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||The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 1||


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Well....it's awards season! (kinda!) So I thought it would be great to have some 'FanFiction Awards' to celebrate the brilliant fanfics on here! So thanks to the great archive made by Cobalt (Link is in first post), it is easier than ever before to read the great fanfics! So ger reading and vote in the following catagories:



Best FanFic

Funniest FanFic

Best Chris Centered FanFic

Best Guy Centered FanFic

Best Will Centered FanFic

Best Jonny Centered FanFic

Best Phil Centered FanFic

Best Crossover

Best Reference to 'Coldplaying.com'

Most Pervy FanFic

Most Exciting FanFic

Saddest FanFic

Most Gripping FanFic

Best Author

Best Series



SO GET VOTING! Send me a PM with your choice by 1ST APRIL 2009 Thanks!



The FanFics MUST Be from 2008 or 2009 and can only be a fanfic which is in the archive!, Also you don't HAVE to vote in every catagory ;)


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About the 'accidentally throwing kitty' bit...how did Chris manage that? :laugh3:


Was he just swinging her around in his arms and let go of her? Or was he aiming for some sort of target and was just horribly off mark?


Probbaly just Swinging her around in his arms and happened to let go of her :P

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Okay I've been working on another fanfic for the past couple of days. It's called Lovers in Japan, I had to check the fanfic list to make sure that there was nothing under that name already. I'm going to post part 1 later on tonight.. I just have to fix it up a little bit.

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Personally, I imagined Chris running into the room and screaming, "Jonny, catch!" as he randomly tossed the kitty across the room. :D


Here's Chapter 4 of Coldfellas, in which we learn the REAL truth about Viva La Vida! :laugh3:





Rating: PG-13




Chris, Will, Phil, and the rest of the gang from Politik, Inc. continue their discussion of their plot to kill a certain “traitor”, per se, while keeping wary of a rumored rival mafia in town.


Phil: “I trust you are all familiar with our target – a simple fellow named…Joe Satriani.”


Chris: *gasp* “Just hearing his name makes babies’ heads explode!”


Phil: “As a refresher for how Mr. Satriani betrayed our trust, it all started a few years ago. I was in the private jet with the members of Coldplay when we decided to pop in this random CD that I found in the dumpster the day before. A CD by one Joe Satriani.”


Matthew: “Ahh! The mention of his name makes me cower in the darkness!”


Phil: “So we continued listening, and eventually, it began playing a song entitled ‘If I Could Fly’. It was horrible. I mean, it was really, really horrible. It made Ode to Deodorant seem like a Bitter Sweet Symphony. And yet…we felt great pity for this poor, talentless hack named Joe.”


Will: “Poor, poor Joe.”


Phil: “Feeling like he should be appreciated for once in his truly pathetic life, we decided to take his song and make it…well…not suck. We renamed it ‘Viva La Vida’ and it instantly became our biggest hit ever. Naturally, one would think that Joe would be grateful that his song was turned into something beautiful and popular.”


Chris: “We did him a favor, that unthankful bastard. We made people actually want to listen to his song.”


Phil: “That we did, and Joe Satriani’s asinine claims from that point forward are a clear mark of betrayal. Likewise, he must be killed by any means necessary, lest our secret mob be exposed.”


Thom: “Let me at him! I’ll cut him up with my rusty bayonet! If I don’t kill someone, I might be forced to return to Radiohead, and that means I’ve got to express my rage through words!”


Will: “Calm down, Thom. Yes, we want his death to be totally brutal. But we should all share in the bloodbath, so let’s each reserve a body part. I call the right arm!”


Phil: “That won’t be necessary, Will. For we only require one assassin for this mission. Chris, are you in the mood for a good whacking?”


Chris: “Me? You want me to be a cold-blooded killer? Are you at least gonna make Will dress extravagantly?”


Will: *ignoring Chris* “Come on, Don Phil, can’t the rest of us have some fun?”


Phil: “Oh, certainly. That is why the rest of us will remain nearby at all times for backup support, to radio Chris information, and to set booby traps. Members of Politik, Inc., the hunt is on.”


Daytime comes and passes. The boys are taking a break from rehearsals after a lengthy few weeks, but in reality, that break involves planning something far more sinister. For Chris and Will, it involves devising the most devious mafia killing ever deviated.


Night falls. At a local high school, Joe Satriani has spent the last hour boring students to death with a dreadful speech about how you don’t have to have any talent whatsoever to be considered an industry big-shot. Across the street, Phil and the others are spying on the exit with binoculars behind a shrub.


Phil: “I see him! I see the doors opening! Quick, Will! Track his steps toward his car!”


Will: “I’m on it!”


Chris: “I still think Will would look a lot less suspicious if he let me mess around with his wardrobe.”


Phil: “This is no time for your gay fantasies, Chris. We all know you’re just compensating for your loss of that…other person.”


Chris: “That’s nonsense, Don Phil. I’m perfectly fine being married to a woman!”


Phil: “Whatever. Once Will declares the area clear, you are to follow him quickly. The rest of us will be close by if you need additional support.”


Brandon: “According to my GPS, Mr. Satriani is within two blocks of the nearest parking lot. Get moving!”


