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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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June 22, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 28th June.


I know this sounds weird, but I dislike most of my friends. There's only a couple of them I can even stand to be around but I don't feel close to most of them. Yeah I hang out with them but if I'm planning on seeing them I find myself dreading the event. I SHOULD like them but I just can't stand to be around them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a people person! I love strangers and I pretty much got an award for being friendly (to my shock)!

When it comes to friends though, there's only 3 or 4 tops that I actually LIKE. I hate abandoning people once I get to know them but it's becoming a habit. Can you help? Anon. Ireland.[/i]


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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June 22, 2012 - submitted by Bec, United Kingdom



A few weeks ago I went to a new restaurant near to my house with a few friends. We had a great night and one of the waiters was talking to us. He seems like a really nice guy. Now I'm finding myself going back on a regular basis because I want to see him. I'm 18 but I think he is about 28 to 30 ish.

I'm really not the sort of person that could just tell him about it either, what shall I do ? Help !?



The Oracle replies:


Blimey Bec, you better sort this out soon or the financial impact could be disastrous!

Let me put it another way, I don't think that going there regularly for dinner is going to help you much.

I once made the mistake of thinking that banter at my local pub meant more and was humiliated when I asked them out on a date only to discover they weren't single.

Remember, part of a waiter's job is to be friendly, polite and nice to the customers. Not only is he employed to make your experience a happy one he's hoping for good tips!

He may think it inappropriate to chat a girl up at work so if you think he may like you, you could be right but bear his position in mind.

I'd say that maybe you should just be brave and start by finding out whether he's single. Either ask a question about nights off or comment on 'how hard it must be on your partner working all hours'.

If he is available, you could always hand him a note as you're paying the bill or get a friend to help. Whichever route you go for I'm sure he'll be flattered and either let you down gently or take a chance. If you never try you'll never know.

For the sake of your bank balance, do something soon.

Over to you.


I would say that there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore the opportunity however be wise. He is a lot older then you are, which isn't a the worst thing in the world, however it is something to take into account. He is probably in a different place than you are and maybe looking for something different than what you are looking for. Also, keep a tight reign on your emotions. It is easy for emotions to cloud reason. Be aware that it most likely won't turn into anything but you never know. If by chance it begins to turn into something I suggest taking a friend with you sometime to help and see if he is a man of character and a man who is good for you. I wish you well. Joseph S.


Well Bec. U.K., does it seem like to you that this waiter fancies you as well? When you come to the restaurant, does he assist you or notice you? You're absolutely not crazy! You're 18 and you're just seeking for a proper mate-whether he be a permanent one or a temporary one. There's nothing wrong with you going to the restaurant and seeing him, but you've got to see for yourself if he's interested in you. If you think he is, then ask him to go out with you or just to hang out with you; there's no harm done in asking him. You're young. Enjoy life to the fullest! A.L.


I think you should go for it. Life is too short to wonder what if. I do agree that there's a chance he might not be single or that he might be hesitant because of the age difference, but as the song goes "if you never try you'll never know..." So go on and ask for his number, don't be shy! If he says "oh, I have a girlfriend," or whatever just go like "Oh, that's a shame" or "your loss" be jokey about it and I promise it won't be awkward. Also, I suggest you do it while your friends are around, it might help you be more comfortable.

Good luck! Take care, Randa.


Bec, I'd suggest thinking about whether he see's you as an age or as a person. The sad truth is that he might simply be interested in you because you are a lot younger than him and he may try to take advantage of that. You might want to consider why he's not interested in people within his own age group. My advice is steer clear, you and him may have massive differences due to your ages and he might just be trying to take advantage of you. Oli.


Before you do anything, remember that his charm is part of the job! He is supposed to smile and engage with customers and make them feel welcome. His allure is working on you, and you are returning to the restaurant with money in hand. I say this because he is like this with everyone in the restaurant, so don't feel like he's singling you out. That being said, have you or a friend find out if he's seeing someone. If he is in a relationship, don't pursue him. You said you aren't the kind of person to tell him how you feel, so before you leave the restaurant leave him a note for him to pick up, or have a friend tell him how you feel. Take it slow, and after a few more visits, you will have a better picture of where things will go. Best of luck! Blake.


Just came across your question, and that's really funny because the exact same thing is happening to me. I live in a brand new town and always seem to go to that same bar because of this waiter that I don't know how to approach.

I'd say go for it so you can find out if there is something there or if you'll just have to move on, but I know it's easier said than done. I'm shy and not self-confident so maybe we could help each other. I'll go talk to my crush if you go talk to yours, what do you think? Good luck! Magy, FRANCE.


