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Chris-Interview In 'Galore' [translated] -> Part 4!!


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Hey there,


I bought a German interview magazine called 'Galore' today, that features a huge interview with Chris. There are two reasons why I am starting to translate the whole thing now. The first one is that I’m bored and the second one is that there probably will be a translation asked in my final secondary-school examinations next year. So I thought a bit of practise would do no harm. xD


The interview has 5 pages. It’s kinda hard (harder than I thought *g*) and it may take some time. I apologize for all kinds of errors and so on… I’m trying my very best and I hope you are able to get the point (well, chris’ point) at last. xD


Anyway, there you go…


//edit: Part 1-5. --> completed!






Chris Martin


"Life does not have much appreciation for order" (14.6.2005)




Mr. Martin, when you were a Teenager, what was your definition of a Rock’n’Roll-Star?


C: "That’s easy because I just have to give two names: Axl Rose and Bono Vox. It was actually quite depressing at that time because as a teenager I knew I wasn’t like them at all. You can believe me: I did not have much hope to be a Rockstar one day."




How things can change: Today you’re the singer of a band that has sold 30 million records worldwide and you’re married to the Hollywood beauty Gwyneth Paltrow. If you aren’t a Rockstar, who else is?


C: "I can tell you: Everything I do and think these days does not have anything in common with being a Rockstar at all. For me, Rockstars are still people like Jon Bon Jovi. Guys with long hair and leather trousers. Guys who are dressed differently to get attention. You see, my view of a Rockstar hasn’t changed since I was young."




Very well, but what are you then?


C: "You know, everytime I travel to America by plane there is that questionnaire and I have to inscribe my job. I never know what I should write so I change it every time. Sometimes I write 'musician' and sometimes 'husband of a very famous Hollywood-actress'. It depends on what purpose I’m traveling." (laughs)




Do you share my theory that the so-called Rockstars of today do not fit into the typical picture? Some people, as Michael Stype, may be dressed in weird clothes but the idea of Sex, drugs and Rock’n’Roll has not lasted, has it?


C: "Rock’n’Roll has been existing for 50 years now. And all those things that should symbolize an uncontrolled life just aren’t cool anymore. I’m just talking for me, though, but the faked glamour we know from the Popstars of the 80s seems to be absurd today. By the time of the beginning of MTV the façade was still working, though. But today, 20 years later, the mass media plays such an important role that no one can find the energy and discipline anymore to play the role of a dazzling Rockstar without having someone who will find out the true personality of that person."




Don’t you think the media would boost that façade instead of getting into the way of it?


C: "Not in the length of time. Because I’m sure: if they don’t get something sincere going today, they just waste their time, because sooner or later the truth will be brought to light anyway. Just take the power of the internet: If Coldplay would make an exciting childhood up, someone would just need a few minutes to let the bubble burst with all the information given trough the internet. You would find out that we were all well-sheltered kids of the middle-class, who visited good schools."




One does not hear a positive review of the media like this one very often…


C: "I don’t laud the media. I’m just talking about its effect and its power to confine people in their minds. But of course there are things that were possible then but aren’t realisable anymore today. For example, I don’t know if an artist like David Bowie would still be able to reinvent himself that often today, as he did in the 70s and 80s."




My view of a Rockstar in the 70s was mainly stamped by a certain unconcern of everything. Whether drugs or sex: Rock’n’Roll did not only meant thinking about it, but rather picking up everything. When it comes to you, one might think you’re rather concerned about everything…


C: (thinks) "That is certainly an aspect of my personality. It is a very simple truth but it’s true: Everything has two sides. This is why there is so much experience of life in “X&Y”. It is true that I’m concerned about many things. But the public is in fact focusing on the negative aspects too much. I just as well feel comfortable or sense things as thrilling – in an absolute positive way. I’m caught in a never-ending-loop: Sometimes I’m down, quarrelling with a lot of things. Sometimes I get going again. A never-ending cycle – and the worried Chris Martin is part of that."




