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Coldplay men still hot even without music??


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Ok so lets say coldplay never was( i know terrible thought) but lets just say that.....and lets say u saw ur fave member(the one u think is the hottest piece of ass u have ever seen)...walking down the street and he wanted to ask u out......Would u go out with him or even find him attractive? Im askin cause my brother told me that if they werent famous i wouldNT LOVE THEM!...wHICH IS COMPLETE bullshit cause to me Chris is FUCKEN HOT!........Make sense??...




Please explain!!!

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I think Guy Berryman is a very attractive man, regardless of his talent in music. So yes, I'm pretty confident that I'd still find him attractive even if he was...you know...a trash picker or something...

Thank goodness he's in Coldplay, though! :lol:

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I completely agree. If they were still themselves, with their personalities, even if they didn't play music at all I'd find them hot :)


But if they didn't have their personalities I think that probably wouldn't be true. Or at least, I wouldn't think they're as hot. Does that make sense?

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if i met Guy, and he's weren't a member of coldplay or something big. OF COURSE he's still hot ! well , i don't really into his personality but, his appearance would melted me down. :laugh3::laugh3:

(still confused to take a chance to go out with him or not)


well, Jon with his Telecaster Thinline, i would go out with him or just be a good fans even he's only playing at school party or whatever isn't big. yeah , i love people, anybody that impressed me with Tele. :lol:

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If Jonny Buckland wasn't a member of Coldplay and I saw him walking down the street, I surely would take notice of him. And if we talked and he asked for my number I'd give it to him. Him being a musician doesn't make a difference in how attractive I think he is. He just is.

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I would be much richer[/color]. :P He wouldn't have the money to hide from me. Wouldn't have large body guards to keep me away. He would be just as hot and a whole lot easier to get to. :D


How would you be richer if he isn't gonna be a musician :P ?!!!!


(Plz don't tell me he would be a football player :confused: !!!!!!!)

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Honestly, I don't like Guy because of his looks but I would be a hypocrite not to notice that he is really good-looking (his looks = my type. like Freddie Prinze Jr.'s). But what attracted me to him was his personality. He being shy and reserved. And we have a lot of things in common.. not that I've actually met him or something but the way he behaves... you know. :blush:


So yeah, if he asks me out... hahaha...

I'd stutter. :laugh3:

but I'd definitely say yes. :love:

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There are other band members??? Not just Guy???


You sure???


I've heard about some Johhn fella..........


and another one named Bill???


and i think there's another one whose name rhymes with Pris......















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How would you be richer if he isn't gonna be a musician :P ?!!!!


(Plz don't tell me he would be a football player :confused: !!!!!!!)


Look at her signature. I think she means she'd be much richer because she wouldn't have spent all that money on tickets, airfare, lodging, etc. to see him play all over the country if he wasn't a musician.

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