Honey the World is Wide Open. Take your time. Watch how He Interacts with Other Girls, BEFORE You Event Approach Him. Coleen.


You don't have to just come out and say you like him or anything. Maybe just ask him to join you for a coffee? I'm a bit shy too, and I think friends can help sometimes, maybe you could ask him to hang out with some friends at first and then it would be easier to talk to him more personally. Hope it works out for you. Love, Darem.


People that are required to act nicely for their work, for example the waiter may not be acting like they do normally. I would say go into the situation with some scepticism that he actually is a nice guy. Don't be mean about it though. Also if you don't have the nerve to say anything maybe it is best kept as a nice crush. However if you can try I suggest breaking out of your comfort zone and take a risk. You may get an answer you do not like but every success has many failures before it. Christian.


If you're not the type of person to tell him face to face then what I would recommend is when you leave your tip write your number on the back of the receipt and as you're walking out tell him "There's your tip plus something extra for you" smile and exit. He should then find your number on the receipt beneath your actual tip. Talk about tipping your waiter well. Good luck! Tam.


Well ,this could be thought as one of those forbidden love type of thing. I'm not saying you can't be friends with the guy, and I'm not against wide age ranged marriages, but there's a reason love is an ocean. As for this situation, if you want to be friends with the guy, feel free. Talk to him, let him know that he's cool. But if you feel that you only want to be with him in a relationship, you might want to put some serious thought in what to do next. Either way, you need to talk to this guy, let him know that you guys could at least be friends. Be more open with him, and see if he's more open with you. I know that it takes a lot of courage to talk to the guy, and your probably thinking of how to talk to him, so try this; ask him the questions at first, like how he's been, or what he's up to. Make him do the talking, and when you're more comfortable with it, let him get to know you. But I would still recommend going fishing in other places in the sea first. Hope it goes well, and good luck fishing, your friend, J.


A new romance or even the possibility of one can be very intriguing. If it were me I would continue to visit the restaurant. Maybe you could somehow leave your email or text # on the bill or a napkin?? Or get a friend to tell him how you feel. Maybe you could arrange to have a coffee, no pressure attached, find out more and then you may get to know if you want to pursue it further.

Just be careful, don't give out lots of personal details too soon, that can end badly. Best of luck, have fun but be careful! Laurie.


At 18, you have many, many attractions of varying degrees lying ahead. For it to have potential, be it casual or exclusive, both of you need to share in the attraction. The waiter may be nice because it's part of his job, he may just be nice all the time, or he may be nice cause he digs you! These are by no means mutually exclusive. The age difference seems significant depending on where you both are in life's trajectory. I'm not saying there's no potential here. Who knows where it will lead? If you're interested, ask around, or save yourself the time and ask him directly. Bec, what do you have to lose? If you don't ask, you'll never know, right? Best of luck, Aimee.


Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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June 25, 2012 - submitted by Davis McCutcheon, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle,


I submitted a question last night after the Dallas show (23) and I've felt bad ever since because I know I asked for a tall personal order. If you didn't read my question, I asked if you could find out what Chris said (maybe?) to a group of dancing kids in front of him on the 23rd in Dallas.


Well, I've rewritten my question: if you could possibly guess as to what he said

around 1:07, or tell me if this is something he's said at past shows, I'd appreciate it tremendously- you truly have no idea how much it would mean!


Again, the show was brilliant!

Thanks Oracle!



The Oracle replies:


Yes, I did get the other Q but hadn't got around to answering because we have Team Oracle on Fridays.

I can't make out what he says I'm afraid (sounds like something about 3 boys looking straight at...). I can tell you that it's not a change I've heard before and Chris certainly didn't say the same the night before.

I'm sorry that it doesn't confirm your hopes that he was saying something to you* but it sounds like he could have been!

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June 25, 2012 - submitted by Rose, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Oracle,

I went to the second Manchester gig (which was amazing!!), and at the end was lucky enough to get one of the band's guitar picks when a roadie threw it off stage. I was wondering whose it was - do you have any idea which of the band uses yellow .73mm Dunlop picks? Thanks :)



The Oracle replies:


I do, thanks to Matt McGinn & Hoppy who both confirmed that what you have in your possession is one of Guy's picks.

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June 25, 2012 - submitted by Rose, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

I went to the second Manchester gig (which was amazing!!), and at the end was lucky enough to get one of the band's guitar picks when a roadie threw it off stage. I was wondering whose it was - do you have any idea which of the band uses yellow .73mm Dunlop picks? Thanks :)



The Oracle replies:


I do, thanks to Matt McGinn & Hoppy who both confirmed that what you have in your possession is one of Guy's picks.