Aren’t there any situations when you forget the loop and enjoy a longer stop on cloud nine instead?


C: (thinks) "It is always a mixture of being up and down. To many questions I do not know the exact answers, so it variegates all the time: Everything’s fine, everything’s bad, everything’s fine… That is actually how I feel when it comes to love as well – as soon as I have the feeling that everything is wonderful, soon scepticism and anxiety creep in. But I think many people have the same feelings as well nowadays."




Does that loop of feelings damage the fun of life?


C: "Not necessarily. Despite the knowledge that there are always two sides, you just mustn’t forget to enjoy the good side [not directly translated… he talks about enjoying “a medal of life” or something?]. I can manage that, I’ve learned it."




In which situations can you manage it best?


C: "I can let go while I’m surfing – and while I’m watching a Woody Allen movie."




Interesting that you mention Woody Allen. For many people he’s the embodiment of the ever-worried person, who has killed the idea of romance because of his critical thoughts about the relationship between men and women.


C: "I have to disagree! There are Woody Allen movies that have made me believe in romance after watching them at last. His view of the complicated cooperation of gender is refreshingly human. His movies give me an important message: Every person is so fucked-up that I needn’t worry when I’m fucked-up as well from time to time. (laughs) By the way, what I wish to get from Woody Allen are sequels of his best movies. I would love to know what the guy in “Der Stadtneurotiker” [don’t know the English title] or “Manhattan” has become after the movie ends. But I don’t think he appreciates my idea."




We’ve already talked about worries. Are you an anxious person?


C: "I don’t think so, no. I can trust other people in general. For example I don’t have a problem with getting on a plane and being dependent on all those unexplainable technical equipments or not-known experts. When I recently flew to Ghana to catch up on Fair Trade, the situation was very dangerous and there were huge difficulties because of a sandstorm. I only got to know afterwards that the man in the cockpit was a former Bosnian military pilot. Probably he thought he was at war again. (laughs) But he brilliantly got us through it. I perfectly know that there are so many disgusting people out there who spread negative energy. But there is at least the same amount of good energy and good people who deserve my trust."




When the plane was shaking, did you think about death then?


C: "Yes. I thought about my family, about the band and about Fair Trade. That is my life. I perfectly know that many people are talking cynically about musicians who are involved with social things and also talk about that fact very much. Sure, I could stop it. But that is out of question because it is my opinion that social injustice and inequality is indeed a big problem, but it could be solved easily."




How do you protect yourself from people who see you as a discontented do-gooder with a high talkativeness?


C: "With knowledge. I confront cynics and I bring forward arguments. That is why I flew to Haiti, Brazil or Ghana. I knew that there would be many interviews because of our new record. I could face them unmotivated, but why not using the time to talk about the effects of fair and unfair trade?"




What did you learn on your journeys?


C: "How terribly important it is for life in which corner of the world you were born. It isn’t a fair condition. And what I’ve also learned: How important and how bearing the abstract word “trade” really is for the good or evil of the world. It influences everything: Of course the economy, but the environment and the happiness of the people as well."




You called the shareholders the “biggest evil of the modern world” when the market price of your record label EMI was pressurised because the release of the Coldplay record was postponed. What is it that displeases you?


C: "The capitalism is a big misunderstanding. What counts is the current profit. Everything in the long run does not count at all. If pure growth is the most important thing, it’ll work. But clearly these thoughts can not be arranged with the well-being of the world. Take oil as an example: the welfare of millions of people is based on fossil fuels. But the battle for oil, the transport of oil etc. has catastrophic effects. It is a classic example how the chance of rapid money-making transfigures the sense of reality. Money is brilliant if it helps you to live your life how you imagine it. But money completely loses its sense when it becomes the most important thing." [Last sentence not directly translated]




In times of economic problems in Germany, Great-Britain or other rich countries: What do you think about the opinion that unemployment or the new poverty in your own country displaces the idea of Fair Trade?