Will swiftly crosses the street, peeks over a brick wall, and signals for Chris to dash over. Joe Satriani walks into the parking lot while Chris and Will follow silently. Suddenly, he opens a car door.


Chris: “So we meet at last, Mr. Satriani.”


Joe: *startled* “Chris…Martin? Of Coldplay? I assume you’ve met my legal advisers?”


Chris: “Oh, we met them, all right. And you’re about to suffer the exact same fate that they did.”


Joe: “You’re bluffing. You and the rest of your band are too soft and wimpy to do anything rash.”


Suddenly, Chris pulls a 15-inch knife with a rusty tip from his belt. Joe, suddenly realizing his situation, swiftly opens his car and begins jumping in.


Will: *via radio* “He’s gonna drive off, Phil. Be prepared to surround.”


Phil: “Way ahead of you.”


Just as Joe is about to put his keys into the ignition, he is suddenly surrounded by six men on all sides.


Chris: “Game over, Joe.”


Joe: “Oh yeah? What’s to prevent me from simply running you cads over?”


As Joe tries to fire up his car, the engine suddenly fails.


Joe: “Fucking hybrids!”


Brandon Flowers emerges from underneath Joe’s car with the engine in hand. Joe looks at the men through his windows blank-eyed, staring death in the face. As one final desperate attempt, he tries fleeing through the back window and busts it open.


Phil: “Don’t let him escape, men! Chris, give your most ferocious homicidal pursuit!”


Chris begins a mad dash through the parking lot, flailing his knife in the air.


Chris: “THIS…IS…FOR…”


Suddenly, Joe stops cold in his tracks. Chris hesitates, only to watch him slowly collapse to the ground. But Chris had not even scratched him yet. Blood begins oozing from Joe’s chest, glistening off what appears to be another knife driven into his heart.


Chris: “But…but…how…who…”


The rest of the mob catches up to Chris.


Phil: “Atta boy, Chris. Let this be a lesson to anyone who tries to mess with Coldplay.”


Chris: “That’s not my knife, Phil.”


Phil: “Indeed, that’s exactly what we’ll be telling the police.”


Chris: “No, Phil. I mean that’s really not my knife.”


Phil: “What do you mean?”


Another shadowed figure emerges from behind the body. The first features apparent are the white eyes staring shockingly at Chris.


Will: “No…freaking....way…”




Jonny: “What the hell are you doing here, Chris?”


The mob members of Green Eyes, Inc. appear on the scene behind Jonny.


Chris: “Jonny…I…I don’t understand....”


Gwyneth: “What’s going on, Mr. Buckland? Did you kill that traitor?”


Jonny: *still breathless* “Yes…my Don.”


Gwyneth finally eyes Chris, with a look of disbelief on her face.


Gwyneth: “…No…”


Will: “Uh-oh! Shit’s about to go down!”


The members of each mafia – Politik and Green Eyes – stare at each other wide-eyed in a standoff surrounding Joe Satriani’s bloodied corpse. Confused and dumbfounded, each individual slowly draws their weapons, but nobody makes a single movement with them.


Guy: “Ooh, drama!”




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So here is... the next part to...





Kittens [Part 4]



All 4 of the members are in the Bakery still...


Chris: Alright I think we can end rehersal for the day.


Guy: Did we even reherse?


Will: As far as Phil knows we rehersed.


Jonny: So Guy... Did you hear about the new iCarly coming up?


Guy: Of course I did! I can't wait 'till saturday!


Chris: Good because thats the day we head off to America.


Will: It's Amarica.


Jonny: No it's not! It's America!


Guy: It's the same damn thing!


There is a long silence... The guys pack up and as Chris gets ready he picks up Kitty and brings her with him... The guys get on their way home... Chris arrives at the martin Household and he releases Kitty on to the floor...


Moses and Apple (leaping into chris's arms): Daddy! We missed you!


Chris: Hey you two!


Apple: Daddy when did we get a cat?


Chris looks back at the clock...


Chris: About 45 seconds ago, maybe less.


Moses: What's her name?


Chris: Kitty.


Apple: What?


Chris: I named her Kitty.


Apple: Okay...


Chris: It's way past your bedtime, let's get you guys to bed.


Apple and Moses: Ok...


Chris walks into their room, tucks them in and leaves the room...


Kitty: Meow.


Chris: Wow this is boring. I need some juice. On second thought I don't want juice anymore. I'm going to sleep.


Chris walks into the living room and falls asleep... on a really soft and fluffy couch...


Unknown (from outside house): I'm going! Remember the plan.


Unknown walks into the house quietly and slowly making sure he was completley silent...


Unknown (to kitty, silently): Come here, come here 'lil Kitty.


Unknown holds out a bag luring Kitty into it. He ties the bag closed leaving a tiny hole even too small for a Kitty to get through. Kitty whines and whimpers in the cloth bag...


Unknown: Alright, let's get out of here!


Unknown leaves the household with his new 'Kitty"...The next morning Chris is just awakening...


Chris (yawning): Oh god! I have to get going! Kitty! Kitty we need to leave! I need juice again...


Chris looks desperitley all over the house despiretly looking for Kitty. No sign of her...


Chris: Kitty! Where are you?!?!


Chris flew out the Martin Household like a rabbit running from a really big and scary bear...


