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White Lies


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Well yes, they're good live :wacky:


This has just been posted on .mu:


YouTube - White Lies - Bigger Than Us - Ritual (HD)


:thinking: Mhmm, I'm a bit sceptic about the second album... but I'm looking forward to it, hopefully it won't only sound like "To lose my life 2" which is my current impression.


Anyone ordered the single in hopes of getting a signed one?

I don't even have a player for it and already got my signed setlist so I passed. :P

Same here, hoping for different songs!


Just seen the tour dates announcement! :dance:


They'll come to the same (tiny) venue again where I've seen them last time, can't wait! :dance: :dance: :dance:

March will hopefully not be as cold as it was lat time when I've seen them there.

I was freeeeeezing so much!

Let's go together :wacky:

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^I made my dad to go with me.


Soooo they are playing in a bar here, 300 people the most. The library in which I study is on the first floor and the bar is on the ground floor of the same building. So I'm gonna study and hear soundcheck... :D :D :D And Ill see them if they go out for a smoke or something.... :D

Hmhm, I'm taking my camera with me to the library.

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Weeeeeeee you guyssss... I'm in the librery and the bar where they have the gig is in the same buliding. I can hear them rock!!!! They were rehersing "Death". I can hear Harry talk but there too many security people to go in. :(


Few more hrs... :D



edit. I might start jumping and dancing in the librery. I already look crazy enough! :D

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I just got back. The gig was 500m from my apartment so it took me 2min to get home, I took a shower and now ready to retell bits of the show.

First before the gig I was going to a lecture, my uni is next buliding to the one where they played. I was passing with my friends and there were these guys with guitars and stuff going on a back door. And we stood there, so one of them came to us and told us we can go in, but no cameras and just act like its ours to be there. So we did it. We hang around for a bit cause we had lecture and they were kind of looking at us WHO THE FUCK AR YOU THREE!? But Tommy smiled and I waved at him.


I had lecture, went home to leave my books and off to the gig. We got in and my dad went to the bar, I was with him while the support group played, they kind of sucked. (no wonder, since they're croatian rock band, and that just does not work out).


White Lies came to the stage at 10.20pm and I was really close, 5meters from them. About 3rd, 4th row. :D They rocked. It was absolutely amazing... In one moment it was really quite and I had an urge to scream to Tommy, so I did. And he looked at me and smiled, and I melted... :D :D :D They played for good 1hr and 30min.


All in all... Really great gig. And they were all sooo cute and nice. :D I've got bunch of pics but no cable for my camera so when I get it (probably tomorrow) Ill post some here... :D

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Yeah people started leaving the library, that's usual when there's a gig in that venue. And everyone was complining how they have to study but they cant. And I was just crazy, books all around me but listening the rehersal. :D


They played about 6 or 7 new songs out of 15 - 16.


Yeah Tommy was soooo nice, he smiled and waved and just stood there and acted all sexyyyy... :D

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Haha I couldn't have focused my mind on studying either ^^


Oh that's a lot already! Are they good? Only heard Bigger than Us, and I think it's good but a bit too much alike of their previous stuff, so I hope Ritual is gonna surprise me!


Aww cute!

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Hmmmm new songs, well from what I hread they are really good. It does sound a bit like Too Lose My Life... But its different in a way. I really like this song Streetlights and Holy Ghost.

And they are really good. I like it when singer talks to the crew in frot of him and Harry does that, a bit shy but cute. And he asked about 10times if we understand his eglish with hard british accent. soooooooooooooooo cute! :nice:

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