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Top Gear Polar Challenge


Wednesday 25 July

8:00pm - 9:00pm

BBC2 South


In Top Gear's most ambitious and arduous challenge to date Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond attempt to race from Northern Canada to the North Pole, 450 miles away. The terrain in between is some of the toughest on earth - a mix of mountainous land masses and jagged sea ice where temperatures can drop to a mind-numbing minus 65 degrees Celcius. Jeremy and James will be driving a specially adapted pick up truck whilst Richard will be travelling on something a little less high tech - a sled pulled by a team of ten Canadian Inuit Dogs.


VIDEO Plus+: 9309

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Top (Running) Gear!!


Top Gear presenter abandons Porsche to run home 16 miles for daughter's birthday


Last updated at 09:07am on 23rd July 2007 commentIconSm.gif Comments (10)

hammondPA2212_228x327.jpgTop Gear presenter Richard Hammond abandoned his wheels to race home on foot for his daughter's birthday


Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond abandoned his Porche after being caught up in traffic chaos caused by the floods and pulled on his running gear to race home 16 miles on foot in time for his daughter's fourth birthday.

Hammond, 37, had been driving from London to Herefordshire when he got stuck in traffic caused by the flooding 16 miles from home.

After a 12-hour journey, the presenter abandoned his 911 Carrera in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, at around 3am on Saturday morning and ran home.



"There was no way I was going to miss it - I'm away from home enough as it is," he said.

"Luckily I had my running gear and a waterproof jacket with me in the car, so I decided to run the rest of the way. It was pitch black but I just put my iPod on and went."

The star, nicknamed Hamster, arrived home in Bromesberrow at 5.30am, in time to spend the day with wife Mindy and daughters Willow and Izzy.

Hammond, who was injured in a high-speed crash in September last year, said: "I had a hot shower and a bacon buttie and not long after that Willow got up and we had a lovely time for her birthday."

The Mirror also reported that Hammond leapt into action by borrowing a fishing boat to rescue neighbours from their flooded house in nearby Hawbridge.

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Pole stars


Posted by Andy Wilman at 10:00AM on Thursday 26 July, 2007



TG TV's executive producer Andy Wilman


It's past midnight and I'm a bit drunk and quite happy, because I think that one worked.


It's a peculiar thing about telly, but you can watch one of these shows maybe 10 or 15 times when you're putting it together, scrutinising every last section for quality of shots, pace, narrative structure, words, music, the lot.


Yet you never really get a sense of whether you've pulled it off until you're at home watching it on the box at the same time as everybody else.


Afterwards I made my usual masochistic trip to the computer and logged on to Final Gear to see what our harshest, fairest, sharpest and most loyal critics had to say. I love the spirit of that gang, and they are superb at spotting where you've made a horlicks of things, but they seemed to like this one.


If only they'd known what a bitch it was to make. We came back from the Pole with over 180 hours of rushes to condense into one hour, and after about three weeks in the edit we started to go a bit mental.


Finding your way through the material was like trying to get out of that boulder field, so we sent a long rough version to Jeremy and he was superb at acting like a pilot flying overhead, giving us a great overview of where it was going tits.


Next I had the genius idea of making two versions, a 60 minute and a 90 minute, and we ploughed on down that path until we ended up with a 75 minute version that didn't want to go either way. Bollocks.


Eventually, we ditched the 90 because it was becoming a self indulgence fest, focused on the 60 and got our mojo back.


If ever though, you needed proof of the old adage that talent is 10% inspiration and 90% hard work, it's this film. Everybody - the film crews, the director, the presenters, the researchers, the back up team, the editors, the sound engineer, sweated blood over this little sod like never before.


What made me laugh the most was an internal memo in the BBC saying that all producers must warn presenters that filming in High Definition would mean all blemishes would be more pronounced, and they may not look as good as they normally do.


I replied that our lot look rough even in the dark from ten miles away, in a fog, and anyway they went through the mill so much during that journey you're lucky their faces didn't make children cry. And I think the shattered state of their mugs sum up what made the Polar film unique amongst our body of work so far.


When we set out to do a race or a challenge we have no idea what the result will be but we usually know the terrain and the conditions, be it Verbier or Slough, and we sort of know we'll be safe and that the ring of civilisation is ever present around us.


With this film though, when the starting gun went, we didn't know if we'd go 100 yards and disappear into a hole in the ice, closely followed by all the cash the BBC had given us to make the show. And when we did get 100 yards down the road, the next 100 was a genuine mystery, and so on, for the whole journey.


Would the truck ever get out of the boulder field once it dived in? Would the ice hold up? Would the presenters hold up? Would Hammond nail Jeremy and James in the final push? In the end, as it turned out, he was miles and miles behind, but communications were either abysmal or crap, and at the time nobody knew where anybody was.


I don't think Polar is the funniest thing we've ever done - it certainly hasn't got the joie de vivre of the American road trip, but we went to another place, spiritually, with this one and I'm very proud of that fact.


I'm also proud of what Richard did, coming on like the Terminator whilst the Two Fat Ladies shovelled in another Kit Kat. And I'm immensely proud, after God knows how many episodes, to finally get Echo and the Bunnymen into a film.


