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Good luck everyone~ Ive been recently getting my exams back. I got 100% in maths, 98% in Science and 92% in english. Yay me~!


Why can't I get these range of scores??


the highest i can get is 80 :(

I hate my school. its really really really tough!!!!

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Take solace in the fact that Albert Einstein (Uncle Albert in a Beatles song - extra credit of you can name that tune:P) got D's (low low grades near failing, for those under a different grading system) in mathematics, and had to be tutored in math much later in life. So, assuming we all must be perfectly adept at this or that is a false assumption. I think each one of us has a place where we fit in; a role to play on this spinning marble in space, areas where we excel, and areas where we are less nimble at maneuvering through.

Non-linear thinking does not occur when one is only on a strait line..

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I now only have three more classes to take, and I finally graduate college!!!!!! (or university, for those overseas)


I'm so ready to live my life and travel the world. School is very very confining. Sometimes I feel as though I'm going through the motions, and not really learning anything worth the money I'm paying to go to school, but whatever....

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^I know that feeling. After days of intensive studying and dealing with the stress that comes with it there comes a point when your brain decides it's going to go on vacation early, and when that happens there's nothing you can really do to get it back, just deal with the finals you have left as best as you can. Good luck on that exam :)

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