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A Parachutes 'moment'


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ooh, i love the storyline in spies. it makes me think of a potentially really kick-ass spy movie. apparently it has similarities to a book called the spy that came in from the cold, but i don't know if it's intentional or unintentional. i figure coldplay means it to be metaphorical, but i can't help but invision cold-war era spies in soviet russia or something :laugh1:


i first heard parachutes on august 6 2005, driving across the maine woods in the dead of night after my uncle's wedding. since then i've always thought of it as the best night-driving album out there. the best part was when my dad stopped the car on a bridge because no one was on it and turned off the car's headlights so we could see all the thousands of stars without any light pollution up there, and i saw a shooting star while listening to yellow :nice:



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ooh, i love the storyline in spies. it makes me think of a potentially really kick-ass spy movie. apparently it has similarities to a book called the spy that came in from the cold, but i don't know if it's intentional or unintentional. i figure coldplay means it to be metaphorical, but i can't help but invision cold-war era spies in soviet russia or something :laugh1:


i first heard parachutes on august 6 2005, driving across the maine woods in the dead of night after my uncle's wedding. since then i've always thought of it as the best night-driving album out there. the best part was when my dad stopped the car on a bridge because no one was on it and turned off the car's headlights so we could see all the thousands of stars without any light pollution up there, and i saw a shooting star while listening to yellow :nice:





Awwwwwwwwww that's so cute!! :nice:


I actually got an inspiration from Spies for a story for a book. But I don't think I can really pull it off well, because the whole story itself is complicated. And it has a '1984' vibe to it..so. Yeah. I wouldn't get much credit for it. :disappointed:

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ooh, i love the storyline in spies. it makes me think of a potentially really kick-ass spy movie. apparently it has similarities to a book called the spy that came in from the cold, but i don't know if it's intentional or unintentional. i figure coldplay means it to be metaphorical, but i can't help but invision cold-war era spies in soviet russia or something :laugh1:


i first heard parachutes on august 6 2005, driving across the maine woods in the dead of night after my uncle's wedding. since then i've always thought of it as the best night-driving album out there. the best part was when my dad stopped the car on a bridge because no one was on it and turned off the car's headlights so we could see all the thousands of stars without any light pollution up there, and i saw a shooting star while listening to yellow :nice:



Thats a really great story. I like how you remember the precise date! My brain can't cope with remembering information like that :P


The funny thing is that when I was listening to Parachutes and AROB multiple times that night I had no idea which was released first, but I distinctly remember listening to AROB first, and parachuts straight afterwards. So for a few days I was like "ooh this band have really improved on this one!" Thinking that Parachutes was their second album, haha. So I guess Parachutes was my first love, but AROBTTH managed to grow on me and now I think it's their best yet. Its just that Parachutes is irresistibly mellow and atmospheric, which makes it easier for me to love I suppose.

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heh. i'm a bit freakish with dates. sadly, i can remember the date of most happenings in my life. it's just something that sticks in there. people always ask me when shit happened, like asking for the month or whatever, and think i'm insane when i come out with the day as well.


parachutes was my first favorite as well, and i think it is musically better in some ways, but i feel like i have more of a personal connection with AROBTTH, which is why i like it more.

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Wow, those three tracks, to me, are demonstrative of that wonderfully mellow vibe that makes parachutes my favorite Coldplay album. I agree that AROBTTH is a "better" album, but parachutes is my personal fav.
I'll have to agree with you there, especially with Sparks and High Speed. I usually say AROB is my favourite, but in truth its on level with Parachutes. I guess I talk about AROB more because I listen to it more often.
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Wow, those three tracks, to me, are demonstrative of that wonderfully mellow vibe that makes parachutes my favorite Coldplay album. I agree that AROBTTH is a "better" album, but parachutes is my personal fav.



Ditto. Especially when I learned to play We Never Change, then I appreciated it ever more. It is quite beautiful. And sad. And I love it.

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