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Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends. AKA


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Viva La Via Or Death And All His Friends is a supremely long-ass name and to me sounds lame abbreviated word for word (VLVODAAHF).


Which is why I'll just be lazy and say LP4. Maybe not to non-Coldplayers, but heck, we all know what LP4 is anyway. And the newbies will catch on quick.

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i voted VLVOD just because it makes me think of vampires, which makes me laugh (although VLAD and Vampires also do, but they don't make as much logical sense as abbreviations).


but really, i like VivaDeath despite the abbreviation for that being VD (and coldplay are such good boys that they'd never give anyone VD). ultimately, though, VVDAF makes the most logical sense in terms of an appropriate and short abbreviation for an abbreviation.

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Guest LiquidSky

I like VeeDee 'cause that's close to my name! hahah! So then I can tell everyone.. 'Coldplay got inspired by moi':rolleyes::laugh3:


But I'll go with ViViDeFr... :thinking:

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  • 3 weeks later...

i've gotten so used to calling it VLVOD that a switch back to VLV (maybe?) is getting me a bit confused.


i wonder if they really have nixed the second half of the title (fine by me, in all honesty), or if prospekt just shortened it when he wrote it. RS printed it as VLVODAAHF last week, though, which makes me wonder what the full title actually is.


either way it's just a title, of course, but if i had a preference i'd just call it DAAHF. VLV is ok too, though, i guess. i like the fact that i was one of the ones that was convinced that would be the album title back in december when we got will's crazy video :P

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:o :shocked2: I COMPLETELY forgot about Will's video !!! :smash:


they knew what the album title was back in december and they only told us last month !!


:dozey: huh, I only realised that now.. Yay me.. moron !

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