Back at the Bakery...


Jonny: Damnit Guy! Stop watching iCarly!


And to be continued...



Sorry if part 3 wasn't as good as expected...

It had to be done quickly due to power out risks

from large snow storms...

And this one had to be cut a 'lil short...


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Okay here is Part 1 of Lovers in Japan

It jumps a little (time wise) so if anyone is confused just let me know.

Rating: PG-13







I finished off my second iced tea, and put my glass back down on the table. I glanced at my cell phone again. 2:37. He was now almost 40 minutes late. The waiter came by and took away my glass. He asked if I wanted another drink, and I started to think that maybe something a little stronger than an iced tea would help to pass the time.


I ordered a beer, and then looked at my phone again. Maybe he had forgotten the name of the place that we were supposed to meet. The waiter had just placed my drink down, and I decided that there was no point in waiting. I picked it up and started to take huge gulps. Then over the rim of my glass, I saw him walk into the restaurant. He was tall, slim, and slightly tanned with brilliant blue eyes and an excitedly nervous jitter about him. Yeah, that was Chris Martin.


“Finally!” I thought to myself. I saw him scan each table quickly, when his eyes finally locked with mine and he walked over to the small table that I was seated at.


“So… I see you’ve started drinking without me!” he said through a broad smile, as he slid into the booth. His expression changed to one of fear before he said “Wait, you are from Rolling Stone… right? Here to interview me?”


“Oh yeah don’t worry, you’ve got the right person.” I reassured him. He sighed and went back to smiling.


“I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand across the table. “I’m Chris, nice to meet you too”


I always found it funny when I interviewed a celebrity and they introduced themselves as if I didn’t already know who they were.


“I’m so sorry that I’m late, I was with playing with my kids and completely lost track of time. I don’t get to see them a lot with the tour, so whenever I’m home all I do is spend time with them”


“It’s fine, really.. you’re not that late. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have to leave them.” I knew from my days and days of research that he didn’t like talking about his family, so I quickly changed the subject.

“So.. Are you ready for this? It’s going to be epic. 9 hours over 4 meetings. A huge feature.”


“Haha, I’m never ready for huge features. I don’t really like to talk about myself” He said.


“Don’t worry, it will be fun!!” I winked at him and picked up my beer again.



90 minutes, and quite a few drinks later and we were still there.


“I like the way you’re doing uhh conducting this..,” He said, already slurring his words. “It doesn’t even feel like an interview. Just like a conversation.”


“Good,” I said “that means I’m doing my job.”


Chris finished off his whiskey and handed the empty glass to the waiter who in turn handed him the check.


“So when’s the next time we do this? Ya know, the next bit of the interview?” he asked while signing the check.


“Hmm, Well you’re going to Japan tomorrow. And I think you’ll be there for a week.. Right? So in 8 days.. I am meeting you and the rest of the band at your studio… the bakery.”


“8 days?” His eyes opened wide “No… that’s too long. Too far away from now.” He stopped talking for a minute and sat back, he seemed to be brainstorming something. Finally he jolted forward. “Hey I’ve got a good idea.. Have you ever been to Japan?” He asked excitedly.


“Umm yeah, I went once to interview David Bowie in some fancy hotel in Tokyo.. But I only got to stay for one night and didn’t really get to see much.. Why?” I asked curiously.

“How about you come with us! Come to Japan, and we can do the interview there with everyone. It will be fun!”


I had heard about this. Chris Martin coming up with these absurd ideas of “kidnapping” journalists and bringing them all around the world on tour with him. This could actually be fun. A week in Tokyo with the biggest band in the world? Sure why not!


“I’d love to,” I finally said “But I can’t just pick up and go.. I’d have to check with my editor first. I’ll need 8 days off from work and I need someone to cover a piece I was supposed to start writing this week. Hmm, let me make a call.”


I picked up my cell phone and dialed my boss’ number. She was always nice and reasonable and I knew that it probably wouldn’t be a problem. I explained it all to her and she cleared me for the 8 days off, and told me to have fun.


“Okay,” I said after snapping my phone closed “Let’s go to Japan!”





My eyes open slowly and I’m staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I blink a few times before looking around at the rest of the room. It’s sleek and modern with gray walls, white lamps and the bed that I’m in is over flowing with cream colored blankets and pillows. Then suddenly I shoot straight up in bed, and the events of the previous evening race through my head. I peek under the sheets, and sure enough there is nothing under there but me. The nightstand table has an empty bottle of vodka on it, and two glasses.


I see my dress on the floor by the window, my bra is hanging off the edge of a chair. I sit up further and reach for his shirt. It’s at the end of the bed, and I grab it quickly and throw it on. I get up and walk over to the huge floor to ceiling windows and stare at the skyscrapers surrounding me. Tokyo is breathtaking at 5 in the morning. The hotel suite is small, barely even a suite at all. Just a bedroom with an attached bathroom.

I hear the shower turn on and I quickly turn around to face the bathroom. Just as I do, the door opens.

Chris is standing there, wearing nothing but a broad grin.

“I’m going to take a shower.. Would you like to join me?”



72 hours earlier


I pack up the last of my bags and bring them down to the waiting car. Chris was nice enough to organize a car to come pick me up. The whole way there I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts.


