesease; writers block.


By the way, just looking at your poetry thread, it's all amazing and I would love to have the inspiration to write so many amazing poems...

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sorry for that rachael :( is bad when it happens :cry: but you could had send them a poem that you already had written... :thinking: that's what i would like to do if i ever try that. :)


:blush: thanks rachael, i still don't think i'm good enough to try to take part in an competition, but 4 of my poems (2 of them in spanish) have been published in two "local" mags :)

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Does it rhyme in Finnish...


But anyhoo, very lovely poem :)


Last seconds of a minute

I don't need a themometer

To tell me I'm cold

I don't need the li'l man on the TV

To tell me it's raining


I stare up at the stars

"Now, would be a nice time"

I whisper

"Take me away, please"


Chimes ring, again

The new dawn is staring me in the face

Beckoning me to go on

"The sun will still set, my child"


I turn for one second

The world flees from my sight

But I turn back

Everyone is gone


57, 58, 59

I suppose I could count time

But what difference would it make

I'm still worth nothing

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Blue June, Black May


I open my eyes to a brand new day

The sunrise beautifully chasing dreams away

It will be a blue June, some will say

Hope will be the end of this black May


Starlight's twinkle has gone away

The threads of sanity has started to fray

Don't keep them waiting, don't keep them at bay

Patience runs thin, in the horrid black May


Skies are clouded in the same way

There's nothing left to do but pray

That this smog will eventually go away

Darkness prevails in the black May


Things will get better, that's what everyone can say

I hear it every night and day

The grass is not soft where I lay

It has been eaten up by the black May


Nothing matters, becuase today is a luck day

I'll close my eyes now, let my imagination play

I'll watch movies all day

Cus now it's a blue June, not a black May


I like how you kept the rhyme entirely AAAAA--.

also your rhythm is fairly consistent. It makes it very easy to read and something you could easily work with. If you wanted to improve it, one easy thing you could do is to change some of the descriptions, adjectives, etc.


well english is not obviously my first language and this poem was originally in Finnish..

Living in a lie


It’s been a long time

since I was truly happy

as a child sometime

in all my innocence


But now I know

a lot more

and I also know

what happiness means


Happiness means

living in denial

and I don’t want to deny

I dont' want to close my eyes

well maybe at times

because everybody

deserves to be happy

at least once


My shoes of a child

I sometimes wish they would fit

but if we all close our eyes

if we all deny


we all will soon be gone


I think this is beautifully said. I wonder what it's like in Finnish as well


Does it rhyme in Finnish...


But anyhoo, very lovely poem :)


Last seconds of a minute

I don't need a themometer

To tell me I'm cold

I don't need the li'l man on the TV

To tell me it's raining


I retort to the stars,

"Now, would be a nice time"

I whisper,

"Take me away, please"


Chimes ring, again

The new dawn is staring me in the face

Beckoning me to go on

"The sun will still set, my child"


I turn for one second

The world flees from my sight

But I turn back

Everyone is gone


57, 58, 59

I suppose I could count time

But what difference would it make

I'm still worth nothing


I love the second stanza, but it does kind of awkwardly introduce dialogue.

I changed it a little here. Actually the weakness of the poem is its flow I think. But the imagery is its strength and the metaphors.

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Shirley, the fifth grader ghost


Shirley, the Fifth Grader Ghost


Hi, my name is Jimmy, and I am 23

but that's a shame for me

because I have a middle school love for the young



I have brown eyes, only for her

I have six feet to reach her

and 200 pounds to carry her.


Ghost-Ghoul-Gourd Pond has fellowship

which surrounds my liquid skin

Ghouls are tolerant of my excitement

And my twitching hands

and my constant gasps

here hair stands up more hauntedly-spooky

I am scared

but love conquers fear

and I love you my dear.


Skimming my hands across the surface

of Ghoul-Ghourd Pond

I'm neatly tucked between a rock and a prickly bush

Trying not to move

because then she will get mood-strong

and throw me into this lonely pond

who's facing my back.


I saw Shirley yesterday approach this bushy patch

so this time I'll get her

I'll cover her lips at first

but then she'll grab for my hair

she won't be screaming then,

Shirley? - She has the same fantasies as me.

