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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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July 27, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 2nd August.


What is the best advice you were ever told?

About life, love, relationships, anything and everything. Skyler, USA.



Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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July 27, 2012 - submitted by Paul, United Kingdom



I'm in a really tight situation, and I could really do with your advice.

I'm been in a relationship with my girlfriend for just over 7 months now, and things have been going really well. There's always been one problem though - she's never told her parents about me, and has stated she never plans to. Now, I don't know why, but I find this difficult to cope with, because not only is it unfair on them, but we have to keep our relationship secret, and she can't see me as much as she wants to, so it's unfair on me too. We've argued over it a lot and she's threatened to dump me over this. What do I do? I've been told her parents are really nice people, so I don't see why that should be a problem, but she says she just can't, and offered no valid reason why she can't tell them. Please help, I'm desperate.

Thank you for listening.



The Oracle replies:


Paul, the two things that bother me most are that she never plans to tell her parents and is threatening to dump you if you keep challenging her on the matter.

If she gave a good reason why, I think you'd have a starting point to discuss things but to have you kept in the dark is unreasonable and grossly unfair.

It must be very frustrating.

Trust is such a vital part of a relationship so I feel she owes you an explanation at the very least.

You, however, don't need to explain your reasons for being hurt by it - I think most people would - but you wrote to me so it's obviously bothering you a lot.

I suggest you ask yourself if you are prepared to accept her terms in order to stay together and not question her reasons but accept them.

If you can't, sadly the only thing I can offer you is probably not what you're expecting or hoping for.

If anyone is issuing ultimatums I think it should be you; either she tells her parents or it's over.

Over to you.


I kind of understand what your girlfriend is going through as I've been through something similar myself.

A couple years ago, I was in a relationship with a guy and he really wanted to meet my parents, but I wouldn't even consider it. My parents are really protective, old-fashioned people. (They met when they were twenty-one and as far as I know, that was the first time any of them ever got into a relationship and they have been together ever since.) I just knew they wouldn't allow it. I don't know how old you are, but I was sixteen at the time. So maybe that's why she won't tell them. Because she's afraid of how they will react. You should talk about it, but don't try to force her into doing something she's not ready to do yet. Catherine.


If your girlfriend isn't willing to introduce you to her parents and is threatening to dump you there is defiantly a problem. You should have a sit down talk with her and tell her how much you care about her and that if this relationship is going to work you deserve her full respect and honesty, tell her that either she tells her parents of this relationship isn't going to work out. Besides if she's willing to dump you over wanting to meet her parents after seven months she probably isn't exactly "the one".

Maddie, USA.


I can understand your situation! Perhaps your girlfriend is worried on what her parents would think. You sound like a completely nice guy, but some parents can be very protective and picky over their children's romantic partners. Maybe you should look more into it. Try to really get your girlfriend to explain why she is negative about it. Now if she keeps it up, maybe you could call up your parents or a relative for some advice. Trust me, my parents have helped me in many bad relationship scenarios! I'm no love guru, but this is the best advice I could give you!

Don't ask your girlfriend with an angry,frustrated tone. She will be less stressed if you ask her nicely. If she raises her voice, you still stay calm. Arguing will make the situation worse than it is.

Good luck! Meghan.


I feel you have every right to be concerned over this, seven months is a long time and if, as you say it is going well, why the secrecy? Many possibilities for this... maybe she has been hurt in the past and does not wish to share this in case it goes south or it could be she is hiding something. Perhaps her parents don't approve of her choices. There could be more to it than meets the eye. You need to ask yourself if you feel that in time, she will be more forthcoming, if not, how comfortable can you be with this? Is your relationship strong enough to handle this? My feeling is after all this time it is right for you to want to be closer to her, and it's a red flag that she does not share this. Be brave and tell her how you feel and be prepared to live with the outcome good or bad. If she does not want to be honest with you now, then when will she? You deserve someone who will be. Take care, Laurie.


This must be a very tricky situation for you. You need to be careful and sensitive about the way you deal with this, you don't know what has happened in the past with her parents and relationships. It could be a touchy subject and one that your girlfriend would rather hide, this may be why you argue when you bring up the topic. I would suggest that you ask your girlfriend if you could be firstly introduced to her parents as a friend, then you could meet them and it might give you more information about why she doesn't want you to tell them about the relationship. Then one you have had a few meetings being called a friend your girlfriend may possibly feel more comfortable telling them about your relationship once you have gained her parents respect. Good Luck, Elle.


