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ta-da!! *jazz hands*


An Unsteady Trapeze Act

Part 6





Chris' POV



I threw the door to my apartment open and stormed inside. I flung myself onto the couch and buried my head in my hands. The paparazzi will be the death of me, I can tell. What really pissed me off was that he just had to drag Jonny into it. Sure, Jonny is one of the other members of the band, but I doubt that guy even knew that. All he saw was me, and of course, he just had to pester me about my personal life.


Jonny had walked in right behind me, and I could feel him sitting down beside me on the couch. I didn't look at him, though; I was too angry. Not with him, of course, but with myself, actually. Part of me tried to convince myself that that's absolutely mental, and that the pap got what was coming to him. The other part of me was just absolutely disgusted with how I reacted. Why couldn't I just control myself? Was it really that hard to not try to beat someone?


I think I started shaking, because Jonny put his arm on my shoulder and tried to comfort me. It made me feel a bit better, but it also made me feel like a jerk. The pap was just as rude to him, yet he seemed to be fine. He didn't try to hit the guy or anything, and now he was being excessively nice to me again.


"It's OK, man, I would've done the same thing if I were you." No, he wouldn't have. He can control himself, unlike me.


"No, you'd have handled it much better than I did. You can actually control yourself."


"Chris, it's gotta be hard with people attacking you like that. I don't think anyone would be able to handle it very well."


"Yeah, but I didn't have to bloody hit him! I should have kept walking." Couldn't he understand that? Couldn't he understand that I was a maniac and I deserved this horrible feeling I had?


"Yeah, you should have, but you can't be so hard on yourself. Like I said, it can't be easy, and unfortunately, what's done is done. You can't blame yourself entirely, Chris." More than anything I just wanted to hug Jonny and tell him how much he meant to me. No matter what stupid situations I get myself into, he's always there to comfort me and tell me that it's not my fault, even though I know it always is. But I also felt like slapping him. Maybe then he'd see what a complete tosser I am.


In the end I chose the former. I think I scared him, actually, because I threw my arms around him and he sort of jerked at first. Then he hugged me back.


"Thank you, Jonny. I don't know what I'd do without you."


"You'd be in jail for murdering paparazzi."


"Probably." I was starting to feel much better already, but it'd take some time before I stopped being angry with myself.


Sitting there, I couldn't help but think of all the things that had happened to me in the span of a few days. It was crazy to think that just hours before, I'd been amazingly happy. Things had been going great, and for the first time in a while I felt like I was worth something. I knew I'd eventually be OK, like always. It just kinda really sucks when I'm depressed. As for Jonny, that man has a lot coming if he wants to continue to stay with me. Then again, I guess there's not much to do but just sit back and watch the unsteady trapeze act that is Christopher Anthony John Martin.




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A Song For You







Chapter 2



Guy parked his car on the restaurant’s parking lot, briefly checking his appearance in the rearview mirror.


His face was a bit more tanned than usual since he went to the beach the day before. He was wearing a nice black suit. Jonny basically ordered him to wear that kind of formal attire. Why? He had no idea. But he sure as hell wouldn’t wear a tie, so he was going open-collar. At least he would be comfortable during the evening. Being third wheel for Jonny and Chloe wasn’t exactly his favorite thing but he liked hanging out with them so he would have to ignore the fact that he was single in what seemed like a date for them with him tagging along.


Walking out of the car, he couldn’t help but notice a woman in her late twenties, wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse that complimented her golden skin. She was slim, not as tall as him but her heels put her in his level. She had long, brown hair gently swaying to the wind that the warm night granted. It was the most beautiful sight he had seen in months.


Somehow, he had this desire to write about it. Instead, he decided he should take advantage of this opportunity and invite her to have dinner with him. He knew Jonny wouldn’t mind.


Approaching her at the entrance, he followed her as she went to the lounge area of the restaurant. Mmm, she’s waiting for someone… maybe I should leave her alone, he thought, slowly moving away, when suddenly the woman looked up right into his eyes in a way that deeply captivated him.




And just like that, he felt already in control.


He completely forgot about the dinner he was supposed to have with his friends since obviously they didn’t make it. He would call Jonny later. For now, he was going to concentrate on this lovely lady whose name was Claire.


“So, how do like this place?” He asked with his arm on the table and his chin resting on his hand.


“Well, this is the first time I’m here and I…” She trailed off, half-smiling. “I’m sorry but I can’t pretend I don’t know who you are. Seriously.”


“Oh, it’s alright.”He said, blushing. It was strange; he wasn’t the type of man that blushed in the presence of a woman he was obviously trying to impress. “I know you recognize me but I would really like if you got to know me.” He declared charmingly, feeling the effect of his words on her face. Her smile grew bigger and her cheeks looked flushed.


“I would love to.” She said, softly.


“Do you want to go for a walk? It’s a wonderful night outside.”


“Sure, let’s go.”



It was the most at ease he had been with a woman in a long time. Walking through the parks, completely carefree and feeling a sense of peace invading his soul. For some reason, he didn’t want to break this magical spell that seemed to surround them; he didn’t want to treat her like every other woman he had been romantically linked to. He hated to admit it but he want to get to really know her first before anything else happened.


“What’s on your mind right now?” She dared him.


“I… I am glad to be here with you.”


“Me too. You know what we should do? Spend the night here like this.” She lay down on the grass, looking at the stars and the moon that shone upon them along with the street lights.


