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Wow...it has been a long time since the last day that i posted here...

I don't know if some of you still reminds me...maybe there're some oldies in here...I just passed by here to say hi!!!! Maybe i'm not here often..but i always remember all the things that happened in here and you guys are always on mi mind!!! :)


Hope crazy Ian is fine as all the crazy fuckers moderators in here...i always love ya....


If anyone knows about where the fuck is Ren please...tell him that im looking for him so bad!! I need to know how the hell is he....


I'm being ok...with lots of issues...my life is a rollercoaster now, but i'm a survivor of course..you know me very good...


Tons of hugs to ya....lots of love, sex, drugs and rock & roll! mwahahahahahha.... (im not kidding this time :D)






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Oooh, i've heard about you and saw your old posts but i don't think i've actually ever been online with you at the same time!


Good to have you back! It's nice to see so many old members coming back :dance:


And about Ren..well, he just disappearred but i hope him to show up soon!

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Of course I remember you Rick!

DAAARYL!! WOOOW...long time eeh?? hope everything's fine


Si te recuerdo Lore...obvio que si :)


Mimi!! everything's fine...lotsa things happening to me at the same time! but all cool girl.....



And Yes JULIA!! I REMEMBER YA DEAR!!! huggies



Remember...if you see Renato fucker please tell him that im trying to chase him!! mwahahahahaha...

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