Holy shit, I’m going to Tokyo with Coldplay!! I think to myself. I wonder what they’ll all be like. I wonder if Guy drinks as much as I’ve heard he does. Ohh I’ll get drunk with him, that will be fun!


I finally arrive at the airport and the car drives straight onto the runway and pulls up in front of the stairs to a small private jet. I get out and am greeted by a man who tells me that he‘s part of Coldplay‘s team. “Hi I’m Phil, nice to meet you. I understand you’ll be traveling with us for a while.”


“Umm, yes Hi… I’m Charlotte. Nice to meet you” I say nervously. This guy’s killer smile has me flustered. He assures me that my bags will be taken care of and leads me up the couple of stairs and onto the plane. He tells me to sit anywhere I like, and I chose a row in the middle of the plane. One by one the members of their massive entourage start to arrive. Assistants, tour managers, and then finally the band themselves.


First Will arrives. Phil introduces me. Will seems lovely, maybe a little tired but still very nice. He talks to me for a minute or two and then goes directly to the last row of the plane and busies himself with his laptop. Then Jonny arrives. He’s absolutely charming, so sweet and friendly. He takes a seat a few rows ahead of me. Guy shows up and immediately introduces himself. He asks if he can sit next to me, and of course I say yes.


Chris is the last to arrive but he sits down and talks on his phone for a while before saying anything to anyone. He finally comes over and says hello to me.


“So,” he says “Are you glad that you came?”


“Absolutely!!” I can’t help but smile. This is going to be unforgettable.






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Lovers in Japan[/color][/u]

It jumps a little (time wise) so if anyone is confused just let me know.

Rating: PG-13







I finished off my second iced tea, and put my glass back down on the table. I glanced at my cell phone again. 2:37. He was now almost 40 minutes late. The waiter came by and took away my glass. He asked if I wanted another drink, and I started to think that maybe something a little stronger than an iced tea would help to pass the time.


I ordered a beer, and then looked at my phone again. Maybe he had forgotten the name of the place that we were supposed to meet. The waiter had just placed my drink down, and I decided that there was no point in waiting. I picked it up and started to take huge gulps. Then over the rim of my glass, I saw him walk into the restaurant. He was tall, slim, and slightly tanned with brilliant blue eyes and an excitedly nervous jitter about him. Yeah, that was Chris Martin.


“Finally!” I thought to myself. I saw him scan each table quickly, when his eyes finally locked with mine and he walked over to the small table that I was seated at.


“So… I see you’ve started drinking without me!” he said through a broad smile, as he slid into the booth. His expression changed to one of fear before he said “Wait, you are from Rolling Stone… right? Here to interview me?”


“Oh yeah don’t worry, you’ve got the right person.” I reassured him. He sighed and went back to smiling.


“I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand across the table. “I’m Chris, nice to meet you too”


I always found it funny when I interviewed a celebrity and they introduced themselves as if I didn’t already know who they were.


“I’m so sorry that I’m late, I was with playing with my kids and completely lost track of time. I don’t get to see them a lot with the tour, so whenever I’m home all I do is spend time with them”


“It’s fine, really.. you’re not that late. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have to leave them.” I knew from my days and days of research that he didn’t like talking about his family, so I quickly changed the subject.

“So.. Are you ready for this? It’s going to be epic. 9 hours over 4 meetings. A huge feature.”


“Haha, I’m never ready for huge features. I don’t really like to talk about myself” He said.


“Don’t worry, it will be fun!!” I winked at him and picked up my beer again.



90 minutes, and quite a few drinks later and we were still there.


“I like the way you’re doing uhh conducting this..,” He said, already slurring his words. “It doesn’t even feel like an interview. Just like a conversation.”


“Good,” I said “that means I’m doing my job.”


Chris finished off his whiskey and handed the empty glass to the waiter who in turn handed him the check.


“So when’s the next time we do this? Ya know, the next bit of the interview?” he asked while signing the check.


“Hmm, Well you’re going to Japan tomorrow. And I think you’ll be there for a week.. Right? So in 8 days.. I am meeting you and the rest of the band at your studio… the bakery.”


“8 days?” His eyes opened wide “No… that’s too long. Too far away from now.” He stopped talking for a minute and sat back, he seemed to be brainstorming something. Finally he jolted forward. “Hey I’ve got a good idea.. Have you ever been to Japan?” He asked excitedly.


“Umm yeah, I went once to interview David Bowie in some fancy hotel in Tokyo.. But I only got to stay for one night and didn’t really get to see much.. Why?” I asked curiously.

“How about you come with us! Come to Japan, and we can do the interview there with everyone. It will be fun!”


I had heard about this. Chris Martin coming up with these absurd ideas of “kidnapping” journalists and bringing them all around the world on tour with him. This could actually be fun. A week in Tokyo with the biggest band in the world? Sure why not!


“I’d love to,” I finally said “But I can’t just pick up and go.. I’d have to check with my editor first. I’ll need 8 days off from work and I need someone to cover a piece I was supposed to start writing this week. Hmm, let me make a call.”


I picked up my cell phone and dialed my boss’ number. She was always nice and reasonable and I knew that it probably wouldn’t be a problem. I explained it all to her and she cleared me for the 8 days off, and told me to have fun.