It is quite simple. You have to confront her over this and explain her your feelings and what you think. She has to understand that since you want a serious relationship with her, you must get to know her parents. So she must get over her fears and talk with her parents or you will have to simply end the relationship. You can also seek her opinion on why she does not want to tell her parents about you, which seems very weird. I wish you the best of luck and simply remember that if someone does not want to introduce you to her parents, she does not deserve you. Mariano.


I am very sorry to hear about that situation. I believe that 99.9% of the the time, honesty is the best policy. And I do believe that this is a situation where that is the case. There is no reason for her to be keeping the relationship away from her parents. There might be something more than what she is telling you and you might want to investigate it. If she persists in not giving you more details than I would guess there is probably something more. If that is the case, you might want to consider moving on. If she is not honest with her parents, it is hard to say whether or not she will be fully honest with you. Wish you the best!

Joseph S.


Trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship. Whether it becomes a friendship down the road or remains romantic, this is essential to an enduring fruitful intimacy. If your girlfriend values the relationship, she will open up and not keep the parents issue secret. She must trust you with that issue. If she refuses, and you have tried to assure her, this relationship has no where to go. Save your heart now rather than later. NKQ.


Because you've been with her for over 7 months, it sounds like you guys have some very genuine feelings. This being said, it's important to meet her parents if there is going to be a future. You definitely need to talk to your girlfriend - tell her how you feel, very openly, so she knows that you respect her and like her, and is why you want to meet her parents. Maybe she has a good reason, and you two can talk it out and figure it out. Then the two of you can sit and talk to her parents. It's wonderful you care about her so much, and her parents, so if she cares that much about you (which I'm hoping and assuming she does) she will talk to you. Tell her that as well-maybe she doesn't see it that way. Good luck, I'm with you, Paul! Marcie from Canada.


First of all, I applaud you for taking her parent's opinion in this matter into consideration, it definitely shows good character.

That being said, you need to continue pursuing an answer from your girlfriend about this. If you plan on taking this relationship to a serious level, you can't let it be a secret.

However, be gentle with this, if she's threatened to break up over this, then chances are, it could be something serious. Don't let it sound like it's the biggest concern on your mind, downplay your concerns a little, but not it's importance. Remind her that you if you're going to be a serious relationship, then you can't spend what little time you spend together hiding in the shadows.

Wish you two the best!

Bradley H.


Thanks to all those who wrote in with their thoughts. Remember, Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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July 27, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom[/color][/b]



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 2nd August.


What is the best advice you were ever told?

About life, love, relationships, anything and everything. Skyler, USA.



Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]


Excellent question. Already looking forward to read the answers next week!

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July 30, 2012 - submitted by Michael, New Zealand


Q. So... someone posted a link of this over at the Coldplaying forums. Is it one of Coldplay's? Because of the filters on the vocals, it's made it hard to tell for me whether or not it's Chris! Half of me says it could be him, half says not :P


The Oracle replies:


I can see why people could think it's Chris but it doesn't sound like Jonny's inimitable guitar sound. I don't know the song or who it is and although he has certain similarities, if you listen closely there are parts you can hear that it isn't Chris.

I don't recall ever seeing that song title knocking around either.

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30 July 2012 - submitted by Karynna, United States of America

Q. Oh omniscient oracle,


Guy produced an album with a band I think it was a male/female duo, but I can't remember the name. I know he's done work with Apparatjik and The Pierces and Hudson Hank but for some reason, I can't think of what band it might be.


Do you think you could help me out?




The Oracle replies:


Allison Pierce also features in the male/female duo you're thinking of: James Levy & The Blood Red Rose - as well as The Pierces.

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31 July 2012 - submitted by Naomi, United Kingdom

Q. Hey Oracle,

I went to see Coldplay at the Emirates stadium in London on June 4th and outside before the show when everyone was queuing there was a man in an elephant suit with a sign, much like the one from the Paradise video, who was taking pictures with people. I'd like to know whether that was Chris (or any other member of Coldplay for that matter), it just seems like something he would do. I would just like to add that that was the best night of my life, even though it was such a blur I can't remember much of it! Many thanks if you can answer my question :D


The Oracle replies:


I'm sorry to disappoint you Naomi but no, that elephant costume didn't have any of the band members inside; they weren't at the stadium until not long before the show.



July 31, 2012 - submitted by Iris, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle,

After Coldplay's tour is over in November what happens to the roadies?

Thank You :)


The Oracle replies:


They get to rest, go on holiday, return home to their families and then start all over again - with another band. There is a handful of our roadies who remain with the boys even when they're not touring but most other crew members will go on the road again. It's a hard life - really hard work but most of them wouldn't have it any other way.