C: “I completely understand that. Of course you have to focus on yourself first. Certainly jobs are on first position on the agenda in Germany. But I may ask politicians as well not to forget the injustice of world trade, just because there are problems to solve in their own countries, too.”






You, in contrast, work for an extremely successful business called Coldplay together with your school day friends and you live with your family in London. Am I right that your life is well-ordered?


C: “I live so well-ordered how it is possible for a human being to. Life does not have much appreciation for order. Every time you think you can relax, things happen and everything is out of order again.”





For example?


C: “Diseases, a lost love, a bad record review…”





A bad review?


C: “Yes, sure. It touches me displeasingly, I can’t simply get over it. It isn’t easy to interact with people, who criticise you as a person or as a musician, in a healthy way. You have to learn it and I’m still learning it.”





Be honest: Someone who sells millions of records does not need to worry about a bad review?


C: “Bad and particularly unfair reviews are quite new to me since we haven’t been a big band for too long, yet. The special thing in this situation is that there are suddenly people who really hate you. Maybe you get used to it over the years, I think we simply have to go through it. Even a band as U2 had a time when especially Bono was hated by many people for his appearance and his commitment.”





The problem is: The people do not just dislike your music. They see Chris Martin in a magazine an say “I can’t stand that sentimental guy with that pretty Hollywood-wife.”


C: “And yet nobody has ever asked me if I wanted to be photographed for those sheets. It’s annoying; of course I don’t want to be in the damn yellow press. But these are old stories…”





Have you found a way to be undisturbed yet?


C: “Cap and sunglasses – and I’m able do what I liked to do during the last months: explore different areas of London. London has a cool energy, especially in the evening or at night.”





What kind of energy is it?


C: “The city is exciting. You know, I’ve barely been to London during the first 20 years of my life. I grew up in Devonshire, in the southwest of England. I only came to London when I was a student and the city still offers lots of glamour in my opinion. The same counts for Hamburg: The architecture is great.”





You’ve studied Ancient History. What inspired you?


C: “The knowledge about great civilisations and the way they went down. I really like Ancient Greece: the language, the culture. After all the folk invented democracy – a lasting achievement.”





You once said, music has the power to influence history in a positive way. What do you mean by that?


C: (Thinks) “As probably everyone, I’m always searching for answers. One answer I’ve found for myself and that I really like is the belief that music could have changed some of the most barbarous people. But I’m actually not completely sure about that (laughs). I realize it every time I listen to ‘Ok Computer’ by Radiohead: The record inspires me, it makes me come alive. But many people do not find in it what is so obvious to me.”





Do you believe that every human being has the basic principle to let music into their heart, then?


C: “Yes, I’m sure that everyone has a sense for art and beauty. The question is, how much you let this sense evolve [itself?]”





At the moment you are spending your days between promotion and concerts. You’re staying at hotels and you only have limited time with your family. What annoys or bores you the most with this routine?


C: “To be honest: Nothing. We could meet again at this place tomorrow and I would find a way just to do something else. The only thing that annoys me is death.”




What do you think death is?


C: “Something interesting – because we might get answers then. There’s one answer I already know and that is what will happen after my death: There will be a “Best Of” album and a tribute concert in Hyde Park. I think, Sting will sing our biggest hits instead of me then (laughs).”




Now that you mention Sting: You’ve once railed about Yoga, saying these practices are only for Sting and Hippies…


C: …and now I’m doing them myself! I know, no one thinks Yoga is cool in any way, but it’s really good for me. I’m on a level where I could eat as much chocolate as I can. And you have to be careful, because suddenly you are a fat singer and I’d like to prevent that for the next records…




Isn’t it weird that many things, such as biological food or saving the environment cause people to rail about it?


C: Freaky, isn’t it? Yet we’re a terrible and jealous species. Counting me in as well: Great, but terrible. That is how human beings are. You know, this morning I saw the Queen at the airport in London. When I looked at her with a very curious view, I was like, man, the Queen is just a human being as well. She, too, has her mistakes, battles and her little delights. And she has to go to the toilet in the morning as well (laughs).