“Okay,” I said after snapping my phone closed “Let’s go to Japan!”





My eyes open slowly and I’m staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I blink a few times before looking around at the rest of the room. It’s sleek and modern with gray walls, white lamps and the bed that I’m in is over flowing with cream colored blankets and pillows. Then suddenly I shoot straight up in bed, and the events of the previous evening race through my head. I peek under the sheets, and sure enough there is nothing under there but me. The nightstand table has an empty bottle of vodka on it, and two glasses.


I see my dress on the floor by the window, my bra is hanging off the edge of a chair. I sit up further and reach for his shirt. It’s at the end of the bed, and I grab it quickly and throw it on. I get up and walk over to the huge floor to ceiling windows and stare at the skyscrapers surrounding me. Tokyo is breathtaking at 5 in the morning. The hotel suite is small, barely even a suite at all. Just a bedroom with an attached bathroom.

I hear the shower turn on and I quickly turn around to face the bathroom. Just as I do, the door opens.

Chris is standing there, wearing nothing but a broad grin.

“I’m going to take a shower.. Would you like to join me?”



72 hours earlier


I pack up the last of my bags and bring them down to the waiting car. Chris was nice enough to organize a car to come pick me up. The whole way there I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts.


Holy shit, I’m going to Tokyo with Coldplay!! I think to myself. I wonder what they’ll all be like. I wonder if Guy drinks as much as I’ve heard he does. Ohh I’ll get drunk with him, that will be fun!


I finally arrive at the airport and the car drives straight onto the runway and pulls up in front of the stairs to a small private jet. I get out and am greeted by a man who tells me that he‘s part of Coldplay‘s team. “Hi I’m Phil, nice to meet you. I understand you’ll be traveling with us for a while.”


“Umm, yes Hi… I’m Charlotte. Nice to meet you” I say nervously. This guy’s killer smile has me flustered. He assures me that my bags will be taken care of and leads me up the couple of stairs and onto the plane. He tells me to sit anywhere I like, and I chose a row in the middle of the plane. One by one the members of their massive entourage start to arrive. Assistants, tour managers, and then finally the band themselves.


First Will arrives. Phil introduces me. Will seems lovely, maybe a little tired but still very nice. He talks to me for a minute or two and then goes directly to the last row of the plane and busies himself with his laptop. Then Jonny arrives. He’s absolutely charming, so sweet and friendly. He takes a seat a few rows ahead of me. Guy shows up and immediately introduces himself. He asks if he can sit next to me, and of course I say yes.


Chris is the last to arrive but he sits down and talks on his phone for a while before saying anything to anyone. He finally comes over and says hello to me.


“So,” he says “Are you glad that you came?”


“Absolutely!!” I can’t help but smile. This is going to be unforgettable.






It's soooo good!

I love the part about chris with his kids :wacky::wacky:

and the "oh i'll get drunk with him! that'll be fine!!" line about guy :laugh3:

awesome!!:D i can't wait for part 2 :dance:

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Well here's a stab at it. It's called Crossedwires


Beautiful evening.....

As Chris and band finish up their last concert in Japan, they were tired and ready

to head back for a shower and some well needed sleep. Will mentions to Chris,


Will- Chris, mate, when are you going to listen to the new track I completed?


Chris - Will I am tired, how about tomorrow, say noonish?


Will- well, ok, but I am really ready for you to hear this...


Chris- Ya know, I am feeling like shit right about now, I have been talking to Gwyneth on and

off all day and I really miss her.


Will-ok, noon it is.


Will, Guy, and Johnny head past the crowds of ladies into the hotel, while Chris stops for photos and autographs. He thanks everyone, and heads with security for the solace of his room. When he gets to the elevator, the phone rings....


Will- Man, I can't wait please can I come to the room????


The elevator door opens and Chris proceeds to his door, as he opens the dark room he stands inside the door, not turning the light on and says,


Chris- ya know, I am really not up to it tonight, but I am very lonely and I guess this one

time you can come up and we can take care of business, but this is not happening again, and don't let the other guys see you come up, cause I told them I was off to bed, and I really don't want them to know what we are doing tonight.


As Chris flips on the light, he is starteld by his wife, who had been waiting to surprise him in their bed. Chris, with his eyes wide open looking happy and shocked couldn't get a word out for Gwyneth shouted


Gwyneth- I am not sure what is going on, but you can call her back and tell her I AM HERE and she can go screw herself!!!!


Chris walks over to the bed, which Gwyn now has flown from and say's


Chris- You have got to be kidding? I can't believe you.


He sits on the bed watching his wife run around the room collecting her clothes, and

is wide eyed like a puppy, just laughing a bit inside, knowing she is jealous over the

weird one sided call her had just heard.


Gwyn- Ya know Chris, I just can't believe you would do something like this to me and your kids, I came all this way to surprise you and YOU do this!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time!

Just then a knock came at the door, Gwyn hurrys to it,


Gwyn- I will tell her where to get off, since I know you would be too sweet about it.


She flings open the door to see Will standing there with a booklet and a guitar.

Will- Well hello, I didn't know you were here!!!!


Chris gets up and walks over to the door and lays his hand on Gwyn's ass and gently rubs it.


Chris- She's come to surprise me, isn't that great???