I could get into these blog things. It's just like blathering on in the pub.

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I knew it:


BBC admit Top Gear caravan blaze was a stunt too



The BBC has admitted that a scene in its hit show Top Gear apparently showing an accidental caravan fire had been faked.


The episode showed presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May taking the caravan on a trip to Dorset, with the blaze erupting after Clarkson began cooking some chips at a campsite.


Viewers saw a fire engine race into the site, with sirens wailing, as if the crew faced a real emergency - but the fire service involved have confirmed that the entire scene was set up.


Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the faked Top Gear scenes...


Top Gear producers had contacted the brigade several weeks before filming - and paid about £1,000 to have six crew members and an engine on standby for the stunt.



Fireball: The caravan ablaze at the Dorset campsite shown on the BBC's 'Top Gear' show was faked


The BBC said that viewers would not have been misled as it was obvious that the sequence was "slapstick" with a "sitcom ending".


The stunt, filmed at a campsite in Tolpuddle, formed part of a sequence called Four Go Mad In Dorset.


It was broadcast as part of a Top Gear episode in July last year.


The film also featured the three presenters being stopped by police after causing a lengthy tailback as they try to turn the caravan on a main road, crashing the caravan into a bollard and backing the caravan into a tent.


The climax of the show, which regularly attracts audiences of around 5.3 million, comes when Clarkson attempts to cook the chips inside the caravan while May and Hammond sit outside.


Clarkson yells: "How do you put a pan fire out?"


Then he tells them: "It's no longer a pan fire, it's a van fire."


There is an explosion and the men start trying to put out the flames with foam mattresses, which also catch light.


Then the fire engine arrives to deal with the "emergency".


The final scene shows the trio driving off towing the burnt-out shell.


A Dorset Fire Service spokeswoman said: "They wanted us to make it look real. We treated it as a genuine fire."


A BBC spokeswoman said: "It was Top Gear taking a comedy look at caravanning. Of course the fire service was on site. We wouldn't contemplate starting a fire without having relevant safety measures in place."


The revelation comes after criticism of editorial standards at the BBC.


The Corporation has admitted that phone-in competitions have been faked and the sequence of events changed in footage of both the Queen and Gordon Brown.

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I'm a lot happier now


Sunday 07 October

8:00pm - 9:00pm



Motoring magazine show with Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond. In the first of a new series Jeremy, Richard and James drive three lightweight supercars across Europe in search of the best roads. Plus Jeremy finds out what happens when you put a Bentley engine into a VW Golf, and Dame Helen Mirren is the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car.


Top Gear is back yay.gif

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As we take the tyre-warmers off a new series of Top Gear, the wait’s almost over. We’ve got ten whole episodes of excellent-ness ready to unleash on your Sunday night viewing schedule, and you simply won’t believe what Messrs Clarkson, Hammond and May have been up to over the past couple of months.


So, for one night of the week at least, you can banish cookery and home-improvement programmes from your screen and enjoy some good old-fashioned petrol-based fun.


In episode one, we decided to find the finest driving road in Europe. Coincidentally, Lamborghini, Porsche and Aston Martin have recently seen fit to release a brace of new lightweight road-racers in the form of the Gallardo Superleggera, 911 GT3 RS and V8 Vantage N24. To quote Hammond, I think you can see where this is going.


Also in the first programme, Jeremy takes to the test track in an improbably powerful VW Golf, and we put a monarch (sort of) in our reasonably priced car when Dame Helen Mirren comes to visit.


Later in the series, we’ll treat you to a selection of massive challenges and stunts. You’ll see the glorious return of the amphibious cars, in a voyage that makes the crossing of a reservoir look a tiny bit feeble. We put the biofuel we grew last series to seriously good use. And we spend an entire programme in Africa as our intrepid presenters attempt one of our wildly over-ambitious, but cheap, races.


Also: it was massively delayed, gave some of the finest engineering minds in Europe nervous breakdowns, and is too expensive for all but the richest Arab potentates - and that’s just the car. Find out what happened when the Bugatti Veyron met the Eurofighter.


It might surprise you to know we’ve even thrown in some road tests and reviews of the most exciting and interesting cars to hit the road - including the latest Ferrari, Porsche-baiting new Audi R8 supercar and hotly tipped Caparo T1.


So, stop the clocks, silence the dog with a juicy bone and cancel anything you were planning to do on Sunday evenings for the next ten weeks - Top Gear is back!

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And isn't it repeated on BBC 3 on Saturday?


Top Gear returns in T Minus 85 minutes :)


I could watch the first 15 mins before the coverage if the England rugby match starts!!


Think i may have to consign this episode to catching it as i flick through channels looking for something to watch. there's generally random top gear episodes on living or some such channel during the day

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I could watch the first 15 mins before the coverage if the England rugby match starts!!


Think i may have to consign this episode to catching it as i flick through channels looking for something to watch. there's generally random top gear episodes on living or some such channel during the day


Repeats are shown normally on UKTV People or Dave

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