July 31, 2012 - submitted by Mitchell, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle,

Just asking about the Paralympic concert. Will the band be performing just a few songs or will they be doing the MX set? I only really have a interest to see Coldplay so don't want to pay all that money if they sing 5 songs. How long will they be on stage?


Also it is £100 in category C but where is that in the stadium?


Thank you


The Oracle replies:


This is NOT a Coldplay show so no, they will certainly not be performing the MX set!

There's a saying that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

This show is the closing ceremony so to be honest if you're only going for Coldplay, I think maybe you should give it a miss. That's not meant to sound as snooty as I am sure it does but I think feeling the spirit of the Paralympics is just as important as being a fan of one band asked to play the event, if you see what I mean? They may play one, two, three or more songs but it's not their gig.

I have no idea where seats in category C are either but as £100 is a lot of money, I'd suggest only paying that if you really want to experience the whole thing rather than a tiny segment of it.

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August 1, 2012 - submitted by Jorge, Peru


Q. Dear Oracle I heard many rumours that Coldplay will perform for the closing ceremony of the Olympics. So this is my question: the guys will only perform for the Paralympics or also they will perform on August 12th (Olympics)?



The Oracle replies:


They are only playing the closing ceremony of the Paralympicsin September; they will be travelling home from the States on the 12th August.

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August 1, 2012 - submitted by Brian, United States of America


Q. Hellooo Oraclooo,

Has it hit the band that the Olympics are going on in their home country while they're out on tour in America? Not that I would want them anywhere else, the show was incredible. Just wondering if they're getting to watch at all.

And if you don't mind, who, once and for all, is the greatest swimmer in the world, according to your greatest wisdom.

Thank you for your all knowing insight



The Oracle replies:


Chris tweeted that he'd watched the Opening Ceremony and on Sunday got the words wrong whilst performing Warning Sign.

He blamed the Olympics saying "I was thinking about the Olympics. I was distracted. I was not in the break-up frame of mind I needed to be in. I'm gonna get back into it; I'm gonna stop thinking about pole vaulting and things like that.

It's a big deal. You can't blame a guy for thinking about it every once in a while..."


As for greatest swimmer in the world (right now) Brian, I'd say that excluding anyone not in competition that we may not know about then your Michael Phelps is without a doubt the champion of champions. Since you sent this question he's won another two medals and become the most successful Olympian of all time. Impressive.

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August 1, 2012 - submitted by Michelle, Venezuela


Q. The Travis song Why Does it Always Rain on Me, was written by Coldplay?





The Oracle replies:


I do recall it raining at T in the Park and Chris singing a line from that song but no other claim to make other than, it wasn't. It was written by Travis.

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August 1, 2012 - submitted by Nicole, Canada


Q. Dearest Oracle,

I attended the concert on monday night and it was AMAZING. Truely unforgettable.

I just had one question; I was excited to hear Princess of China and I was curious as to how they would fill the sections sung by Rihanna, but quite frankly I was disappointed that her section was filled by a recording. As much as I love Rihanna I would have liked that those parts be sung by one of the openers as they both featured female artists.

Has Coldplay ever considered involving another female artist in the event Rihanna wasn't present?

Thanks for your time!




The Oracle replies:


The answer is rather like the one I gave on 26th July on a similar subject; no.

The song was written with Rihanna in mind, recorded with her and released featuring her so it wouldn't feel quite right to have anyone else perform it.

It does seem like we've had a lot of talented ladies on tour with us this time but how would you pick between two?

Marina vs. Rita vs. Robyn vs. The Pierces etc. See what I mean? That would be a tricky decision even if they wanted to make it.

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August 2, 2012 - submitted by Michaela, United Kingdom


Q. Hi Oracle!


Two weeks ago, certain Mr. Buckland came to have a lunch in the restaurant where I work. Since I am a big Coldplay fan, I was so distracted that I couldn't even work for few minutes :-) I wanted to tell him how much I love their music, but at the end I decided not to bother him and give him some privacy. But of course I'd regretted my decision after he left. What do you think is better choice? Tell your idols how great you think they are or just respect their privacy and let them go?



The Oracle replies:


Personally I believe that it's possible to remain professional at work and compliment your favourite artists without intruding to much on their private time.

I've done it myself on two occasions that I can recall but there have been many I have decided the time and place wasn't appropriate.