Do you like the Windsors?


C: Yes, I like them. I don’t fell the need to talk to the Queen though, but I like that whole Soap Opera about the Royal Family.




So you do read the yellow pages?


C: No, it would drive me mad. But the reason why I and so many others are into gossip is, that the other news are too sad. It is easier to talk about Victoria and David Beckham than about fiscal policy. But my sympathy for the Royal Family has another reason as well: I believe that it is good for a country when there are two types of power. One that is elected and another one that passes its power through the law of inheritance. Prince Charles for an example: He is a great person but yet he has mainly a negative press in England. But for the fact he will inherit the Thrown someday anyway, he does not have to worry about it. He supports many welfare organizations – and without showing that engagement too much. He does not bother about campaigns because he does not have to worry about the election.




That’s what happened to your Prime Minister Tony Blair during the last elections: Although he was strongly criticized because of the Iraq War, his reelection was never in question due to few alternatives…


C: A delightful situation because Blair and the whole party didn’t have to concentrate on the opponents, but instead were able to focus on solving problems. Blair fought with much enthusiasm for campaigns like Make Poverty History or the cancellation of a debts for Third World countries. Otherwise, politicians tend to deal with lower topics in order to win the election. Look at America: gay-marriage, abortion – isn’t that already old news? These are all topics, where politics try to interfere in peoples’ lives, instead of dealing with important topics: finding jobs for everyone, establishing a good health-system, caring for the environment.




Does that kind of politics make you aggressive?


C: Not necessarily, because I perfectly know that these politics are very clever. The ladies and gentlemen who want to be elected know how get peoples’ consent (agreement?). It is just sad that the trick is still working well. The old classification in good and bad…




Finally, one last question that really interests manhood: how does it feel, knowing out there are millions of women who adore you? (:D)


C: Do you believe that they exist? :lol:




Straight after this interview, four women of different ages are going to call me, because they are dying to know what it was like talking to you…


C: Well – and now that’s no bullshit: I think life is exciting and I’m a positive person. But there is something in my head, that I can describe best by using a quote from a Woody Allen movie: “If there is just one person out there who is unhappy, I am unhappy myself.” It’s quite the same with me: When I think about this interview later, I won’t think about the four women who adore me, but about the guys you mentioned who are pissed when they see me in the newspapers. There’s something inside of me that won’t let me accept that I’m a famous singer…



THE END. ~~~





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oh, sorry... there are many great and huge pictures but I'm afraid I won't be able to post them because I haven't got a... how do you call it... scanner?




edit// you find the cover in my first post now. ;)



and here's a VERY small version of another pic.





sorry, I can't help you with that. :(

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But Sarah, I have a question :D

Could you scan this interview in your free time, and send me as a jpeg image? My english is very baaaad, and I don't understand some words. It would be much easier for me to read this in German :) I'd be veeeery grateful :)


danke :D

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Ah right, you wrote you have no scanner, I didn't see that message before (I wrote my previous msg 10 minutes with a dictionary :D ).


Ok, no problem, I'll try to translate it to polish somehow :D Thanks anyway !

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Somebody in a german Coldplay-Fan-Forum scanned the whole Interview - but to get it, you've to eMail or PN the person and to do this, you've to be registered. I'm not, but maybe somebody else is interested ;-)


This is the Link:



ah great, thanks!

okay, so I'm trying to get those pics up here some time tomorrow, fingers crossed. ;)

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Guest LiquidSky
Somebody in a german Coldplay-Fan-Forum scanned the whole Interview - but to get it, you've to eMail or PN the person and to do this, you've to be registered. I'm not, but maybe somebody else is interested ;-)


This is the Link:



ah great, thanks!

okay, so I'm trying to get those pics up here some time tomorrow, fingers crossed. ;)


Thanks Sarah! You are too nice :D

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