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The SEX thread

Sweet One

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If I had been with a girl and was in a secure relationship where you get to the stage where you are practically sharing your bodies and you know each other inside out I would consider having sex with a girl on her period. After all, once you get past the mental aspect of blood, it is only a body fluid, much in the same way that cum is. It isn't going to be ingested. Doing it in the shower would be an option, though the phrase don't look down comes to mind. It would also have to happen on her request, it would not be something I would actively seek to do.


And obviously oral would be out the question :lol:


I have no interest in anal but once again if it is requested by somebody I am in love with and we know our bodies inside out and accept each other totally, then it wouldn't be a problem. I had an ex girlfriend who had an obsession with anal and in a previous relationship had gone 6 months only having anal sex. We personally never did that as, without meaning to go into too much detail, it wasn't possible for her with me without a deal of preparation beforehand to make things easier, and with the limited time we had together it was never seen as worth it. I would have done it with her though, but once again it isn't something I would (pardon the pun) push for.


I could never do these things with somebody I didn't love though.

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Why don't you guys just get it over with and fuck eachother anally?!




But back to the topic, Greg did you not find anal to be a really tight experience? It's unlike the vagina, it feels great. I'm not obsessed with it and certainly it wouldn't affect me having a relationship with someone who doesn't want to do it. With the hygiene aspect, never have I experienced any sort of smell, and girls who are into it usually know how an enema works anyway.

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No because I had sex.


Haha but really, the '1st time' thing isn't an issue for a guy whatsoever, as long as you've eventually had great sex it doesn't really matter. Personally my 1st time was fine though.

Really? :disappointed:

I think your first time is usually a bit awkward.


Not if she's on her period.

Um, yeah, eww.

Thank you, so my suspicions are correct. Oh I don't have a partner, and oddly even though sex is an important thing to me, never really discussed it an awful lot with ex's, you just have sex and discover what a person likes.

Glad to help your future sexual partners have better orgasms. :nice:

But really, you've never talked with a partner about what you do and don't like, and what either of you may want to try differently next time?

Because it's produced during sex!

Really, anything produced during sex is sexy.




disturbingly some people are actually into breaking red lights and say its the best sex ever. Read that on this discussion thread in some forum a while back... :confused:

Apparently it's great for cramp relief. But despite the ick factor, if I have cramps then I'm really not in the mood.

I myself can't be around my vagina when it's bleeding, I'm definitely not gonna want my partner there... :/

Do you have a detachable vagina? :inquisitive:

If I had been with a girl and was in a secure relationship where you get to the stage where you are practically sharing your bodies and you know each other inside out I would consider having sex with a girl on her period. After all, once you get past the mental aspect of blood, it is only a body fluid, much in the same way that cum is. It isn't going to be ingested. Doing it in the shower would be an option, though the phrase don't look down comes to mind. It would also have to happen on her request, it would not be something I would actively seek to do.


And obviously oral would be out the question :lol:


I have no interest in anal but once again if it is requested by somebody I am in love with and we know our bodies inside out and accept each other totally, then it wouldn't be a problem.

Anal hurts. :bomb:

I had an ex girlfriend who had an obsession with anal and in a previous relationship had gone 6 months only having anal sex. We personally never did that as, without meaning to go into too much detail, it wasn't possible for her with me without a deal of preparation beforehand to make things easier, and with the limited time we had together it was never seen as worth it. I would have done it with her though, but once again it isn't something I would (pardon the pun) push for.


I could never do these things with somebody I didn't love though.

Basically Greg's well hung. :charming: :sneaky:

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Really? :disappointed:

I think your first time is usually a bit awkward.


Well depends on the guy, wasn't awkward for me, or necessarily special.


Glad to help your future sexual partners have better orgasms. :nice:

But really, you've never talked with a partner about what you do and don't like, and what either of you may want to try differently next time?


I do have a sexual partner but I thought you meant girlfriend. I didn't say I've never talked about it, but when I have and I do the things we discussed, it just seems kindof stupid. A big part of enjoying sex is being surprised, if you know what's coming then it's kindof cheesy.


Basically Greg's well hung. :charming: :sneaky:


Probably but not necessarily, I knew an Indian girl once (Who I didn't have sex with- should be made clear in a thread like this) who said 6 inches is too big of a penis for her vagina and it really hurt, God knows what her anus was like. So she had to find a boyfriend with a small dick, and she was really pretty, so I guess having a small dick isn't always the worst thing.

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Why don't you guys just get it over with and fuck eachother anally?!


That's exactly what I say to my boyfriend when he asks for anal.

And when he asks to have sex with me plus another girl at the same time, I say "So will I can have sex with you and another man at the same time too?"

And, he says no.


I hate these male thoughts!

