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Pros and Cons of Sitting / Standing


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Hey guys :)


I'd really appreciate your opinion on concert tickets seating etc.

This will be the greatest concert i'll ever see in my life im sure of it hehe.

So i was just curious of your opinions. Is it more enjoyable to sit, or stand at a coldplay concert?


Sorry if that sounds silly, i just want to enjoy it as much as i can :P plus im having a difficult time deciding!


So what do you recommend? What are the best bits and the worst bits?



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^Yes - so it's best not to take the risk unless you have no choice. Go for standing first and take your chances. I'm sure that if you're very short and you've got someone tall standing in front of you, they'll let you stand in front of them. Use your charm and try it! :P

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I've been to concerts before (sitting) but at my first official coldplay-concert I wanted to see them upclose. And that can only happen in the standing area. I already saw them at a secret gig very close too, about 5 meters away :o :rolleyes: !! I couldn't settle for anything less..... I also am short and was worried that I couldn't see it properly so I had to try to stand in the pit (?). Its the place before the fences (don't know how to call it). There you have plenty of room because once you get in and the fences are closed nobody can get in anymore. (you can get out with a 'bracelet' and come in again).


At the concert we were reasonably early and was able to stand in the pit (yeah). Now that I've experienced a concert this way (WOWWWW) I don't want it any other way than standing in the pit. In there the experience is SO GREAT. It's like there singing just for you and you sing, swing, shout, yell....... It doesn't matter how crazy you get cause everyone does it :D . It was THE BEST CONCERT EVER!!!! :rolleyes2: :D :D :D

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I think standing is the best too...............on my first CP concert I was very lucky...I went there not too early and I stood in the third row and saw EVERYTHING like in the first row.and like Mark said:in many venues it's forbidden to stand on the seats and maybe other boring people would complain.......

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I think standing is the best too...............on my first CP concert I was very lucky...I went there not too early and I stood in the third row and saw EVERYTHING like in the first row.and like Mark said:in many venues it's forbidden to stand on the seats and maybe other boring people would complain.......


Yes - and there are an awful lot of boring killjoys about, unfortunately!! :P

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very true :angry: at a santana concert people were booing cause my sister and i and some other people were up and dancing.


Ha ha Santana told them to shut it cause the music was for dancing - they booed no more :cool:

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I've seen two coldplay concerts this summer... both times from the pit and i know a couple of things:

#1 - I could never watch them from seats.. it'd be too far from the boys.. I loved being only five feet from Chris many many times.

#2 - The first time I was in the pit, we were one row back... my feet hurt soo much the whole time and I had a bag with me I was really aware of and concerned about someone trying to get into. So the second time, I made sure I was at the very front up against the barrier. This was good for so many reasons. I made friends with the security guard (which could have serious benefits), had a place to put my bag in front of me where no one could get at it, had something to lean on, and was close enough that Chris looked me right in the eye before he tossed me a camera...


So yea, get there super early, boot it to the front of the pit, and have a helluva good time ;)

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there's pros and cons to both:



pros: you get an amazing view, the atmosphere is wicked & you can dance to your hearts content.

cons: you get soaked coz people dump their finished glasses on the floor; you get squashed by nutters who don't understand the reason you're not moving out of their way is because you want to see the concert and there's nowhere for you to shift to anyway (last time we stood at Coldplay, some horrible guy was trying to lean his whole weight on me to move me out the way and nearly knocked me over); you have to get there stupidly early to get near the front; once you're in its near impossible getting to the bar.



pros: you can turn up when you like coz your seat's already reserved; you're not gonna get trampled because you have your own pre-defined space; you can tuck your bag under your seat and forget about it.

cons: you don't always get to stand up; its dead difficult dancing sat down.

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Ellie, why don't you put a poll?


I think that standing is better than sitting; you can be so close to them and moreover you can dance :)

The next concert of CP that I will go I will be standing but I should have to go very early. The concert starts at 9:30pm and I think that being at 3pm is ok. What do you think about it? Thanks for your advices. :P

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mmmmmm!! I was one of those at Snowpatrol. Had a stinking cold and had just finished work. I had a thoroughly enjoyable time st down whilst everyone around me was stood. Was much easier blowing my nose every 30 seconds too! :D

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Well some weeks ago I went to see UB40 at an "all-standing" open-air gig (in Germany), and I was surrounded by a load of statues. There must be something seriously wrong with people who aren't inspired to move to THEIR songs. Didn't stop ME having fun, though! :P

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