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Chances of getting tickets online?


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Hi! :)


I have just one quick question here. I'm planning on trying to buy some tickets for the Toronto show tomorrow at 10AM on ticketmaster.com.


How high are my chances of getting tickets? -Any- tickets, I don't mind if they're not that good, I just want to know if I have good chances of getting tickets at all, and if you have some tricks. My girlfriend and I would reaaally like to go and the show is on her birthday :O, I just really don't want to miss that opportunity!


Thanks! :)

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I was one of the lucky ones I guess.

Got through on Tm at about 10:08 for the Manchester NH venue. Not great seats ( floor,way in the back) but I'll be there (and I'm tall, lol, so should still see the boys)


Just out of curioisty I tried the TM site just now and that venue was already saying "tickets not available at this time"

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Ticketmaster jammed today. Big time.


I had 3 computers going, my dad was working on 2 of them, and it would not let any of the computers onto the Coldplay area for 5 whole minutes.


Ticketmaster is probably the worst invention in the world.


I still got about the 35th row, though! So in the end it didn't REALLY matter. Even though while it was crashing it probably fucked me out of closer ones. Oh well. :snore:

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Wow, I'm really surprised to see everyone had so much trouble today! I went on to get tickets for Philly and had absolutely no problems whatsoever. (They went on sale at 12 PM, so maybe that's why?) Got right in at 12, and got great seats...Section 105, Row 6.


Considering the trouble I had getting U2 tickets last year using Ticketmaster (but I DID get them!), I was expecting it to be terrible today. It wasn't the case at all, so I'm very happy!


Hopefully all those that had trouble can get to see Coldplay somehow!

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Hey Polkahard... I got Philly tickets today at noon (exactly) as well. My seats are somewhat decent... Section 108, Row J! Hope to see you there!


By the way, do you know if they are good seats... according to the chart they didn't look too bad. I was just wondering if they are elevated or not...

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