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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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When I got to the Geisha house she was already there, dressed in another suit. This one black. I smiled softly as I walked towards her table. "Hi." My voice was practically a whisper.

Diane smiled. "Hi. Sit, please."

I took a seat across from her and tried to get used to my surroundings. Diane looked pale, slightly sweaty. I thought of Charlie. "You look very pretty."

"Thank you." she smiled blankly.

I think we were both having flash backs of our meeting in the diner. "Okay Guy, I’m going to get right down to the point."

My toes curled, and I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. Something about this was making me really nervous.

Diane took a few breaths, and stared straight into my eyes. "I’m pregnant."

Shit. Double shit. She couldn’t have meant what she’d just said. This was a dream. This was all a bad dream. Oh my god. My stomach started to churn as the room started to spin. "W…what did you just say?"

She leaned in. "Listen, I know this is a lot for you to deal with. I just wanted you to know."

"How do you know it’s mine?" I panted.

"Charlie and I haven’t slept together in months." She leaned in and put her hand on mine. Either hers were extremely hot, or mine were freezing. "Guy, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You were at wrong place at the wrong time. I was terrible to you all those weeks ago. There was too much alcohol, and my perception was off. You were sweet, you were there. And I just fucked it all up." She paused for a minute, noticing the blood draining from my face. "Guy? Guy are you okay?"

And before I knew it, I couldn’t answer because I’d passed out.

"Good morning." I heard Chris’s voice say. "Come on, wake up. That’s it."

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a hospital room, dressed in a gown that reeked of cotton balls. The beeping sound I heard must’ve been my heart beat because it was speeding up. "Where’s Diane?" I groaned.

"She had to go back to work or something." Chris sat on the foot of the bed. "Very nice woman, by the way. She said she’d call you later tonight."

I looked straight into his eyes. "Did you hear?"

"I did. Congratulations, mate."

Did I hear that right? "Did I hear that right?"

He chuckled. "Guy, I know it’s not the best of situations but come on. You’re going to be a father! The best job in the world."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Chris. She’s married and we obviously didn’t plan this."

He tore into something. "Diane told me to tell you that she’s going to tell Charlie, whoever that is tonight, and that you can be apart of the baby’s life as much as possible." He paused. "Again, very nice woman."

I opened my eyes to see him eating my jello. "Do the other guys know?"

He played around with the red cube as it danced off his spoon, like it had a mind of it’s own. "They know you fainted, they don’t know about the baby yet."

Before I could answer a woman in hot pink scrubs walked into the room. "Hello Mr. Berryman." She said with a heavy New York accent. "I’m Sarah I’m going to be needin’ to take some blood from yah tahday."

I sat up and put my arm out as I saw Chris’s face get a little pale. "You okay?"

He looked up at me, back at the needle and nodded. "Yeah."

Sarah took out a long thin needle. She wiped an area of my bare arm with a wet, cold cloth and pushed the needle in. I felt a slight stinging. To my right, I heard a large thump. Sarah and I turned our heads simultaneously to see Chris sprawled out on the floor.

"Well, you’re just a bunch’o fainters, aren’t yah?"





i'll try to work on the coldplaying fanfic now!! going to take a quick food break, though.


hope you all like this chapter!! :heart:!!

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without the spaces, of course.



@brittany- don't say that, i'm sure they're great!

plus the people in this thread are so desperate to read fanfics i don't think they'd care what the story is as long as it has the boys in it. :P


Lol thanks.

First I am going to eat.

I will eat my feelings of inadequacy! lol :D

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