One was in the very early 90s when I was on holiday and Bjork was sitting in the same bar. It was before her solo album had been released. I approached with "I'm sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to tell you that Hit is amazing". She smiled, "oh thank you" and off I went.


This year I was working and the second I clocked off I gushed at Ethan Johns how he was my favourite producer and it was honour to meet him.


I think keeping it brief and polite is the key but don't expect everyone to be as lovely as Bjork & Ethan were and Jonny would have been - some people simply like their privacy and go to dinner to escape and relax.

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August 2, 2012 - submitted by Chris, United States of America

Q. Hey Oracle.

So I know that Will sings as back up most of the time. Jonny does back up in Don't Panic, but what about Guy. Has he ever sung and if so where? If not, why? Does he sing bad or does he just not want to.

Thanks, Chris.



The Oracle replies:


Guy can sing; he sings backing vocals on Fix You & Viva la Vida for example.

He also sings with Apparatjik too.

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August 2, 2012 - submitted by Emma, United States of America


Q. Hello Oracle,

I came across some of Coldplay's C-stage instrument cases (I don't really know what to call them, they were black box things and one graffiti box thing) when I was walking to my seat at one of the Boston concerts. "Hoppy" was written on part of the tape on one of the boxes. I know Hoppy is part of the crew, but what does he/she do?





The Oracle replies:


The "black box thing" is called a flight case. Hoppy is Chris' guitar tech. He is also one of our most long-standing crew members and much-loved roadie.

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August 2, 2012 - submitted by Chris, United States of America


Q. Hey Oracle.

So I know that Will sings as back up most of the time. Jonny does back up in Don't Panic, but what about Guy. Has he ever sung and if so where? If not, why? Does he sing bad or does he just not want to.

Thanks, Chris.



The Oracle replies:


Guy can sing; he sings backing vocals on Fix You & Viva la Vida for example.

He also sings with Apparatjik too.


Riiiight, Chris, we know it's you :charming: You just want to pick on Guy, don't you ? :rolleyes:


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August 3, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 9th August.


I do need some answers that I haven't been able to figure out yet. I wish I could find out my place in this world. Take the guys for instance, they've been playing on for years and they probably have known what they wanted to do for so long right? They do it so well... what do you do Oracle when you just don't know what to do with your life? But I mean really don't know. I'm not some teenager who hasn't given much thought about it, and I'm not even in my 20s anymore. Tried several things and I'm clueless. Totally clueless. But I do wish I had that something. Like anyone really who has truly found happiness in finding their place. Any ideas?

Thanks for your time. Farah, USA.


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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August 3, 2012 - submitted by Skyler, United States of America



What is the best advice you were ever told?

About life, love, relationships, anything and everything.



The Oracle replies:


When you get to my age you've heard almost every piece of advice going - or at least it feels like you have! Of course you also start handing it out like an old pro too.

The one that always sticks in my mind the most is "Keep your head out of the clouds and your feet on the ground". I guess they were warning me to remain true to myself if I ever got caught up in the madness and pitfalls of the music industry.

The best (work) advice I heard given and then passed it on myself to many musicians is: "Songwriting is like a muscle and it needs exercising every day".


There are so many nuggets of priceless advice but my favourite is the famous "Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth." It's been adapted and added to over the years - feel free to make your own version.

Over to you.


Best advice ever given to me was: "Don't care too much what others say. Follow your heart." That seems a bit mawkish, but deep inside we often know what is the right thing for us before we have thought or talked about it already. Lucilla.


The best advice someone has ever told me is to :

1. Think on the bright side

2. Don't dwell on what could have been

3. Just be happy

4. Listen to Coldplay



The best advice anyone has ever told me was "no one can ever take your education away from you." Arian.


I've been given lots of advice, suggestions and pep talks in my life, but I often believe that the best quotes are the short, witty ones. One of my favorites is "Know your limitations and then, defy them." Maia, UK.


The best piece of advice I've ever been given is to accept yourself for who you are and to be proud of yourself. There's no point in changing yourself to fit in, because you were born to stand out and be different. Rebecca.


"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." - Dale Carnegie.

This quote pushes me to go out of my comfort zone and find people who are like me in ways and different in others. It's a great way to branch out. Maddie, NC.


Life is like a game, don't let yourself slip behind while you search for thr instructions, make up your own rules, if you put your mind to it you can always come out on top. Elle.


"The world doesn’t owe you anything". Perhaps it is a little harsh on the surface. But, it's true.

You can grumble all you want about life being unfair. It is. Bad things happen to good people. Liars and cheaters get ahead while honest people fall behind. And maybe your girlfriend dumped you for that guy who used to bully you in high school.

