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my hair has had it's share of colors.. pink, green, violet, red, blue etc etc

but I always wanted to have lilac (my favorite color).. I don't know why I never got around to it :(




I would love to colour my hair violet. But my natural colour is almost dark drak brown. I tried highlights once, it didnt work out. So no colouring for me... :(

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my hair is dark dark brown.


when I colored it I had to bleach

I would post a picture with my old pink hair but I think I'd regret it later :awesome:

eric would murder me :(


I saw your pink hair on myspace :heart: I like it :nice:


boooo eric :bomb: why would he do that? he sucks

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:wacko: I have a red dress almost like that! I love it. Very forgiving :P


I bought a see-through black shirt like this today...




Again, that's not me :P


Is it too much to just wear a fancy lace bra (not see through) underneath? :thinking: Kind of like she is in the pic.


ooooh I like that kind of clothes :bomb: I dont have the confident to wear them myself though :anxious:


I'm too fat for that




this :disappointed:




I commented on your blog yo :anxious:



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I don't have anyone to ask that would know this.

Are the sleeves too short? I think the tailor fucked them up. I need a coat for my trip but don't want to buy a new one.


The coat is really nice! but yeah... the sleeves are a bit too short.


Btw, I think I'm buying these boots. They're so not my actual style but wtf. :wacky:



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niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice boots :bomb: get them :awesome:


dood I've been wanting boots like that for ages but they're so expensive :disappointed:



can I have yours if you dont like them? :anxious:


yes, they're expensive here too... but a friend and I are getting it with a discount of 30% in the USA, with ship costs included, and only about $120 US (90€) :awesome:


I could do that, but I think they might be a little big for your actual shoe size. :p

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I don't have anyone to ask that would know this.

Are the sleeves too short? I think the tailor fucked them up. I need a coat for my trip but don't want to buy a new one.





I think it's okay. Just try not to wear a shirt that has longer sleeves underneath, since it makes it pretty obvious that they're short. Some long, dark gloves will help keep your arms warm, too. :nice: Good luck!

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haha damn :bomb: I'll suff paper into it :anxious: what shoes size have you got? :awesome:


how did you get the discount? :wideeyed:


10 UK, 44.5 EUR.


And I got it because I'm super special, you know. :cool4:

Not, really... Thanksgiving day, so the discount applied only for today.


Thanks for the help.


Dude my store used to sell those boots. I could have hooked you up with a pair.


Dude! and it's only about now that you say it?

What else sells the store you work on? :wideeyed:

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