Yup. Though I have a picture somewhere of Jonny using one too, but it's from years ago. It surprises me that Guy uses such thin pics as a bass player!

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June 26, 2012 - submitted by M L G, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle,


I went to see the tour at the Ricoh Arena and then a week later I had a Coldplay crew member come in to my work (in a t shirt which said 'local crew member Coldplay' if you wondered how I knew. I was just wondering how do you come to be employees of Coldplay? Is it just by luck or do they actually have a recruitment process?



The Oracle replies:


If it says "local crew" the word "local" means they are working on that show but nothing further in the tour. It's not luck per se; we don't advertise as such. Crew and all tour personnel are usually already involved in the live circuit and know what they're doing as it's an enormous task to put a show on from city to city.

There's no easy way to suddenly become a crew member on a tour of this size. If you see someone at a stadium in a t-shirt such as you described, it may be one of the venue's staff rather than the band's.

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June 26, 2012 - submitted by Amber, United States of America


Q. Hello Oracle, so I went to the Coldplay concert in Dallas, Tx on the 23rd. I love Coldplay, I'm one of their biggest fans and I took video the entire time of the show. I fell in love with Coldplay all over again. It was my first Coldplay concert ever! Sadly enough I lost my memory card, shortly after the concert. I was crying alot. I'm from El Paso, Tx so I can't go back and search for it. Is there anything you can possibly do to help me out? All my videos and pictures from the concert were on it :( it would mean the world to me.

love Amber



The Oracle replies:


Oh bummer! That's awful; only happened to me once but I got it returned (a film though - not a card, not sure how you lose one of those).

Get yourself on a fan forum of some sort - coldplaying.com, tumblr et al to rediscover lost moments if you can.

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June 26, 2012 - submitted by Bethany, United Kingdom


Q. Hello Oracle!


I was wondering if you have any baby pictures of the band as we are doing Quizzes in class and I would think it would be nice if at least one member of Coldplay could be in the baby pictures round?


Thank you!

The show back at the start of June was amazing!





The Oracle replies:


Nope, that's far too cheesy that even I might struggle with the images! I've never seen a photo of Thom Yorke, Bono, KOL, Tom Waits or indeed feel a need to see any of the artists I love as infants. Sorry! Please don't let any Coldplay baby photos materialize! Agggghhhhh!

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June 26, 2012 - submitted by Gaston, Argentina


Q. Hey Oracle:

I know Coldplay would never do this but I was watching this video and the song seems to be exactly as the studio version. Were they doing lip-syncing? Or the one who uploaded the video put the studio version over this video?


Please answer me! Greetings from Argentina



The Oracle replies:


It's not unusual for musicians to mime on U.K television (especially back then on this particular programme) but I assure you the vocals are live - Coldplay don't lip synch.

I think that's a case of the video not being in perfect time.

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June 26, 2012 - submitted by Amber, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Hello Oracle, so I went to the Coldplay concert in Dallas, Tx on the 23rd. I love Coldplay, I'm one of their biggest fans and I took video the entire time of the show. I fell in love with Coldplay all over again. It was my first Coldplay concert ever! Sadly enough I lost my memory card, shortly after the concert. I was crying alot. I'm from El Paso, Tx so I can't go back and search for it. Is there anything you can possibly do to help me out? All my videos and pictures from the concert were on it :( it would mean the world to me.

love Amber



The Oracle replies:


Oh bummer! That's awful; only happened to me once but I got it returned (a film though - not a card, not sure how you lose one of those).

Get yourself on a fan forum of some sort - coldplaying.com, tumblr et al to rediscover lost moments if you can.


:D! I always get a little patriotic when she recommends the forum!

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June 27, 2012 - submitted by GP, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,


I hope to find you well. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I wanted some clarification. I was a bit confused on the background on a few songs. What I mean is, I thought that Chris Martin wrote Green Eyes for his beloved Gwenyth... however I read somewhere that it was written for/about Jonny Buckland? Was Moses for Gwenyth as well for their child?


Thank you for your time, and greetings to you and to Coldplay from the lone star state :)



The Oracle replies:


Green Eyes was partly written about Jonny but not totally - Chris hadn't even met Gwyneth when he wrote it.

Moses was not written for their child either; the song came first.