Will- Well, you told me to come up, I guess I will wait till tomorrow then. Have a good night.


Door closes, Chris pins his wife against the door, growing anticipation from Chris's pants, sends chills up his spine. He breathes gently on her neck, kissing it so passionatly.

Chris whispers in her ear..


Chris -He was coming up to let me listen to a new track he was working on, now what were you yelling about to me?


Gwyn, I am so sorry, I can't say it enough.


Chris- hey if I had heard that conversation, I probably would have hit the wall.


He carrys her to the bed and gently lays her down, her hand reaches for his

pants, Chris groans, thoughts of her love runs thru his mind, as it does everyday they are not together. Chris starts to kiss her and his tongue licks her neck and her ears, breathing gently with low keyed moans, she has almost bought him to climax, before he has even done anything, so he stops her and climbs on her and holding her hands above her head pinning her down, takes one of his hands and runs it gently down her torso, and into the gates of heaven.



Ok that is my first attempt at (fanfiction) if it was stupid, Sorry I do hope you enjoy it.

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And here is part 5 of...




Kittens [Part 5]


Where we left off at the bakery...


Guy: Fine, I'll stop watching iCarly until Saturday...


Will: Ok now we have to wait for Chris to get here.


Jonny: Chris LOVES that cat.


Guy: While I was reading a magazine this morning it had a picture of him holding kitty.


Will: You read magazines now too?


Jonny: Watches iCarly...Reads girls magazines...


Guy: Shut up! You people will NEVER understand!


Jonny: Your gay?


Guy: What I didn't say I was gay! And your the one to ask me, with you and Chris kissing in public!


Chris (bursting through the door) and Jonny: Hey!


Chris: Kitty is missing!


Guy: You lost her?


Chris: I went to bed and when I woke she was gone!


Will: Hold on I need to think of something to say...


Guy: She's been stolen!


Jonny: But by who?


Chris: We must figure out who has done this to my Kitty!


Will: Hold on I have something to say!


2 minutes later...


Jonny, Chris, Guy: What?


Will: Didn't the same thing happen to your fish?


Chris: But I'm sure something happened to Kitty this time! Forget what happened to Lamp!


Guy: I still can't beleive you named your fish Lamp...


Chris: I made posters on the way here!


Chris holds a stack of paper with bolded words at the top saying 'Kitty gone Missing' with a picture of Kitty below and a contact number which said 555-555.


Chris: Come on we have to post them as soon as we can!


Jonny: Ok, come on guys lets go!


Guy: Dont you mean Guy and Will?


Jonny: Guy this important! We have to leave now!


Guy: Fine...


Jonny, Guy and Will ran out following Chris... back with the Kitty and Unknown... Kitty has been brought to an abandoned Wear house in a suburban area, not a safe place to hang around...


Kitty: Meow...


Uknown (putting Kitty on leash): Alright here we are...


Gangster 1: 'ey it's da cat dat scwatched up ma face!


Gangster: Come on man, let's get 'er!


The gangsters walk over to Unknown and start a huge fight which is going extremley harshly... Unknown trips on his dead leg that Gangster 1 had gave him and then Gangster 2 gave him a dead leg on the other leg... Unknown falls to the ground in pain! Kitty runs as fast as she can towards the bakery ecsaping from trouble... or is she just about to make a big mistake?...


Unknown: Kitty no! Don't leave!


Kitty (running): Meow!


And To be continued....

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Okay here is Part 1 of Lovers in Japan

It jumps a little (time wise) so if anyone is confused just let me know.

Rating: PG-13







I finished off my second iced tea, and put my glass back down on the table. I glanced at my cell phone again. 2:37. He was now almost 40 minutes late. The waiter came by and took away my glass. He asked if I wanted another drink, and I started to think that maybe something a little stronger than an iced tea would help to pass the time.


I ordered a beer, and then looked at my phone again. Maybe he had forgotten the name of the place that we were supposed to meet. The waiter had just placed my drink down, and I decided that there was no point in waiting. I picked it up and started to take huge gulps. Then over the rim of my glass, I saw him walk into the restaurant. He was tall, slim, and slightly tanned with brilliant blue eyes and an excitedly nervous jitter about him. Yeah, that was Chris Martin.


“Finally!” I thought to myself. I saw him scan each table quickly, when his eyes finally locked with mine and he walked over to the small table that I was seated at.


“So… I see you’ve started drinking without me!” he said through a broad smile, as he slid into the booth. His expression changed to one of fear before he said “Wait, you are from Rolling Stone… right? Here to interview me?”


“Oh yeah don’t worry, you’ve got the right person.” I reassured him. He sighed and went back to smiling.


“I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand across the table. “I’m Chris, nice to meet you too”


I always found it funny when I interviewed a celebrity and they introduced themselves as if I didn’t already know who they were.


“I’m so sorry that I’m late, I was with playing with my kids and completely lost track of time. I don’t get to see them a lot with the tour, so whenever I’m home all I do is spend time with them”


“It’s fine, really.. you’re not that late. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have to leave them.” I knew from my days and days of research that he didn’t like talking about his family, so I quickly changed the subject.

“So.. Are you ready for this? It’s going to be epic. 9 hours over 4 meetings. A huge feature.”


