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I didn't know what to call this thread but GUH...I love Coldplay so much don't get me wrong but the new clothing they've been sporting makes them seem so...pretentious.

Why can't they just wear normal clothing instead of dressing for each album?

It just seems so contrived.

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I also agree, although I do think the outfits themselves are pretty cool.

But if they REALLY want to connect with their fans, dressing like earthlings would help a great deal, i think. It would really be better that they seemed like 4 average guys just playing music. They're already as close to being musical gods as they can get, without having to dress like them.

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They're already as close to being musical gods as they can get, without having to dress like them.

Haha so true. But yes the outfits are pretty cool, the theme is good. I think it'll be just right for their new musical style.


For example, this is a little too much (no offense to Panic fans ;)):



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i agree. i was much more a fan of the streetclothes with the jeans and t-shirts etc etc. i mean, how can you NOT love the "BEST DAMN SAWMILLERS IN THE COUNTRY" shirt?! :D


i think the new clothes look cool in themselves, but just let the music speak for itself, boys. we love you without the all-black get ups and the revolutionary jackets!

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The new sneakers look is black with white strings! And the clothes look like they went shopping in Army/Navy store or a thrift shop. I used to shop in those, actually I found a jacket several years ago and bought from a Old Army clothes store, it was from Spain military...much like those looks! Just tie or sew some colored strips and Voila!!! :D

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I think the style of dress we have seen on the band since the beginning of the marketing push for VLV will incorporate into the live show. I think they are stylizing the album with certain elements, and this style of dress is part of that visualization aspect.


Or I could be totally off base. :shrug

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Their jeans and t-shirt look was one of the reasons I fell in love with Coldplay - they just seemed so 'normal' (not that cool, fashionable stuff isn't normal!) but they just looked like proper students which I really loved :P

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I think the style of dress we have seen on the band since the beginning of the marketing push for VLV will incorporate into the live show. I think they are stylizing the album with certain elements, and this style of dress is part of that visualization aspect.


Or I could be totally off base. :shrug


I think so too. I think the visual side of an album is really interesting and important, from the videos to the album artwork to what the band members themselves look like. I really like the fact they don't look like some scruffy, bland indie rockers (Snow Patrol, for example) and actually put a bit of effort in for each record.

When Parachutes was released they were normal, now they aren't. I don't like it when bands just look like they turned up on stage from the pub. Can you imagine Chris singing Square One in a t-shirt and jeans?

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Can you imagine Chris singing Square One in a t-shirt and jeans?


Yes, i can. The funny (or annoying) thing will be the hordes of fans showing up at CP concerts dressed up like clowns in a pathetic attempt to look like the band haha.

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I dunno. Sometimes the dress-up can be used in a good way. It makes it all more engaging, but yes, only if it doesn't become too theatrical.


I loved their X&Y look. All black with white shoes. In fact, I basically emulate that everyday.



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Well, even if there is a little theatrics (see: gymanstics routines on tour), I think it's okay as long as it ties in with this album alone. I see absolutely nothing wrong with incorporating dress in with the material.


Now, if I see a picture of the boys walking around the streets of London in the garb...I will eat my words. :D

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I dunno. Sometimes the dress-up can be used in a good way. It makes it all more engaging, but yes, only if it doesn't become too theatrical.


I loved their X&Y look. All black with white shoes. In fact, I basically emulate that everyday.



Anyone old enough to remember the days when everyone went around dressed like Duran Duran or Robert Smith from the Cure. Its just natural to want to emulate our heroes

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Well, even if there is a little theatrics (see: gymanstics routines on tour), I think it's okay as long as it ties in with this album alone. I see absolutely nothing wrong with incorporating dress in with the material.


Now, if I see a picture of the boys walking around the streets of London in the garb...I will eat my words. :D


iiiiii wouldn't be surprised if they wore the jackets out. after all, the guys pretty much stuck to the all-black wardrobe of X&Y 24/7 it seemed.


and i kind of hope that there aren't any gymnastics on the tour. please, just music, lights, and video screens!!

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iiiiii wouldn't be surprised if they wore the jackets out. after all, the guys pretty much stuck to the all-black wardrobe of X&Y 24/7 it seemed.


and i kind of hope that there aren't any gymnastics on the tour. please, just music, lights, and video screens!!


Maybe not C, J, W or G doing gymnastics but something similar to what Muse had at Wembley Stadium would be very cool.

'Dressing up' is something a lot of big artists (U2, the Beatles, Bowie, Madonna...) do so why should CP be any different.

I hate it when you go to a gig by a big band and they just look ordinary, like "you shouldn't care what we look like, it's all about the music" - what bollocks. I'm not saying CP should start taking tips from Kylie but...they're in a huge band putting on a huge show, they aren't students anymore.

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Maybe not C, J, W or G doing gymnastics but something similar to what Muse had at Wembley Stadium would be very cool.

'Dressing up' is something a lot of big artists (U2, the Beatles, Bowie, Madonna...) do so why should CP be any different.

I hate it when you go to a gig by a big band and they just look ordinary, like "you shouldn't care what we look like, it's all about the music" - what bollocks. I'm not saying CP should start taking tips from Kylie but...they're in a huge band putting on a huge show, they aren't students anymore.

I don't think I could disagree more, but still, each to their own. Just look at Radiohead nowadays - I don't see any fancy get ups there, and I guess they're even bigger than Coldplay to a certain extent. Thom Yorke wears pretty "ordinary" clothes on and off the stage. You don't need a dress code to be "big", in my opinion. And I don't see why people should feel that how they dress should somehow match their status as a band and the quality of their music. Taking your quote about a band saying "you shouldn't care what we look like, it's all about the music"... well actually, unless they look like tramps, I don't see why it should matter. But as long as the guys are fine with dressing the way they are now, I'm all for it - like i said, I think the outfits themselves are pretty cool. I just wouldn't mind a return to the Parachutes & AROBTTH era mindset, of "image isn't everything". The music should really speak for itself.
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^agreed, of course :D


*shrug* i think i just appeal to the student look more. that's just me. but i do think that it should be all about the music. it worked fine for them in the parachutes and AROBTTH eras, and they weren't students then, so i don't see why that still wouldn't work. lots of bands just wear whatever they feel like rather than making it all fancy. i'm not saying they shouldn't, i'm just saying i don't like it as much personally. it tends to make me think that the vast majority isn't on the music, but on their popularity. i'm not saying i think coldplay thinks that, but i'm saying that's the impression it tends to give, especially to other people that aren't as familiar with them as we all are.


and i think that the beatles did just wear whatever the hell they wanted (besides with sgt. pepper, but they only did that for the cover and not many other places). they didn't really make an effort to coordinate, it seems, whereas other bands do.


that's just what i prefer, of course :D

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I don't mind this new look, I actually enjoy it. Chris Martin in tighter pants, yes please. :wink3: And the splash of color is refreshing after the all black X&Y era.

It's a little over the top, but hopefully they'll tone it down for intimate performance on tv, radio, whatever.


But if they start wearing make-up I'm out. :laugh3:

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