We will pull each other in a race towards

the Ghoul-Gourds.

We will float on the top in the middle -


She's as twisted as me - Shirley.

When she gets out of fifth grade math

I will write her a poem better than Francesco Petrarch:

"Ding ding Dong dong

it won't go too long

Aiyhey - don't run away

I shall take thine heart and say

'come lay with me this day'

for hours we'll get wet

in our watery graves

we will go, and we will sit

ten feet below the waves."


There she is - Shirley -

she will come and follow me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silent - Dedicated to a good friend of mine


When I last saw you

I felt I had a sister

Yet now I sit in waiting

Hoping you'll come home


Christmas was a quiet time

I sat in silent daydreams

But I knew you were laughing

Just over the hills


I received a letter from you

Your tribulations noted with great compasion

Your daily duties sealed with ink

It was my only sign of your peaceful existence


but I hunger for more....

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Silent - Dedicated to a good friend of mine


When I last saw you

I felt I had a sister

Yet now I sit in waiting

Hoping you'll come home


Christmas was a quiet time

I sat in silent daydreams

But I knew you were laughing

Just over the hills


I received a letter from you

Your tribulations noted with great compasion

Your daily duties sealed with ink

It was my only sign of your peaceful existence


but I hunger for more....



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Thankyou Grids!!


You came home last night

I heard the door creek

I heard you soft footsteps

But I didn't hear you leave again


You slipped into my thoughts

Then left again, as my mind drifted off

My dreams were full of you

Your sweet laughter, your brilliant smile


But as the light peeped through my humble curtains

I was shaken from my alternate world

Vivid visions of you turned to vague memories

Tens day seem to go by slowly, when you count the seconds


I remember nothing of the previous day

My thoughts only resting on the times we have spent together

And the chilling reminder that I still am waiting

For that single letter...


That simple card, with your stories bound to it

A little message, of hope

But my doubts grow stronger

Because I know you are not affected


I care for you, but I know you do not care for me

I am just a friend, a small childhood friend

I mean no more to you than flowers or bumblebees

You can adore them, but never love them

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Thankyou Grids!!


You came home last night

I heard the door creek

I heard you soft footsteps

But I didn't hear you leave again


You slipped into my thoughts

Then left again, as my mind drifted off

My dreams were full of you

Your sweet laughter, your brilliant smile


But as the light peeped through my humble curtains

I was shaken from my alternate world

Vivid visions of you turned to vague memories

Tens day seem to go by slowly, when you count the seconds


I remember nothing of the previous day

My thoughts only resting on the times we have spent together

And the chilling reminder that I still am waiting

For that single letter...


That simple card, with your stories bound to it

A little message, of hope

But my doubts grow stronger

Because I know you are not affected


I care for you, but I know you do not care for me

I am just a friend, a small childhood friend

I mean no more to you than flowers or bumblebees

You can adore them, but never love them


you're welcome;)

keep going:D

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i've this one, i hope there are no mistakes


My pen in my hand and tears in my eyes

Thinking that I’ll never get over with my weakness

I write every words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears upon your face

If you don’t feel like you don‘t belong to this place

And if years don’t make you regret moments spend away from me

I’ll be the last one you’ll hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see

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i've this one, i hope there are no mistakes


My pen in my hand and tears in my eyes

Thinking that I’ll never get over with my weakness

I write every words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears upon your face

If you don’t feel like you don‘t belong to this place

And if years don’t make you regret moments spend away from me

I’ll be the last one you’ll hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see


hmm, im not quite sure in "if and blah blah..." there

like " If you don’t come with tears upon your face"

from my opinion, i usually use with "didn't"

so it'll be " If you didn't come with tears upon your face" because its only expect something that should be happened in the past, so yeah.. but dont influent from me, its only my opinion:) hehehe...


my english is really bad, be honest.

