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David Fonseca


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:lol: they dont need to think much about that, jeans and tshirt or shirt and its done.

dont forget to tell him u already have his autograph from corroios festival coz u have BIG friends in portugal :D oh and tell him i have 2 cds of silence 4 :lol:

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good then...


well 4 hours to get to Madrid and cound 1 more hour to find the hotel, traffic jam and all that :confused: :P


yep he is, when i told him about that he first said.

"hey now i should have a haircut and get a suit for that" :laugh3:


well i hope i can talk to him this time, probably they come to meet me :stuned: (my dad told me he'll hit me to get i talk)

lol if Simoes comes :dead:



well i know what i'll wear :rolleyes: :wacky:

too bad it'll be cold there :cry:


i'm thinking to ask him to sign my Leiria ticket and a pic (Leiria Castle or a ground band pic i got back in May).

and get a pic with the band, and t-shirt and that he signs it too. :P


yeah sure i'll talk him about that Ana :dance: and about this thread, imagine that he has checked it already. :surprised: remember that Dani told him about that in Corroios. :o


lol i'll end talking with him for an hour or so... :laugh2:

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congrats for your 200 posts Ana :dance:


well i'm even thinking to send him a Private... :wacky: show the group pic i had in Leiria and tell him, tomorrow i'll see you again. Best wishes. and send him something like:

i've updated your wiki-ES, opened a thread on coldplaying which has reached more than 3300 views since May.

(edit: and get that when you type your name on google images appear some stuff i did with screencups of your videos :wacky: at least in Spain).


:wacky: i'm crazy now, i'm not :wacko:


anyways if anyone want i give him some message i'll do (now i even feel like to create some banner for the gig but it'll seem so groupie thing :P )


my dad thought to bring something to the woman that got me the tickets, i'm thinking to some souvenir of my city and if so, why not another one for David? :idea2: but we hadn't had bought it yet, and tomorrow we plan to be on the road at 10am...


plus when i was in Leiria, they give a lollipop to each band member and 3 for David, i dunno if that is a tradition they have or not.


i'm so nervous about what to say, if i get to talk to him and the band :wacky:

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ok just arrived home. :cool:


the concert was amazing, he did a show like the ones he plays in Portugal (the phone thing included).


people danced, sung, and was so happy. Portuguese community was big and funny.

it was so funny that he talked in spanish (Rita told him what to say), english and portuguese.



^a video of she show (it wasn't taken by me).


he sung mainly songs of this third album and other artists songs. :D


he sung "When you hit the floor" which is unusual. :o , Hold Still as the audience petition.


the stage was a bit small so i think that's why he didn't played "Adeus, nao afastes os teus olhos dos meus" :\


he went down the stage to ask a girl of the front row how would you say "acho que vou ficar em Madrid", at the end Sérgio (his drummer) gave his drumsticks to some guys, Rita came to talk to us and people asked her how she know spanish :surprised:

David met the people too, i was in the queue decided, but my dad was some stairs down and so i left the place... the excuse he told me is "how will get there with no pen and asking for an autograph that doesn't make any sense" :cry:


but he promised me that if he is still on tour this summer we'll go see him again and this time will go ready and talk.


i didn't brought my camera as i fear it was forbidden to take one there so i took some pics and short vids with my mobile...


btw when we went to the venue (to check where it was), at about 5pm, Simoes (David's bassist) was outside smoking and the guy that attends David's merchandising. :o i was about to talk to him but he went inside the venue in a rush :\


Rita passed in front of my dad twice and he didn't notice :P


i dunno what more to say lol, it was amazing, the ours of the trip were very worthy.


btw there were 2 cameras there so may it will be shown on some tv or on the own venue channel or something.


Btw i bough a new badge and another t-shirt :dance: (i slept with that t-shirt :embarassed: )


so i hope that at the third i'll get to talk to him... still we'll have a 4th Change :P


btw he opened with 4th chance... and ended with Together in electric dreams as he did in Coliseu, and i think he was wearing the same clothes as in Leiria concert :o (green t-shirt, black jacket and jeans).


:dance: :dance: dance:

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Why didn't you take a pic with him?

i thought the same but my dad was like "ok once the concert has finished we do nothing staying here" ('cause you know, the we don't have a pen excuse is so weak to justify that, i don't know why an hour before the show he was looking worried or something :uhoh: i even asked him and he just said, "what if we shouldn't had come here?" (that was 'cause he thought it was going to be a concert for just the press here with a small venue)).

I kept complaining about that (we leaving the show when i was just 10 people behind to get to see David and talk to him) while we were going to the hotel walking and still at the driving yesterday.. :cry:

another weak excuse that he had (a part of the pen, was: "are you sure that you'll talk this time? 'cause i don't see you like to do so..." :confused: WTF i was like :dance: while i was waiting.


but i don't like to discuss with him so... and he had promised me that we'll see him a 3rd time. (i hope so).


but honestly the thing that he didn't wanted to stay so that i get a pic of him, (after all what i've done, updating his wiki-ES, this thread and all that) pissed me off a lot.

