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WHAT IF COLDPLAY never existed!?


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have you ever wondered that! if the boys would have never been born it would have been such a diffrent world:thinking2:hmmm


it would be such a dark place ! lol if it werent for coldplay i'd probably be listening to 50 cent right now lol! thankl god im not:laugh3:

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The Fray, Thirteen Senses and One Republic wouldn't exist :P


In all seriousness, I probably wouldn't be listening to the same type of music that I am now, because Coldplay help me get into what they call hard soft rock and all the rest of it. I was still listening to Dido obsessively before I got into Coldplay, so I for one am extremely grateful that they were all born and met up at university. I probably wouldn't be (attempting) to make music either.


I also wouldn't have got to meet the awesome people who come to converse on this forum every day of the week. Thats the most tragic thing.

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There still would have been The Beatles, The Smiths, Dylan and Radiohead, so it wouldn't have been completely hopeless. But the music that inspired me the most all through this decade wouldn't exist. Hmmm...I wonder who my second choice would be. Probably Travis or Athlete.

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The Fray, Thirteen Senses and One Republic wouldn't exist :P


In all seriousness, I probably wouldn't be listening to the same type of music I am now, because Coldplay help me get into what they call hard soft rock and all the rest of it. I was still listening to Dido obsessively before I got into Coldplay, so I for one am extremely grateful that they were all born and met at university. I probably wouldn't be (attempting) to make music either.



oy yea jonny and chris met in the same university! huh! it was by the hand of god they met lolz i can just imagine


Chris "hi my name is chris


Johnny " hi im johnny"


Chris " ill call you johnny boy"


Johnny ......


chris "want to be in my :guitarist::drummer: im starting" im thinking doing a band after insync"


johnny "hmm no thanks"


Johnny walks away!


chris "but come back i love you!!!!



"Johnny runs away....


chris stalkes him until he decides to join him in taking over the world i mean starting a band!! THE END




im not a good story teller!!! lolz

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I love threads like this...it's just fun to speculate.


Great story, NeSs1776!!


A world without Coldplaying.com would be a bleak place indeed!


And honestly, if there was no Coldplay, I probably wouldn't have written my best songs since the ones I love the most were all Coldplay influenced.

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Man my life would be a lot less enjoyable if Coldplay wouldn't have existed; it would be soooo different....


First off, I've always grown up around Beatles music. My dad is a huge fan, so basically ever since I can remember, I've listened to the Beatles and got used to the idea that, "Oh, all music must sound like this and be this good"....sadly that is not the case in this world....The one bummer for me was that Beatles were always part of my dad's generation and their whole story is completed: I never got to experience them first hand. John Lennon just seems like a dream to me - I wasn't even born when he got killed.


The first band to be a little bit more "my own" was Nirvana... I became an obsessee when I was 12...listened to them to the point of burn out at around age 14-15, haha. Even then though, I got to Nirvana a few years after Cobain had died.


After that I kinda just listened to a big mish-mash of grunge, hard rock, classic rock, punk, acoustic, etc but nothing really felt like a slap in the face musically -- until Coldplay -- when I was around a sophmore in highschool. I can still remember the first time I fell in love with Coldplay - I was watching a promo for the new Six Feet Under season on HBO and they played "A Rush of Blood to the Head" (song) in the background. I can still remember getting goosebumps and thinking, "Oh my God, who is this?"


After that my friend, who was already a Coldplay fan, let me have their cds and I became a million more times obsessed than herself, haha. Their albums blew me away, particularly A Rush of Blood to the Head. Their music just seemed so lush, decadent, sexy, jazzy -- so much more "grown up" than a lot of the horrible shit on the radio these days. I was finally able to have a band that was totally "mine" to watch grow, change and see live. At the same time as this -- I read my absolute favorite book in the world -- The Beach by Alex Garland. There's nothing special about the writing in this book, but man, I don't what it is...it's just incredible. It's such a fast read there would be points in time where you forgot you were reading and would almost feel like you were watching a movie -- that's how gripping this book was. I highly suggest everyone to pick it up. I can remember staying up all night one warm summer day and reading this and having Coldplay soaking through my head, so these two events coinciding I think made it all the more intense. (Sounds weird but I think what I'm trying to say is when two awesome things happen to you at once, it feels magnified)