“Haha, I’m never ready for huge features. I don’t really like to talk about myself” He said.


“Don’t worry, it will be fun!!” I winked at him and picked up my beer again.



90 minutes, and quite a few drinks later and we were still there.


“I like the way you’re doing uhh conducting this..,” He said, already slurring his words. “It doesn’t even feel like an interview. Just like a conversation.”


“Good,” I said “that means I’m doing my job.”


Chris finished off his whiskey and handed the empty glass to the waiter who in turn handed him the check.


“So when’s the next time we do this? Ya know, the next bit of the interview?” he asked while signing the check.


“Hmm, Well you’re going to Japan tomorrow. And I think you’ll be there for a week.. Right? So in 8 days.. I am meeting you and the rest of the band at your studio… the bakery.”


“8 days?” His eyes opened wide “No… that’s too long. Too far away from now.” He stopped talking for a minute and sat back, he seemed to be brainstorming something. Finally he jolted forward. “Hey I’ve got a good idea.. Have you ever been to Japan?” He asked excitedly.


“Umm yeah, I went once to interview David Bowie in some fancy hotel in Tokyo.. But I only got to stay for one night and didn’t really get to see much.. Why?” I asked curiously.

“How about you come with us! Come to Japan, and we can do the interview there with everyone. It will be fun!”


I had heard about this. Chris Martin coming up with these absurd ideas of “kidnapping” journalists and bringing them all around the world on tour with him. This could actually be fun. A week in Tokyo with the biggest band in the world? Sure why not!


“I’d love to,” I finally said “But I can’t just pick up and go.. I’d have to check with my editor first. I’ll need 8 days off from work and I need someone to cover a piece I was supposed to start writing this week. Hmm, let me make a call.”


I picked up my cell phone and dialed my boss’ number. She was always nice and reasonable and I knew that it probably wouldn’t be a problem. I explained it all to her and she cleared me for the 8 days off, and told me to have fun.


“Okay,” I said after snapping my phone closed “Let’s go to Japan!”





My eyes open slowly and I’m staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I blink a few times before looking around at the rest of the room. It’s sleek and modern with gray walls, white lamps and the bed that I’m in is over flowing with cream colored blankets and pillows. Then suddenly I shoot straight up in bed, and the events of the previous evening race through my head. I peek under the sheets, and sure enough there is nothing under there but me. The nightstand table has an empty bottle of vodka on it, and two glasses.


I see my dress on the floor by the window, my bra is hanging off the edge of a chair. I sit up further and reach for his shirt. It’s at the end of the bed, and I grab it quickly and throw it on. I get up and walk over to the huge floor to ceiling windows and stare at the skyscrapers surrounding me. Tokyo is breathtaking at 5 in the morning. The hotel suite is small, barely even a suite at all. Just a bedroom with an attached bathroom.

I hear the shower turn on and I quickly turn around to face the bathroom. Just as I do, the door opens.

Chris is standing there, wearing nothing but a broad grin.

“I’m going to take a shower.. Would you like to join me?”



72 hours earlier


I pack up the last of my bags and bring them down to the waiting car. Chris was nice enough to organize a car to come pick me up. The whole way there I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts.


Holy shit, I’m going to Tokyo with Coldplay!! I think to myself. I wonder what they’ll all be like. I wonder if Guy drinks as much as I’ve heard he does. Ohh I’ll get drunk with him, that will be fun!


I finally arrive at the airport and the car drives straight onto the runway and pulls up in front of the stairs to a small private jet. I get out and am greeted by a man who tells me that he‘s part of Coldplay‘s team. “Hi I’m Phil, nice to meet you. I understand you’ll be traveling with us for a while.”


“Umm, yes Hi… I’m Charlotte. Nice to meet you” I say nervously. This guy’s killer smile has me flustered. He assures me that my bags will be taken care of and leads me up the couple of stairs and onto the plane. He tells me to sit anywhere I like, and I chose a row in the middle of the plane. One by one the members of their massive entourage start to arrive. Assistants, tour managers, and then finally the band themselves.


First Will arrives. Phil introduces me. Will seems lovely, maybe a little tired but still very nice. He talks to me for a minute or two and then goes directly to the last row of the plane and busies himself with his laptop. Then Jonny arrives. He’s absolutely charming, so sweet and friendly. He takes a seat a few rows ahead of me. Guy shows up and immediately introduces himself. He asks if he can sit next to me, and of course I say yes.


Chris is the last to arrive but he sits down and talks on his phone for a while before saying anything to anyone. He finally comes over and says hello to me.


“So,” he says “Are you glad that you came?”


“Absolutely!!” I can’t help but smile. This is going to be unforgettable.







HOT!!! :laugh4:!!!


nicely done! can't wait for part 2!!

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Ehh...not everyone. *points to self*

The only Chris and Jonny story I really like is Careful Where You Stand. That's a classic.



Oh yeah,

that story was in the making when I was coming in coldplaying

I just read it

Why did it have to be guy? Why couldn't it have been uhmmm... someone else?


It was a great story :D

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@Kyra: Nah, probably why did Guy have to love Chris too :P


Lovers in Japan[/color][/u]

It jumps a little (time wise) so if anyone is confused just let me know.

