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My spnaish lessons...(bart)


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yes I learnt barato 1st

Then when I used to refair to something expenise I used to say " No es Barato"


Then recenty I learnt to say "Caro " when saying something is expensive


But today I said "no es caro" to mean expensive

I did not mean to say cheap...


This week, I have been doing my new lessons !

I am enjoying it... still though I struggle. !

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una los chicos de Lisboa es Regresa "Lisboa" manana.


Els joven hermano es ahora solo en Barcelona, pero el teine yo.


One of the boys is returning back to Lisbon tomorrow. His younger brother is now alone in Barcelona, but he has me

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me no gustan las tiendas turasitas del centro de cuidad. Por que es más caro..


Las tiendas de mi barrio es mejor por que es mas barato


These sentences make sense and are understandable but I'd like you to write them well, without grammar mistakes, etc. I'm going to give you some clues.


1) Is tiendas plural or singular? Once you've replied this, you should put the correct form of the verb (ser) and the adjectives (caro, barato, mejor). If tiendas is singular, you've got to write the verb and the adjectives in singular, if not, you should write them in plural.


una los chicos de Lisboa es Regresa "Lisboa" manana.


Is chicos feminine or masculine? when you know this, you've to check the way you've written the article "una". The words have to agree in gender and number.


Els joven hermano es ahora solo en Barcelona, pero el teine yo


1.) Is joven hermano plural or singular? Re-check the article you've written for joven hermano.


his younger brother


Anyway, this is incorrect in this sentence because you need a a possessive pronoun. Try to think of some in spanish...


2) Which verb do you need to use in the context of this sentence: SER or ESTAR?!




I can't help you any more with this. You should focus on what you're writing and think that the fact that the sentence makes sense to us (Spanish people) isn't enough for having a "good" spanish. Also, it's much better writing only a line and revising it over and over again than wanting to write more and not paying all your attention to what you're saying.


Another important advice: don't translate english into spanish word by word because it NEVER works since the structures, word order, verbs, etc etc of both languages are way too different (and I've just realised that you translate word by word!! :surprised: ). I've got to say that loads of Spaniards do this and then, what they say or write in English don't make sense and has a lot of mistakes.


I hope you don't get me (or this) wrong. It's just that if you really want to improve your Spanish, you have to try to think in this language, forget translations and pay all of your attention to every single thing that you're writing/ typing otherwise you won't make progress. And I'm saying this because I bet that you feel like having a good spanish. What's more, for example, when I joined in this forum my English was HOORRIBLEEEEE but I did my best so as to improve it (just what I told you above) and I've got the proof that all the efforts that I made have worked.

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Thank you do much my friend :kiss: :) :kiss:


I feel bad as you made relaise I should know better by now… dont worry about it, it is the wake up call.



Las tiendas del mis barrios es mejors por que estas mas baratas.


A silly mistake and I should know better…




Uno los chico Regreso manana


Ahora el joven hermano es solo aquí en Barcelona = (Ser)


I hope I got this right now…. Yes I do and I wish I did not transalate, some of my better phrases, I have just heard people say, and I don´t know some of these in English.

Its difficult for me still though, not to fall back like that.


My teacher is trying to get me to grasp SER y ESTAR… I guess this will take me a few months… good luck to her in the meantime… lots of cafés con leches

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Las tiendas del mis barrios es mejors por que estas mas baratas.


Tiendas is plural so this means that you've got to use the plural form of the verb ser. mm, why did you change the second verb ser to estar? :surprised:


Las tiendas de mi barrio son mejores porque son más baratas.




Uno los chico Regreso manana


"Uno de los chicos" is the 3rd person of the singular.

1a persona singular Yo regreso

2a persona singular Tú regresas

3a persona singular Él regresa <------ and this is the one that you need to use in this case.


Uno de los chicos regresa mañana.


