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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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:lol:Mr.Santa Claus?!!!!:wacko:


When this happens.....

@French Angel bought his guitar today cause he had to write a song for class and his guitar was a Fender Telecaster like Jonnys!!!!!!!! I was llike::freak:!!!!!!!!


Marcos started playing Angels guitar and when he started I was like ' OMG LIFE IN TECHNICOLOR'!!!!!!!!

Angel: 'of course she(ME) would know that.......':P

Me: 'yessss':smug:

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Ohhh, I have a REALLY GOOD addicting story to tell... :awesome:


But wait, do we remember the Funny video with my Spanish teacher playing with Barbies and a cat playing a piano that i posted up here not too long ago? Well, thatw as my Spanish teacher's video which he posted on his sown blog that he made...:wacky:


So today my Spanish teacher and I were chatting while I was waiting for my bus home to arrive at my school and here's what happened...



Mr.Clauss: So, you guys remember that blog that I have with all my Spanish videos and stuff for the school?

Everyone: yeah.

Mr.Clauss: Well, I was looking at how many views I was getting per day for teh website and last night, I suddenly got almost 40 more views...

Me (thinking): Wow, he get's more than I do! :rolleyes:

Mr.Clauss: As I can check my views, I can check where the views come from... :rolleyes:

Me (thinking): Oh even better... :rolleyes:

Mr.Clauss: And so I looked, and I'm getting all kinds of viewers from Japan, and Australia, Turkey, and Mexico, and all kinds of Different places! If it was just a regular website, it would be like 'sure whatever', but this is a blog for THE SCHOOL!

Me: Wow, from that far away?

Mr.Clauss: Yes, so I was wondering what the source was from and it said the viewers were coming from coldplaying.com... :dozey:

Me: :blush:

Mr.Clauss: Oh, I knew it was you!!! :laugh3:

Me: Yeah, tottaly! :awesome:I posted that video with the cat playing the piano and you with the Barbies!!! :awesome:

Mr.Clauss: Well that makes sense...:lol:





When you buy a new jacket and your friend(who doesn't like Coldplay, sadly) says to you "hey, that looks like one of Chris Martin's jackets!" and that completely makes your day.

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when you almost hit somebody hit someone If he says chris is gay ...



How 'bout punched a guy in the stomach.. :shocked2::laugh3:


Haha, it's still a funny story though - I would be so embarassed.


Good-god, I was emberassed!!! :laugh3:

Everyone in the room looked at me when he said coldplaying.com....:rolleyes:

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*Virtual pu.....* Naww, virtual punches just won't do:shrug:


So I guess you're off the hook Stefan:lol:


Hahah but now you better hope you never meet me in person:sneaky::lol:

I can already see the headlines!


"Crazy girl from Depew kills Dutch guy for insulting her idol. They blame it on videogames."



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When you find out that someone in your school is going to NYC for the weekend and even though you've only talked to them on a causal basis and aren't even real friends, you're seriosuly considering asking them to take you with them.................

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