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Exactly, i even talked about you with him! Probably he doesn't remember anymore, but if someday you get to talk to him, say that you have a portuguese friend that met him at his concert @ corroios and talked about coldplay and asked an autograph for a spanish friend ;)

i know that, thanks a lot for that Dani :nice: , i'll do, be sure of that.


btw i've noticied since that gig, (i found his page on facebook too), that many of his young fans are or had been Erasmus students :surprised: or at least if seems to me.

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tens razao ana ;)

edit: acho que se ele tem sabido alguma coisa das que tenho feitas, tem de estar intersado em me conhecer, só por curiosidade. :P nao achas?


well remember that has been chosen to support Keane acts in Spain, right?


i've find some videos, definitelly this man brings the party everywhere he goes.


just to notice that someone has registered on his board today and had opened a thread about Barcelona' Keane show. :dance:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gsyaV6fOJw]YouTube - "Video killed the radio star'' David Fonseca[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPWeJsGbhl0]YouTube - David Fonseca live @ Razz[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUCFUleLpKc]YouTube - David Fonseca - Superstars @ Razz[/ame]

i hadn't had found pics of the show on flickr yet. :\


i'd like to had been there too :cry:

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there isnt any video from the embassy? or pictures?

oh if he knows about the things u have been doing im sure he will nominate u has his spanish manager :lol:

keane is playing today in portugal, blue is going to see them. i dont know whos the suport band here :S

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i did posted a vid of Madrid concert, there's only a vid of this one, he playing Angel Song. I hadn't had seen pictures of this one, and i doubt there will be any, 'cause there wasn't so much light there. (Although i did took 3 pics of him and another one of his bassist :wink3: and i have one of DF on my mobile desktop :P) (Galileo one, not the one he has played yesterday night as supporting band of Keane in La Riviera venue, i hadn't had time to search it yet :P )


May i should be that (his spanish manager), then i'll get he comes to play to more places and sure i'll have the chance to talk to him, may be often :P


Keane's support band in Lisbon will be Rita Redshoes :dance: (aka DF pianist :nice: ).

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^Hey Anita, how is it going? :nice:


hadn't had posted any more spanish bands those days.



There are some pictures of Barcelona concert (supporting act Keane), on Flickr.


Taken by user: Rubén Navarro.

How he was so close :o


I've found some ones more of this concert, will post them later.

*note: this post will be edited to add the pics.

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Webisódio extra. :dance:


just got the email saying that, and rush to check the new post on his blog:

Quarta-feira, 12 de Novembro de 2008





Uma pequena espreitadela ao que tenho andado a preparar....


Em breve, as aventuras e desventuras por terras espanholas, primeiras partes dos Keane e um casino a transbordar de gente em Lisboa. A saga segue dentro de momentos...



davidfonseca às 17:09


:dance: woho i'm so happy.


about the video: at the end you listen the single that will be released to promote the DVD release and that he sung at Coliseu back in April: Orange Tree.


btw i know is a bit strange to notice that but:

he seems to wear the same clothes he wore on Coliseu concert, at support act of Keane in Barcelona :o


so curious... and may i've said that before: but he did wore the same clothes at Leiria's concert than what he wore in Galileo, Madrid. :o


I'm too much observer or should i go to more concerts of him? :P


(and i hadn't had updated his wiki-ES profile yet :embarassed: )

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i'll post there soon Anita ;)



some info :dance:


17 Novembro 2008 - 00h30

Música: David Fonseca lança ‘Dreams in Colour’ em Espanha e caminha para a internacionalização


“Posso ir mais longe”


Depois de na última semana ter aberto para os Keane em Barcelona e Madrid, "duas experiências muito boas e que não podiam ter corrido melhor", David Fonseca acaba de dar mais um passo a caminho da internacionalização.


O seu último disco, ‘Dreams in Colour’, acaba de ser editado em Espanha, depois de o ter sido em Itália e na Grécia. Em declarações ao CM, o músico falou dos espectáculos em Espanha e do que se segue.

"Os concertos em Espanha [com Keane] causaram um impacto muito especial. Ainda não tinha acabado e o público, em Barcelona e em Madrid, já estava bem entusiasmado", recordou.

Fazer carreira lá fora não estava nos seus planos, confessou: "Nunca tinha pensado muito nisso, mas com este disco [‘Dreams in Colour’] senti que podia chegar mais longe.

David Fonseca, que dia 24 lança o DVD do espectáculo de Abril no Coliseu de Lisboa, garante: "em 2009 posso ir mais longe" no estrangeiro, seja tocando ao vivo seja lançando o disco.


Segundo David Fonseca, os espectáculos que mais o marcaram na sua ainda breve internacionalização aconteceram em Espanha e na Grécia. "Foram, de facto, os casos mais especiais, até porque já tinha tocado em Madrid há uns meses". Em Setembro, o músico deslocou-se à Grécia para actuar numa festa da MTVlocal. "Em Atenas foi muito especial, porque o vídeo de ‘Kiss Me, Oh Kiss Me’ chegou ao primeiro lugar do top dos mais vistos. Foi uma surpresa", frisou.

source: Correio Da Manha



and a radio station here (Interpop) on the programme Backstage interviewed him before the concert in Galileo :dance:



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