It also completely and utterly changed my life, muscian-wise. That's the biggest part; I can't imagine where I'd be musically right now, without Coldplay. I have been playing the guitar for over 11 years or so now, but Coldplay is what turned me on to alternate tunings for the guitar, to the point where I will rarely write a song in standard anymore. It was like opening up a whole new palette of colors. I can remember buying the Coldplay DVD, taking it home and watching the incredible live version of God Put A Smile Upon Your Face, and feeling such a tingling, goosebump sensation of inspiration inside of me from how incredible it sounded (I'm sure other musicians have experienced that) that I picked up my guitar and wrote one of my favorite originals.



I had always loved the piano, but after listening to Chris Martin, it gave me the kick in the ass to pick it up, and I've been playing now for the past few years.... almost all my songs have piano in it now, I can't imagine otherwise....


Finally, I've decided in my life to pursue songwriting and production work. Before in highschool I always loved music and playing guitar and songwriting, but after discovering Coldplay and alternate tunings and piano creating this whole other world for me, I decided I didn't want to do anything else. This in turn got me into classical music and studying orchestration composition, which I want to study in college next year as well.....


So yeah basically, holy shit, my life would be a lot different without Coldplay! Isn't it unnerving to think how a few lads (whom I've never met), from the other side of the pond, thousands of miles away, could play such an influence in one's life?



.... Can't wait for the new album! Haha

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I wonder what they'd be doing right now if they hadn't met. I know Chris once said he'd be eating chocolate and playing in a gay piano bar,lol.

I remember seeing somewhere that Chris said if he wasn't into professional music, he would be a doctor. Just picture that...A cross between Coldplay and Scrubs

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I remember seeing somewhere that Chris said if he wasn't into professional music, he would be a doctor. Just picture that...A cross between Coldplay and Scrubs


Another Dr. McDreamy??:lol: "Open your mouth and sing 'AHHHH'":lol:


Very similar to my story, Greta. I started playing piano again after X&Y and it had a powerful effect on my songwriting. Also, that's when I began learning music production. My last album would have been radically different if not for Chris Martin. In fact, It probably wouldn't exist!

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I remember seeing somewhere that Chris said if he wasn't into professional music, he would be a doctor. Just picture that...A cross between Coldplay and Scrubs



Famous Old Painters

(The greatest song that's never been heard)



what do you mean by that hav you heard it!????

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If Coldplay hadn't existed, I wouldn't really like music at all. :stunned:



I would have stuck with listening to odds and ends of celtic stuff, I may have given in and listened to the occasional bit of my Dad's classical stuff, but I would have given up on the radio thinking it was the only source of current stuff and that it was all terrible. How sad is that?


I never would have learned how to play guitar, or gotten back to trying to play the piano. I never would have gone to any concerts to find out how much I liked live music. (Coldplay was my first real concert. The only one I went to before that was traumatizing) I never would have learned how to write my own stuff. I would still be terrified of music geeks and record stores because I didn't understand them... The list goes on.



Coldplay are the band that made me realize what was out there. My musical first love, so to speak, I guess. :nice:

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That's right! I remember when you decided to move there. The whole forum knew about it.:)


I wouldn't have visited England if not for Coldplay.


you see thats is why I have to have a beer with them.. in fact I want to buy it.. for them as a small token of thanks...


BTW would you tell the press if you seen coldplay and had a drink with them.. I would not... but I would ask if I could post pics in the forum, and I would have to hope they would not get out..


I would only post them in the lounge in threads whereI dont think they would look in

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Bart, that's a bit cryptic, but I get the gist of it.;) I had really lost interest in music as well before Coldplay (well, outside of classical music, and some nature sounds and stuff).. Nothing else much really seemed to be reaching my senses at the time.. Although, I was surprised to find such a large following they have! When I met Chris, I thought to myself, "Gee, what a nice young lad - he must be in some new band, just getting good at their craft" - which, little did I know then, they had already had some very impressive songs out (but I was out of touch with music at the time, and telepathy is not all that effective, so how was I to know?)

Anyhow, they did rekindle my interest in modern music. Some day I might run into them again - who knows?!

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