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Viva La Chris Martin

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Haha, I love that song!


"That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa"


OMG, I only know one Paramore song and that's the song you mentioned!


I agree, it's really catchy! :lol:


[ame=http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=ub8BRGzLuZY]YouTube - Paramore - That's What You Get Official Video[/ame]

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I like them a bit. because of the stereotypical view Its not good to like a girly band. yeah people view them as a girly band. because of their girly sound. I like some of their songs. but the image of a girly band... i dont knw. its hard to see it that way..

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I know its stereotypic i like them but not much. becoz!!! paramore's meant for girls and if you see a man going to a paramore concert its looks weird ive seen one.....Yeah people see if you like paramore its weird becoz their girly.and their songs are girlyish.........its my opinion ,,,

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Paramore is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, as I'm not a fan of the genre but find myself listening to them every now and then. They're definitely capable of some cathy songs, although their latest album is rather generic and lacking the personality of their previous album.


That said, I feel sorry that Paramore is constantly associated with the Twilight crowd. They're definitely better than that.

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