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Why don't you guys just get it over with and fuck eachother anally?!




But back to the topic, Greg did you not find anal to be a really tight experience? It's unlike the vagina, it feels great. I'm not obsessed with it and certainly it wouldn't affect me having a relationship with someone who doesn't want to do it. With the hygiene aspect, never have I experienced any sort of smell, and girls who are into it usually know how an enema works anyway.


Well it didn't work so I've never actually done it. As for the hurting comments, my ex said it hurts first but it's absolutely amazing once you are used to it, the same as first time losing your virginity. Obviously I have no idea if this is the same for everyone, or even a lot of people but that was her experience.


It requires a lot more patience and the guy to not be an idiot and go charging in.



Basically Greg's well hung. :charming: :sneaky:


Probably but not necessarily, I knew an Indian girl once (Who I didn't have sex with- should be made clear in a thread like this) who said 6 inches is too big of a penis for her vagina and it really hurt, God knows what her anus was like. So she had to find a boyfriend with a small dick, and she was really pretty, so I guess having a small dick isn't always the worst thing.


I don't think it would be wise of me to discuss my genitals on here :lol:


As for having a small dick, I don't think it's a huge deal at all. You would just have to utilise positions which maximise deeper penetration, and I imagine oral sex would be better as deep throating would be a hell of a lot easier. Some girls don't like big dicks at all, so as per usual it all comes down to the individual.


I'd still hate to have a small dick though :lol:



Apologies if this post was too graphic, it was not intended to be, but since we are talking openly about sex and the thread is clearly labelled I guess these things are to be expected.

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You can discuss your genitals but if you claim you have a large penis then you are definitely lying according to females.


I know it didn't work but if you got in at all you'd have an idea of what it feels like, unless your girth is like a can of larger and you couldn't even penetrate a few inches.


I don't know what you're on about by saying having a small dick isn't a big deal and you can just use different positions, you do that anyway even if you have a big dick. Yes some girls don't like a big dick, but I'd say that's probably not common. I knew a girl who only liked big dicks (Even though her vagina wasn't massive or anything) because she thought average ones poked around the walls of her vagina, I think I see her point but never been 100% on what she meant.

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You can discuss your genitals but if you claim you have a large penis then you are definitely lying according to females.


I know it didn't work but if you got in at all you'd have an idea of what it feels like, unless your girth is like a can of larger and you couldn't even penetrate a few inches.


I don't know what you're on about by saying having a small dick isn't a big deal and you can just use different positions, you do that anyway even if you have a big dick. Yes some girls don't like a big dick, but I'd say that's probably not common. I knew a girl who only liked big dicks (Even though her vagina wasn't massive or anything) because she thought average ones poked around the walls of her vagina, I think I see her point but never been 100% on what she meant.

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You can discuss your genitals but if you claim you have a large penis then you are definitely lying according to females.


I know it didn't work but if you got in at all you'd have an idea of what it feels like, unless your girth is like a can of larger and you couldn't even penetrate a few inches.


I don't know what you're on about by saying having a small dick isn't a big deal and you can just use different positions, you do that anyway even if you have a big dick. Yes some girls don't like a big dick, but I'd say that's probably not common. I knew a girl who only liked big dicks (Even though her vagina wasn't massive or anything) because she thought average ones poked around the walls of her vagina, I think I see her point but never been 100% on what she meant.


Well nothing at all went in pretty much. It was more down her than my size though, I'm certainly not ridiculously big or anything, nor would I want to be.


I don't know why you don't understand what I'm saying haha. There are quite a few positions they can use, admittedly it's limiting the options but it's not like sex is guaranteed to be bad just because his dick is small.


I think people are very forgiving when it comes to other people's bodies, much more than they are regarding their own, and if it's a serious thing between them then a small dick is something you can work through quite easily. I have never met a girl I've been interested in who had a specific need for genitals of a certain size, it's more preference than need. Obviously really really small or really really big could be an issue, but generally speaking I honestly don't believe women care past preference when we are talking about a serious relationship. If someone is picking their lovers (and by lovers I mean somebody you make love with and not just someone you only fuck) based on one specific physical attribute which they are unable to make compromise for, then I question their approach and philosophies on love (though accept them).

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the girls if the men speak only of their sex disproportionate. but not of your person, then flee.

they must respect you all. because no called love. it's called: I chose a prostitute free.


my ex, although found in a dating agency serious with contrat and pay much for found a boyfriend but in end build something not serious and any love . I think he was gay without knowing , because I always spoke of his beloved George Michael as boyfriend and A-ha about how they could crash in an airplane .

but him has never made love, just how to derive alone when there is a good jacussi


the next and last man if exist always and it's good because is in true love and will go crazy and go for the ceiling and crashing as blessed called double voltages :smug:

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