He smiled and followed her suit.


“You know, I could stay here forever, laying in here doing nothing but admiring the sky.” Claire said, her eyes lazily blinking and finally closing when she finished her sentence.


He had never seen anyone as relaxed and easygoing as this woman that stood dreamily worshiping this beautiful night. She didn’t care about anything but the beauty of the scenery and the feel of the grass on her skin. And now he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.


Thank God he had made that move at the restaurant!



The night turned into dawn and Guy stirred in his sleep, rubbing his eyes and opening them to see Claire missing. He sat upright quickly, looking around him to find the park still empty.

Beside him, on the grass, there was a sheet of paper.


Standing up completely, he began to read what the note said.


Dear Guy,


You must be wondering where I am. Well, I had to leave you to go to work, I am a doctor and I got called for an emergency. I’m sorry but I didn’t want to wake you, you seemed so serene.

Just a quick thing. I was supposed to be your blind date last night. I bet Jonny didn’t tell you, huh? Well, you have my number so you can give me a call. The ball’s on your court now!





Blind date? He was going to kill Jonny.


There he was, so certain he had charmed a beautiful woman, when she was the one with all the power the entire night. Man, that was even more exciting! Yes, he liked to be forward and seductive but to be with someone that could match his strength made everything definitely more interesting.


But he was still going to kill Jonny, that little match-maker!




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A Song For You[/color][/b]







Chapter 2



Guy parked his car on the restaurant’s parking lot, briefly checking his appearance in the rearview mirror.


His face was a bit more tanned than usual since he went to the beach the day before. He was wearing a nice black suit. Jonny basically ordered him to wear that kind of formal attire. Why? He had no idea. But he sure as hell wouldn’t wear a tie, so he was going open-collar. At least he would be comfortable during the evening. Being third wheel for Jonny and Chloe wasn’t exactly his favorite thing but he liked hanging out with them so he would have to ignore the fact that he was single in what seemed like a date for them with him tagging along.


Walking out of the car, he couldn’t help but notice a woman in her late twenties, wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse that complimented her golden skin. She was slim, not as tall as him but her heels put her in his level. She had long, brown hair gently swaying to the wind that the warm night granted. It was the most beautiful sight he had seen in months.


Somehow, he had this desire to write about it. Instead, he decided he should take advantage of this opportunity and invite her to have dinner with him. He knew Jonny wouldn’t mind.


Approaching her at the entrance, he followed her as she went to the lounge area of the restaurant. Mmm, she’s waiting for someone… maybe I should leave her alone, he thought, slowly moving away, when suddenly the woman looked up right into his eyes in a way that deeply captivated him.




And just like that, he felt already in control.


He completely forgot about the dinner he was supposed to have with his friends since obviously they didn’t make it. He would call Jonny later. For now, he was going to concentrate on this lovely lady whose name was Claire.


“So, how do like this place?” He asked with his arm on the table and his chin resting on his hand.


“Well, this is the first time I’m here and I…” She trailed off, half-smiling. “I’m sorry but I can’t pretend I don’t know who you are. Seriously.”


“Oh, it’s alright.”He said, blushing. It was strange; he wasn’t the type of man that blushed in the presence of a woman he was obviously trying to impress. “I know you recognize me but I would really like if you got to know me.” He declared charmingly, feeling the effect of his words on her face. Her smile grew bigger and her cheeks looked flushed.


“I would love to.” She said, softly.


“Do you want to go for a walk? It’s a wonderful night outside.”


“Sure, let’s go.”



It was the most at ease he had been with a woman in a long time. Walking through the parks, completely carefree and feeling a sense of peace invading his soul. For some reason, he didn’t want to break this magical spell that seemed to surround them; he didn’t want to treat her like every other woman he had been romantically linked to. He hated to admit it but he want to get to really know her first before anything else happened.


“What’s on your mind right now?” She dared him.


“I… I am glad to be here with you.”


“Me too. You know what we should do? Spend the night here like this.” She lay down on the grass, looking at the stars and the moon that shone upon them along with the street lights.


He smiled and followed her suit.


“You know, I could stay here forever, laying in here doing nothing but admiring the sky.” Claire said, her eyes lazily blinking and finally closing when she finished her sentence.


He had never seen anyone as relaxed and easygoing as this woman that stood dreamily worshiping this beautiful night. She didn’t care about anything but the beauty of the scenery and the feel of the grass on her skin. And now he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.


Thank God he had made that move at the restaurant!



The night turned into dawn and Guy stirred in his sleep, rubbing his eyes and opening them to see Claire missing. He sat upright quickly, looking around him to find the park still empty.

Beside him, on the grass, there was a sheet of paper.


Standing up completely, he began to read what the note said.


Dear Guy,


You must be wondering where I am. Well, I had to leave you to go to work, I am a doctor and I got called for an emergency. I’m sorry but I didn’t want to wake you, you seemed so serene.

Just a quick thing. I was supposed to be your blind date last night. I bet Jonny didn’t tell you, huh? Well, you have my number so you can give me a call. The ball’s on your court now!





Blind date? He was going to kill Jonny.


There he was, so certain he had charmed a beautiful woman, when she was the one with all the power the entire night. Man, that was even more exciting! Yes, he liked to be forward and seductive but to be with someone that could match his strength made everything definitely more interesting.


But he was still going to kill Jonny, that little match-maker!




awe...:wacky: i loved it! can't wait for more!! :D!

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