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The SEX thread

Sweet One

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I think i'd just start laughing if my boyfriend started to talk dirty during sex :tongue: And then he'd get upset :disappointed:


Yeah, that's what I thought too! I just thought it would be awkward and i've talked to some of my girl friends and they just don't do it or and weirded out my it.


And sometimes we laugh about it afterwards, but during.. it's pretty nice. Not gonna lie.

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^Yeaaah, why not? :uhoh:

Haha no I'm not judging, just makes me think about some dirty porn movie ^^


Nah, I'm no whore.

What? You mean I am? You just started a war :mean:


Do people get injured during sex? :wtf:

Haha, what a weird question^^

Yeah, men can break their penis, but it's pretty rare i think :tongue:

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^Yeaaah, why not? :uhoh:

Haha no I'm not judging, just makes me think about some dirty porn movie ^^


I love dirty porn movies though, so I'm not at all offended.


It's kind of funnny though cause like 10 minutes after we're done sometimes we'll quote each other in a dramatic nature. It's pretty amusing.

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It's kind of funnny though cause like 10 minutes after we're done sometimes we'll quote each other in a dramatic nature. It's pretty amusing.

You should be proud of that with your partner, not many people have that type of capability.

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Yeah, one of the things I love about my missus is that we can laugh about it afterwards, like if we try something new and it fails, or like, the whole talking dirty thing, we can laugh about it afterwards. I don't think you'd be with the right person if you didn;t feel that comfortable around them. It's the same with farting in bed, if you can't do that, you ain't gonna be walking down the aisle...

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Yeah, one of the things I love about my missus is that we can laugh about it afterwards, like if we try something new and it fails, or like, the whole talking dirty thing, we can laugh about it afterwards. I don't think you'd be with the right person if you didn;t feel that comfortable around them. It's the same with farting in bed, if you can't do that, you ain't gonna be walking down the aisle...

Have you ever discussed the random occurrence of queefs?

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Hahaha yeah, it has us rolling around the bed laughing, I mean, its going to happen, its not a big deal and when it happens, we're comfortable enough to laugh it off. However, I know alot of my male friends who find it scary and repulsive but I don't really see much difference between it and a fart like. Have you ever discussed it with anyone/your partner?

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Haha of course, I mean, we can't control it! It just happens!!! :laugh4:


And yes, I completely understand you. Many people get paranoid for the fact that they suddenly occur out of nowhere and then think they're gross, disturbing, and 'kill' the moment. But you have be open minded and let it go, it has happened to me and discussed it with my partner many times and laughter is inevitable.

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It's another one of the many wonderful things women can do. :D

Yeah, I think even it may come to the point that if it were do happen whilst we were in the middle of something, I don't even notice! Anyways, shouldn;t really be able to complain, since in some instances its their actions which can cause the air to get trapped. Can't say i've ever farted during intercourse, though there's a first time for everything!

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