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BBC to screen Hammond horror crash


Last updated at 10:01am on 6th October 2006




The 300mph crash in which Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond nearly died will be will shown on television.


BBC bosses are planning to screen a special report about the accident in which the jet-powered car spun off the track and flipped over several times.


The documentary will go ahead if the star agrees. But there are no plans to show the footage on the Top Gear show itself, which has now resumed filming two weeks after the accident.


The BBC show was put on hold when Hammond suffered serious injuries while driving the dragster.


But presenter Jeremy Clarkson was back in the driving seat yesterday, testdriving a Lotus Europa at Dunsfold Park Aerodrome in Surrey.


A BBC spokeswoman said: "We remain committed to Top Gear and there was never any question of it being axed."


No transmission date has been set for the new series.


Hammond, 36, is said to be delighted the show is back on as he recovers from brain injuries sustained in the crash at Elvington airfield, near York.


Hammond is now in a hospital in Bristol. Doctors predict he will be "back to his old self" within six months.


The police and Health and Safety Executive are still investigating the cras

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In what way??:confused:

And what happened to your egg? Is that IT??:dozey:


its the beginning of October. the biggest week or two of the year when it comes to new titles being released. there's lots of them, and there's loads of copies of each one, all of which need a home finding for them (unfortunately leaving them in the boxes ready to send back in January isn't an option)

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its the beginning of October. the biggest week or two of the year when it comes to new titles being released. there's lots of them' date=' and there's loads of copies of each one, all of which need a home finding for them (unfortunately leaving them in the boxes ready to send back in January isn't an option)[/quote']


Do you work in a bookstore, then?:confused:

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Am I right into thinking that Hammond book is like the James May (and some of the clarkson books) book and is a collection of his newspaper/magazine columns into a book format.


"And Another Thing: The World According to Clarkson: v. 2 " out on the 26th october :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hammy" vows to be back behind wheel "within weeks"!!


I'll be driving within weeks says Hammond


Last updated at 10:34am on 25th October 2006

hammondGG_228x600.jpgI'll be back: Richard Hammond says he'll be behind the wheel again within a few weeks




Richard Hammond has revealed he hopes to be back behind the wheel within weeks - but vowed to steer clear of jet cars.

The 36-year-old Top Gear star was speaking just five weeks after a 288mph crash in a dragster that almost killed him. He said he does not think he will fear getting back inside a car.

"I don't think it will affect me next time I get inside a car. I am not living in fear and trepidation, I'm not worried there are going to be horrible flashbacks.

"I want to get back to the world. For five weeks now we've been removed from the world and I miss it" he told the Daily Mirror.

Hammond is recovering with his wife Mindy and daughters Izzy, six, and Willow, three, in a mountain cottage where he has been for the past two weeks.

He is on no medication but still sees doctors regularly and has been told it will take six months for his brain to heal.

Hammond has also spoke of how the crash caused a brain injury which saw him regress to a childlike state and left him in excruciating pain.

He said: "At first, they said I'd be in hospital for 15 months. Yet here I am ready to go home after five weeks. I'm so bloody lucky. I can't believe it."

Surgeons at Leeds General Infirmary had considered drilling a "bore hole" into Hammond's head to drain the blood from his brain to relieve the swelling, but the operation was not deemed necessary.

Seeing his family in hospital after the crash also caused him great anguish, while also being a source of great comfort.

The BBC confirmed that Hammond signed a two-year contract before his accident. The deal was reported in Broadcast magazine in September, but a spokeswoman could not say exactly when Hammond signed the contract.

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  • 1 month later...

Hammond tells of 'lost two weeks'




Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond has said the two weeks after he was in a high speed crash are a blank.

In his first TV interview since the crash which almost cost him his life, Hammond told Jonathan Ross's chat show the only injuries were to his brain.


Hammond's dragster went out of control at nearly 300 mph at Elvington airfield, near York, in September.


"I was driving and then it was two weeks later and I was in Leeds (hospital)," he said.


"There was a sense of 'oh bugger'," he added.


"Apparently I was awake on the way to the helicopter and I got a bit fighty, I wanted to do a piece to camera, but my eyes were pointing in different directions.


"I have no recollection of that, or the first few weeks. I sort of heard stuff going on but I wasn't in it (a coma) for very long.


"I had post-traumatic amnesia, five-second memory, it happens as a result of brain injury.


"In hospital I was completely useless. I'd look at the menu and order my favourite, cottage pie.


"Five minutes later it arrived and I said that's great, it's my favourite, how did you know?"


Drinking ban


But he made a speedy recovery and instead of remaining in hospital for 15 months, as doctors predicted, he was out in weeks.


Hammond assured Ross he was completely recovered and was looking forward to returning to Top Gear.


The only long term problem, he said, was the doctors had said he could only drink small amount of lager.


"I'm sending Mindy (Hammond's wife) to try and negotiate that," he joked.


Friday Night with Jonathan Ross is broadcast on Friday at 2235 GMT on BBC One.



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I missed it!!! this may be somewhat ironic, but this is why I missed the programme. Was watching jonathan Ross & wrapping Xmas pressies, he announced Richard Hammond and at the exact moment the Hamster sat down on the sofa there was a huge bang outside. I ran upstairs to check it out and some idiot had crashed his car into the white van parked on the main road.

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