Ahora el joven hermano es solo aquí en Barcelona = (Ser)


you need to use a possessive pronoun (like his, hers, theirs, yours, etc in English). El isn't a possessive pronoum. Just to mention a few in Spanish: su, sus, el suyo, la suya.


In this case: Su hermano joven está solo en Barcelona.


su joven hermano has nothing to do with the original meaning. This means that his brother is young not that he is his younger brother!!!


You shouldn't use SER in this context, because being in Barcelona is something temporal and usually, in spanish when we talk about temporal facts we use the verb ESTAR.

When you've got to use the verb "to be" and translate it into Spanish, you should think about the meaning and context of the sentence you're going to write. If you're talking about something TEMPORAL; you've got to use the verb ESTAR if not, you should use the verb SER.



I hope I got this right now…. Yes I do and I wish I did not transalate, some of my better phrases, I have just heard people say, and I don´t know


Never never tranlaste word by word. I'd rather say, read the whole sentence and then translate it. mmm, well, people don't really say these sentences this way... :thinking:


Something that may help you quite a lot:


~~~This dictionary~~~


when you don't know a word or expression check it out there.

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Thanks again iris, I:) hope I am not getting you angry :whip: with me, my mistakes are silly as I already should know and use my words correctly, it is very careless of me thanks for bringing it to my attention.


I need to make myself clear, I do really try and not use straight translation, or I might as well go on Google, and I know I will get knowwhere doing that.

I only tend to do this when I don´t know the expression and I need to get some sort of meaning accross, the odd good person will correct me.

Other phrases I have learnt good ones, I have a idea what is in English but I dont know 100 %. One of the things I do struggle with also, my English for someone whom comes from England is very poor well the grammar, please dont follow my written English as a example as it is very poor


I have to do a excerise for my home work, so I thought I would be better of copying it out from the paper my teacher gave me, also I have put it in English to help me understand who is who..


The only part I could do with your help with is the last part with the bold words


Also I coud not find out the meaning off un "guapo abogado" I think a good lawer or good look lawer I don't know. And "embrarazada" but I think this has something to do with Journalism I dont know.



The person who is talking is Javier he is talking about his en the end. I have put in Bold the comprension I had to do with the missing words.


Quién es quién


Javier y Laura son marido y mujer desde treinta años. Tienen tres hijas:

Carmencita, Maria y Raquel. Camencita está casada con Juan, (un guapo abogado) de Madrid. Tienen una hija, Beatriz, de dieciés años. Maria está soltera. Pero vive con Carlos desde hace un año. No tienen hijos. Raquel está casada tambien. Su marido, Felipe, es hermano de Juan, el marido de Carmencita. Felipe es de "Extremadura??" pero vive en Barcelona desde hace muchos años. Trabaja en una editorial muy importante. Raquel está "embrarazada" y va tener



al niño o la niña, dentro de dos meses.



Hoy es el cumpleaños de javier y toda la familia esta reunida para comer. En la comida está también Rual, un compañero de trabajo de Javier. Javier presenta la familia a Raúl.




Who is who…

Javier and Laura have been married for 30 years. They have three daughters. Carmencita, Maria and Raquel. Camencita is married with her husband Juan. He is a good lawer of Madrid. They have one daughter Beatriz, she is 16 years old. Maria is single, but lives with Carlos for a year now. They have no children. Raquel is married also, with Fillipe. He is the brother of Juan. Fillipe is a journalist ?? But he lives in Barcelona for many years. Works in a very imporant editors.

Raquel is pregant and is expecting a boy or girl in two months.


Today is the Birthday of javier and all the family are meeting for a meal. Also at the meal will be Raul a work mate of Javier.




Raul, mira te preento a Laura, Raul..



Raúl, mria, te presento a Laura, Laura es mi mujer. Carmencita, Maria y Raquel son mis hijas. Juan es el marido de Carmencita, es mi yerno. Carlos es el novio de Maria. Felipe es mi yerno también, es el mariodo de Raquel. Y último, Beatriz mi nieta . En dos mese Raquel va a tener un niño o una níña . Tambien en dos meses Carmencita y Maria van a tener un sobrino o una sobrina y Laura y otro nieto u otra nieta . Esta es mi Familia.

