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The SEX thread

Sweet One

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Probably but not necessarily, I knew an Indian girl once (Who I didn't have sex with- should be made clear in a thread like this) who said 6 inches is too big of a penis for her vagina and it really hurt, God knows what her anus was like. So she had to find a boyfriend with a small dick, and she was really pretty, so I guess having a small dick isn't always the worst thing.

I thought 8 inches was average? :thinking:

Well it didn't work so I've never actually done it. As for the hurting comments, my ex said it hurts first but it's absolutely amazing once you are used to it, the same as first time losing your virginity. Obviously I have no idea if this is the same for everyone, or even a lot of people but that was her experience.


It requires a lot more patience and the guy to not be an idiot and go charging in.

Nope. I don't think so. At least with losing your virginity it's a sharp pain - but not prolonged. I would imagine it would take awhile before anal becomes comfortable, let alone pleasureable. Basically, a penis is not meant to go there. :blank:

I don't know what you're on about by saying having a small dick isn't a big deal and you can just use different positions, you do that anyway even if you have a big dick. Yes some girls don't like a big dick, but I'd say that's probably not common. I knew a girl who only liked big dicks (Even though her vagina wasn't massive or anything) because she thought average ones poked around the walls of her vagina, I think I see her point but never been 100% on what she meant.

Well then you must also have a big dick. Because if an average one feels like it's poking the walls of her vagina then she must be fairly loose.

It's more painful than any other pain that you ever had.

I don't wax, but I'm pretty sure childbirth is more painful. :P

Okay then, let's change subject. Riskiest place to have sex, according to yall?

For me, many, many moons ago ........ against the wall in the bedroom with my boyfriend's Grandmother - who was rascist and didn't like me at all - watching tv in the next room. :smug:

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The most sexually active I've been is yelling "penis" with a couple of my friends while running. :charming:


We're so clever, I know.




YouTube - Brazilian Wax[/url]




:freak: WHY?!

yeah why?? :bigcry: ouchx435897


I tried waxing my legs once and fucking hell that hurt :bomb:


Because it's produced during sex!

Really, anything produced during sex is sexy.




disturbingly some people are actually into breaking red lights and say its the best sex ever. Read that on this discussion thread in some forum a while back... :confused:


I used to know a girl who got really horny during her period. She told us about it in school and didnt hold back with the details :wacky: ew shut up :disappointed:


having sex on your period is disgusting.


I've had sex once when I had my period and it didnt bleed or anything :uhoh: I dont think I'd wanna do that again though cause you cant be sure it wont bleed and it if does then ew. red penis :sick:


I myself can't be around my vagina when it's bleeding, I'm definitely not gonna want my partner there... :/


ew yeah this :wacky:


Anal hurts. :bomb:


I've never tried anal but a most of my friends have and they all say it hurts like hell and two of them bled like :freak: everytime they went to the toilet for like a week or something :wreck:.

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"To the average man, his penis is, consciously or unconsciously, one of the most important things in the whole world. At an early age he discovers it and immediately becomes fascinated by it.


But then a note of uncertainty enters his mind: 'Isn't mine rather small?' Look at Dad's, look at big brother's, look at those in the men's changing room - and he asks himself if he will be as big as that."



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Because if an average one feels like it's poking the walls of her vagina then she must be fairly loose


Well she wasn't? Don't know what else to say. It was quite tight but seemed to not have a limit length wise, as far as I know anyway.


And the average porn dick is probably 8 inches lul. Well probably not, but I've definitely seen some porno where the guy probably isn't near that.

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