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ok thank you for the help:) Grids


i wrote this one in french

so i translated it in english

of course in french it rhymes but not in english:dozey:



À la lueur des étoiles je m’en allais d’un pas franc

Sans songer aux obstacles qui peuvent m’empêcher d’aller de l’avant

Je regardais de tous les cotés avec un sentiment pensant

Mais que peut-il y avoir malgré cette odeur de printemps


De gauche à droite, le calme chante

Avec ses vas et vient il me hante


N’ai-je toujours pas pensé à ce qu’il peut se délaisser

Derrière ce silence qui risque de me menacer

Égaré dans cette endroit, je me sentais négliger

Tout à coups une sensation de chaleur m’embrasais


Si douce et si chère qu’elle finit par atteindre mon cœur

Au toucher satin et au délice de pétales de fleur

Elle me cernait comme si elle voulais effacer mes douleurs

Je m’abandonnais à elle telle un enfant rêveur

Serait-ce vraiment le bonheur ou juste un sentiment farceur




In the light of stars I went away with a frank step

Without thinking of the obstacles which can prevent me from forging ahead

i looked at all the highly-rated with a thinking feeling

But what he can have in spite of this spring smell there


From left to right, the peace sings

With its go and comes it haunts me

I did not still think of the fact that he can abandon.

Behind this silence which risks to threaten me.

mislead in this place, I felt neglected


Everything in knocks a sensation of heat fired me.

So sweet and so dear as she eventually reaches my heart.

In the touch satin and in the enjoyment of petals of flowers.

She encircled me as if she wanted to erase my pains

I gave way to her such a dreamy child


Would it really be the happiness or just a mischievous feeling


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i've this one, i hope there are no mistakes


My pen in my hand and tears in my eyes

Thinking that I’ll never get over with my weakness

I write every words crossing my mind

Because you hurt me deep inside


If you don’t come with tears upon your face

If you don’t feel like you don‘t belong to this place

And if years don’t make you regret moments spend away from me

I’ll be the last one you’ll hear scream

I’ll be the last one you want to see


ok thank you for the help:) Grids


i wrote this one in french

so i translated it in english

of course in french it rhymes but not in english:dozey:



À la lueur des étoiles je m’en allais d’un pas franc

Sans songer aux obstacles qui peuvent m’empêcher d’aller de l’avant

Je regardais de tous les cotés avec un sentiment pensant

Mais que peut-il y avoir malgré cette odeur de printemps


De gauche à droite, le calme chante

Avec ses vas et vient il me hante


N’ai-je toujours pas pensé à ce qu’il peut se délaisser

Derrière ce silence qui risque de me menacer

Égaré dans cette endroit, je me sentais négliger

Tout à coups une sensation de chaleur m’embrasais


Si douce et si chère qu’elle finit par atteindre mon cœur

Au toucher satin et au délice de pétales de fleur

Elle me cernait comme si elle voulais effacer mes douleurs

Je m’abandonnais à elle telle un enfant rêveur

Serait-ce vraiment le bonheur ou juste un sentiment farceur




In the light of stars I went away with a frank step

Without thinking of the obstacles which can prevent me from forging ahead

i looked at all the highly-rated with a thinking feeling

But what he can have in spite of this spring smell there


From left to right, the peace sings

With its go and comes it haunts me

I did not still think of the fact that he can abandon.

Behind this silence which risks to threaten me.

mislead in this place, I felt neglected


Everything in knocks a sensation of heat fired me.

So sweet and so dear as she eventually reaches my heart.

In the touch satin and in the enjoyment of petals of flowers.

She encircled me as if she wanted to erase my pains

I gave way to her such a dreamy child


Would it really be the happiness or just a mischievous feeling



Wow, I love the first one...it means a lot to me becouse I have a friend who I haven't seen in about a month and I am missing her a great deal. Unfortunately translators often mix of the wording and the poem means less. When my french skills are better I'll read the french version.


I would turn my back on you

I would scorn your every word

I would regret ever speaking to you again

I would hate you, I promise

But why, do I still cling on to your every move

Your every whimper and cry


I would have snubbed your existance

I would have destroyed my last hope

I would have thrown rocks

I would have started a war

but, your bitter laughter is what I love

Your deceitfullness is my life


I could have done these things

I could have run away

I could have hated you

I could have ended it all

But, I am still here

Because she isn't

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A second posting (pardon me - I did not see this right away!!).:)







The Wind Whisle

Knits together the threads of human experience into one beautiful canvas;

a sail cloth catching the winds of change;

propelling one spirit, vessel, and soul

with expert guidance

-On a powerful sea; the journey;

*the future of what will be*

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