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I might as well go on Google, and I know I will get knowwhere doing that.


Oh wait. Google can help you quite a lot me thinks. Of course not using the google translator but... I'll give you an example.

Imagine you want to use a spanish word / expression and you're not sure if you've spelled it properly, or if it actually is a spanish expression, whatev. Well, you can type it on google and make a search of it and if it finds coherent results, then this phrase/word that you've thought about is probably correct


Also I coud not find out the meaning off un "guapo abogado" I think a good lawer or good look lawer I don't know. And "embrarazada" but I think this has something to do with Journalism I dont know.


Please, use the dictionary! DO IT.



How can you say that "embarazada" has something to do with Journalism? :stunned: :uhoh: EMBARAZADA is such a common adjective, you should know its meaning!



She is pregnant! That's what embarazada means. It has nothing to do with being embarrassed in English, by the way, just in case this idea came across your mind.


And about Extremadura, it is an autonomous community of western Spain.


Felipe es de "Extremadura? <-- this means he's from Extremadura.



I'm not angry with (why should I?) :wings: but to be honest it surprises me a lot that there are so many usual words/ sentences that you still don't know in spite of having taken Spanish lessons and living here. :(


Seriously, you should do your best to improve Spanish (forget about Catalan) :smiley:

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Thank you again..

I worked it out anyway when I was writing it out in english.


I am still very proud for what I have learnt so far since I have been living here. . Its been a fantastic feeling :)


It will take me time ...

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aah, that's good!! :nice:


I just wanted to help you. I wanted you to focus on what you write and say... because it's the only way to improve a language (unless you're someone gifted for that, but I don't think it's your case - and neither is mine -).

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My classes this week, have been not so good.

My teacher has not been helping me when I have been saying things wrong. I think this should be one of the primary duties of the teacher.


So I am looking for a new one. I will offer up to 15 euros a hour.


I wish for around 20 hours a month

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Yes I do use them for spelling of words.. when I can..

I even use them for english words, as my english spelling also sucks..


I am seeing what happens next week in the short term with the teacher.


As regards of the long term I have set my self a year to improve 7 years from when I have moved here to grasp it. I think this should be enough time.

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Mi piso estar en el centro de la cuidad…

Mi piso ser muy grande y luminosa

El piso tener 5 habatacions.. Dos cuatro de baños, una cuina y un salon


Dentro mi habitación que mas pequeña las otras habitacións…

La habitación tener… una cama, una silla, una mesa de trabajdor, una ventana, encima el suelo es mis las ropas

Mas cosas de la habitación… tener los libros, el ordenador personal, CD´s y una flaga de Inglaterra...


me tengo Una pregunata chicos...


es mejor por las cosas de la habitación...


hay o tener ?

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Mi piso estar en el poco cerca de la cuidad…

Mi piso ser muy grande y luminosa

El piso tener 5 habatacions.. Dos cuatro de baños, una cuina y un salon


Dentro mi habitación que mas pequeña las otras habitacións…

La habitación tener… una cama, una silla, una mesa de trabajdor, una ventana, las ropa encima el suelo

Mas cosa de la habitación… tener los libros, el ordenador personal, CD´s y una flaga de Inglaterra

mi piso está un poco cerca de la ciudad.

mi piso es muy grande y luminoso

el piso tiene 5 habitaciones, dos cuartos de baño, una cocina y un salón.


:uhoh: mi habitación es la más pequeña de todas.

la habitación tiene una cama, una silla, una mesa de trabajo (or de oficina), una ventana, la ropa encima del suelo.--> :thinking:

más cosas de la habitación, tengo libros, el ordenador, cds y una bandera de Inglaterra.

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