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June 27, 2012 - submitted by Martin, Costa Rica


Q. Hello dear Oracle,

I have seen interviews of Chris and Jonny, Will and Guy, etc... but never seen Will and Jonny together in any interview. Why is that? Also, is that true that one was the marriage best man of the other? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


The usual set up is Chris / Jonny & Will / Guy but for no sinister reason.

It's just the dynamics of those pairings work really well in an interview situation and are usually convenient.

There are video examples of a different formation

amongst others. One of Will & Jonny was not uncovered and leads me to wonder if that combo has ever taken place - as you ask.

I've interviewed Guy, Jonny & Will but don't recall a time when It was J&W together.

Oh and no, they haven't had any kind of rota on best man duties.

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I do believe Moses is indeed about Gwyneth, but Green eyes (written before they met, as the Oracle points out) is indeed partially for Jonny and partially for 'An American Friend' as Chris has said. But I'm guessing most in the thread already know this.

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June 29, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 5th July.


I graduated from uni a year ago but I've had to take care of my disabled mother (not the greatest recent graduate story). I found out early this year she has terminal cancer and has about less than a year. I've tried getting support from friends but many of them don't understand what I must be going through and many have flat-out told me I've been too emotional. I'm starting to feel incredibly alone in this situation as I'm losing friends and any form of support (other than my family- but we're collectively having a hard time too). How do I get through these times? It's hard enough that I'm probably one of a handful of 22 year olds going through this. I have the strength sometimes but there are times I just can't help but feel more and more alone with no one to turn to. Marie, USA.


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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June 29, 2012 - submitted by Anon, Ireland



I know this sounds weird, but I dislike most of my friends. There's only a couple of them I can even stand to be around but I don't feel close to most of them. Yeah I hang out with them but if I'm planning on seeing them I find myself dreading the event. I SHOULD like them but I just can't stand to be around them. Don't get me wrong, I'm a people person! I love strangers and I pretty much got an award for being friendly (to my shock)! When it comes to friends though, there's only 3 or 4 tops that I actually LIKE. I hate abandoning people once I get to know them but it's becoming a habit...

Can you help? Anon, Ireland.



The Oracle replies:


Well I think this could be solved quite simply. If you don't like many of your friends, they're not your friends just acquaintances so don't feel so bad.

I'd suggest just spending time with the 3 or 4 you like and don't waste time or energy on the others. You can't like everyone (in my opinion) and sometimes you inherit friends from other people within a group but it doesn't mean you have to like them all. You say you "should" like them but I disagree somewhat. You should like the people you hang out with yes, so if you don't - don't hang out with them.

The fact you're friendly and like some strangers makes me deduce there is nothing wrong with you or the way you think just that you've got yourself into a situation where you obviously give people time to get to know them and then ditch them if you don't like them.

The only thing I would warn against is not to feel the pressure to make new friends and then you won't have to ditch them.

Over to you.


Last year I had a fight with my best friend of three years shortly after she traveled to a different country and after that we lost touch completely. I found myself in a situation similar to yours. I have friends, but I never really found them as interesting. I hate hanging out with most of them in spite of how friendly they are to me, which makes me feel kind of guilty. But the truth is, you can't really help the vibe you get from a person; it has much to do with the fact that you may have different mentalities and perspectives that do not make you compatible. You shouldn't feel obliged to hangout with a person you do not like, because there's no point of it if you're not enjoying yourself. So, it's okay to say no sometimes. As for the "I hate abandoning people" part, I say you should not abandon anyone; talk to them, treat them well, just keep a little distance if it makes you comfortable. It's important that you learn to keep your relationships under control. For now, I say focus on the 3 or 4, whom you enjoy the company of and let the others know, when you need your space. I hope this helped, Randa G.


I understand what you're feeling. I feel the same way sometimes. You feel alone and like your friends don't understand you at all and you wonder why you're friends at all... But try to remember WHY you actually became friends in the first place and all the fun times you've had with them!!! I sometimes have mixed emotions about my friends. First I can't stand anything they do and feel like they are a completely different person than the person I love to hang out with and joke around with. Then I see them in a different light, and feel guilty for ever doubting them. Try to talk to your friends and tell them how you really feel, you might be surprised, it could help! And it's OK to have only a 3 or 4 close friends that you really like! Try to get closer to them!!! I'm not very good at this, but I hope it helped! It definitely made me feel better to know I'm not the only one who feels like this, too! Love, Mia.


There might be a connection between how outgoing you are towards strangers and the difficulty you have navigating your feelings towards the people you hang out with. After all, strangers don't demand much of your real feelings - and if you've got a sense of humour, then it's probably quite easy to make a connection in the short term. But life circumstances generally being what they are, the odds are stacked against you that those connections will last.

