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A Thread for the beautiful Lore

Black Rose

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how did you get the santa hats on people in your sig? :uhoh:


Gimp, not pikipimp...


Btw the way, even though you can't see it, Guy's hat says; "Sorry, Sold Out"




it's awesome..


what's its name?

AJ...for Anthony James (I didn't name it)

And yes, I know, Chris' middle names are Anthony John but it was named after someone else before we got her (yes, its a girl cat)

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a girl cat named anthony james :wacky:



how original :wacky:



I like it :P


There's a reason behind it , but it's kinda sad



My mum's friend got married to this guy names Anthony James...but unfortunately, Anthony was killed two weeks after the wedding. The poor widow grieved for a long time and nothing seemed to happen. Life for her was just and unhappy daze. So when her next birthday came around, the widows mother bought her a cat. They ended up naming it AJ in remmeberance of the widows husband.


After a while, the widow met a new man and moved in Tasmania, leaving AJ to her daughter. But her daughter was far to busy to keep the cat, so we took her.


The widows husband was funny, caring and a down right good man...it's a real shame Aj (the cat) is a real pain in the ass


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