You can't just sit back and wait for things to happen. You can't wait for a perfect job to fall into your lap. You can't wait for your relationship to fix itself. The world doesn't owe you that. It doesn't, in fact, owe you anything.

So work hard for you want. When things discourage you, remember that the world doesn't owe it to you to make your life easy. Pull up your socks (I hope you're wearing some), and work even harder for what you want. If you won't, no one else is going to do it for you. Catherine.


The best advice I have ever been told is to simply love everyone and everything. You can never truly know what one person has been though, and it's important to be compassionate to all people, despite their ethnicity, age, gender, who they know, their beliefs, etc. Just love, don't pass judgement or hate. Love, or your life will flash by. Like the inspiring Coldplay lyrics: What good is it to live / with nothing left to give / forget but not forgive /not loving all you see? Katie.


If you are in love with two people at once choose the second. If you were in love with the first, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

- Johnny Depp. Meghan.


"Kill them with kindness honey" - my mom told me this, at the time referencing bullies but it really can apply to anything and everything.

"Sit up straight and smile, even when you're having a bad class" - my horseback riding trainer told me this, and really it also can apply to anything.

Also I always like to tell myself to keep everyone guessing. Just surprise everyone. Megan.


"Live life to its fullest" is a quote that seems to float around a lot. It gets used a lot, everybody hears it and knows how to do it, but not many people do it. It's such a simple quote on paper, but it can be so much more when reflected upon. It applies to everything and everyone.

It can mean something as little as planting yourself a little flower in the backyard, or something as big as flying to London for a year just because you feel like it. It's perfectly tailored to every individual, and they can use it in their own way. Life is short, so you need to make your time worth its while and enjoy every second, but life is also the longest thing you'll ever do, so there's enough time to make your life the best it can be. Live life to its fullest, because when your time is up, and you're taking that last breath, it'll flash before your eyes. Try every day to make that flash worth watching. – Connor Hayden, 15, USA.


Honestly the best things I were ever told were "If you never try you'll never know just what you're worth" from Fix You. Also the lyrics from Glass of Water really have a great message about living your life for the present and not in the past. A pivotal piece of advice came in a definition of forgiving yourself, that is "giving up the notion that anything you would have done could have made a difference". It's a great mind set to help with the process of moving on after an emotional setback. I wish you all the best in life, take care, Laurie.


The best advice I have ever received was given to me through different people, even through contributors to Team Oracle. That advice is this: Live life one day at a time. Stay positive. Be honest with yourself and with others around you. Never let go of something you believe in. Follow your heart, wherever it takes it you. Warm regards, Blake.


"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill. Sarah, Oshkosh, WI.


Thanks to all those who shared their answer. Remember, Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy replying, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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August 6, 2012 - submitted by Jameson, United States of America


Q. Oracle,

Recently on Coldplay's wiki page, I found a list of unreleased songs from their various albums. Most of the Viva ones are available to listen as short demos on YouTube, but I couldn't help but notice a few that were unreleased from MX.


My question is, are the boys planning on releasing snippets of those demo MX tunes the same way they did the Viva ones?


Even their demos are (and most would agree) incredible music and it would be a shame if they were left on the shelf in The Bakery or The Beehive collecting dust.


The Oracle replies:


Hmm, I have to set this straight: "are the boys planning on releasing snippets of those demo MX tunes the same way they did the Viva ones?"

No and the band did not release any Viva demos. They are not supposed to be on YouTube and they aren't meant to be out there at all. These things happen of course and I totally understand that fans want to hear everything but anything the band want people to hear is what is released and available - otherwise it's an illegal bootleg.





August 6, 2012 - submitted by Nick, United States of America


Q. Hey Oracle, saw Coldplay kill it last night in Jersey. There was a blonde roadie that seemed to be assisting Chris' wife & kids in the audience as well as managing the people who went backstage. I've never seen her before in the roadie-related discussions. Who is she / what does she do?

The Oracle replies:


That sounds like it must be one of the band's assistants (we don't call those lovely ladies roadies); EJ or Jessie. At a guess it was probably Jessie.





August 6, 2012 - submitted by Betty, United Kingdom


Q. How do I ask team oracle a question? I am really confused and would like to ask them about something..



The Oracle replies:


Just send in your question to me; I decide what to choose. "Them" is whoever decides to reply each week but you just send in a question as normal. There's no guarantee I'll choose your question but if you mention that you'd like it to be one for the Team Oracle section, I will certainly consider it.

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