This might sound like an irrelevant point, but how comfortable are you in your own skin outside of the company of others? If you seek company because being alone is a struggle for whatever reason, then it probably makes sense that only a handful of people (or fewer) could fit the mould of what you feel you're looking for and need. And even then, they are probably treading on thin ice!

Constantly focusing on finding friends and feeling you SHOULD like certain people is bound to be draining. Perhaps allow the tides to turn a little. Your existing friends and acquaintances will of course remain as they are, but maybe it's possible to play the 'waiting game' a bit? – Be open to who likes you, and who wants to invest time in making friends with you, and be wary of squandering those opportunities. In the meantime, you might be able to invest in your own life & interests - becoming a better friend as a result. Dymock.


I think your friendliness might be making you feel guilty.You want to like everyone and be friends with them, but that's pretty much impossible. There's nothing wrong with having just a small group of close friends. I guess it depends on the person, but I think 3 or 4 close friends is fine. Especially if you talk to a lot of different people. You can know a lot of them and be friendly and nice, but that doesn't mean you have to be best friends or anything. I mean, why hang out with people you don't even like? It's your life, hang out with the people that make you happy and you can trust. I think it's worse when you try and force something too, so I wouldn't suggest forcing yourself to try and like all these people that you know you don't like. Don't feel guilty, everyone is different and into different things, there's nothing wrong with that. Wish you the best. Love, Darem.


If you find yourself dreading meetings with these friends, maybe not being with them is the best option for yourself as well as for them. I'm not saying to just leave them, just like that. Take time to let them go easily and painlessly. If you don't like these people and don't consider them to be true friends, I think it's unfair to keep hanging out with them and pretending to have fun. If you don't think you have enough strength to stop being friends, then I think the only other thing you can do is talk to them and try to make an even bigger effort to bond. I wish you well, and luck. Medina.


The biggest factor here is that you don't want to offend them, because they very well could be offended if you outright tell them "Hey, I don't like you, so we're done!" I imagine you don't enjoy being with these people due to a difference of opinions, that's how a lot of friendships end; if this is the case, then I'd suggest you to make your opinion known, but not outlandishly.

If this isn't the case, then just stop hanging around with them, sort of drift away, into a crowd you are more comfortable with. Just as long as you don't be rude or hostile to them in anyway.

Also, I'm going to beat myself up later if I don't say this, but make sure you give them a chance before you brush them off! You never know what you could be missing out on, if you decide to cut them out of your life. I almost made that mistake when I was a kid.

Best wishes! Bradley H.


Get new friends! B.


Thanks to all those who replied to this week's dilemma. Remember, Team Oracle is open to ANYONE so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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July 2, 2012 - submitted by Kane, Canada


Q. Dear Oracle,

Has the band ever considered doing an acoustic album? Because I've been listening to acoustic versions of their songs on YouTube and they're just beautiful. Thanks and hope you answer!



The Oracle replies:


The band did consider doing an acoustic album as it goes. In fact, before Mylo Xyloto was written and recorded, album five was intended to be an acoustic affair.

Have you heard this by the way?

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July 2, 2012 - submitted by R Brown, United States of America


Q. I will be taking my son to see his first Coldplay concert in Atlanta, Georgia on July 2nd. He is 14 and plays the piano. He has practiced and practiced the song Postcards From Far Away and is hoping to hear Chris play it on the piano at the concert. Do you think Chris will?



The Oracle replies:


As you only sent this on the 2nd and it is the 2nd, you'll be getting ready for the show soon I suppose.

If you see this before you go at least you can break the news gently that no, I do not think Chris will play it. In fact, I know he won't be playing it - sorry!

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July 2, 2012 - submitted by Krizzia, Puerto Rico


Q. All right. I know that many people want this dream, but I really wanna be a singer/actress. The thing is, where I live, there really aren't many opportunities and well my parents don't support my dream. They think it's stupid. So I just wanted to ask if you guys had the same problems or if you have any advice you can give me.



The Oracle replies:


Many people seem to frown on certain dreams if they involve entertainment but if it was a profession such as medicine, it would be a different response.

This is YOUR dream, not your parents' but I am hoping this is your dream because you recognize your potential and talent to achieve it.

I'm all for people going for their goals and proving themselves right but it is a tough industry and will involve a lot of hard work and sacrifice. You may experience rejection and struggle to get where you want but if you're determined and have the right skills, keep going and don't give up.

The band had the support of their parents so I can't really relate any wisdom from their point of view. Chris also had the support of Phil's Mum who spotted his talent and had belief from the very start.

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