Rating: PG-13







I finished off my second iced tea, and put my glass back down on the table. I glanced at my cell phone again. 2:37. He was now almost 40 minutes late. The waiter came by and took away my glass. He asked if I wanted another drink, and I started to think that maybe something a little stronger than an iced tea would help to pass the time.


I ordered a beer, and then looked at my phone again. Maybe he had forgotten the name of the place that we were supposed to meet. The waiter had just placed my drink down, and I decided that there was no point in waiting. I picked it up and started to take huge gulps. Then over the rim of my glass, I saw him walk into the restaurant. He was tall, slim, and slightly tanned with brilliant blue eyes and an excitedly nervous jitter about him. Yeah, that was Chris Martin.


“Finally!” I thought to myself. I saw him scan each table quickly, when his eyes finally locked with mine and he walked over to the small table that I was seated at.


“So… I see you’ve started drinking without me!” he said through a broad smile, as he slid into the booth. His expression changed to one of fear before he said “Wait, you are from Rolling Stone… right? Here to interview me?”


“Oh yeah don’t worry, you’ve got the right person.” I reassured him. He sighed and went back to smiling.


“I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you.” I extended my hand across the table. “I’m Chris, nice to meet you too”


I always found it funny when I interviewed a celebrity and they introduced themselves as if I didn’t already know who they were.


“I’m so sorry that I’m late, I was with playing with my kids and completely lost track of time. I don’t get to see them a lot with the tour, so whenever I’m home all I do is spend time with them”


“It’s fine, really.. you’re not that late. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have to leave them.” I knew from my days and days of research that he didn’t like talking about his family, so I quickly changed the subject.

“So.. Are you ready for this? It’s going to be epic. 9 hours over 4 meetings. A huge feature.”


“Haha, I’m never ready for huge features. I don’t really like to talk about myself” He said.


“Don’t worry, it will be fun!!” I winked at him and picked up my beer again.



90 minutes, and quite a few drinks later and we were still there.


“I like the way you’re doing uhh conducting this..,” He said, already slurring his words. “It doesn’t even feel like an interview. Just like a conversation.”


“Good,” I said “that means I’m doing my job.”


Chris finished off his whiskey and handed the empty glass to the waiter who in turn handed him the check.


“So when’s the next time we do this? Ya know, the next bit of the interview?” he asked while signing the check.


“Hmm, Well you’re going to Japan tomorrow. And I think you’ll be there for a week.. Right? So in 8 days.. I am meeting you and the rest of the band at your studio… the bakery.”


“8 days?” His eyes opened wide “No… that’s too long. Too far away from now.” He stopped talking for a minute and sat back, he seemed to be brainstorming something. Finally he jolted forward. “Hey I’ve got a good idea.. Have you ever been to Japan?” He asked excitedly.


“Umm yeah, I went once to interview David Bowie in some fancy hotel in Tokyo.. But I only got to stay for one night and didn’t really get to see much.. Why?” I asked curiously.

“How about you come with us! Come to Japan, and we can do the interview there with everyone. It will be fun!”


I had heard about this. Chris Martin coming up with these absurd ideas of “kidnapping” journalists and bringing them all around the world on tour with him. This could actually be fun. A week in Tokyo with the biggest band in the world? Sure why not!


“I’d love to,” I finally said “But I can’t just pick up and go.. I’d have to check with my editor first. I’ll need 8 days off from work and I need someone to cover a piece I was supposed to start writing this week. Hmm, let me make a call.”


I picked up my cell phone and dialed my boss’ number. She was always nice and reasonable and I knew that it probably wouldn’t be a problem. I explained it all to her and she cleared me for the 8 days off, and told me to have fun.


“Okay,” I said after snapping my phone closed “Let’s go to Japan!”





My eyes open slowly and I’m staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. I blink a few times before looking around at the rest of the room. It’s sleek and modern with gray walls, white lamps and the bed that I’m in is over flowing with cream colored blankets and pillows. Then suddenly I shoot straight up in bed, and the events of the previous evening race through my head. I peek under the sheets, and sure enough there is nothing under there but me. The nightstand table has an empty bottle of vodka on it, and two glasses.


I see my dress on the floor by the window, my bra is hanging off the edge of a chair. I sit up further and reach for his shirt. It’s at the end of the bed, and I grab it quickly and throw it on. I get up and walk over to the huge floor to ceiling windows and stare at the skyscrapers surrounding me. Tokyo is breathtaking at 5 in the morning. The hotel suite is small, barely even a suite at all. Just a bedroom with an attached bathroom.

I hear the shower turn on and I quickly turn around to face the bathroom. Just as I do, the door opens.

Chris is standing there, wearing nothing but a broad grin.

“I’m going to take a shower.. Would you like to join me?”



72 hours earlier


I pack up the last of my bags and bring them down to the waiting car. Chris was nice enough to organize a car to come pick me up. The whole way there I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts.


Holy shit, I’m going to Tokyo with Coldplay!! I think to myself. I wonder what they’ll all be like. I wonder if Guy drinks as much as I’ve heard he does. Ohh I’ll get drunk with him, that will be fun!


I finally arrive at the airport and the car drives straight onto the runway and pulls up in front of the stairs to a small private jet. I get out and am greeted by a man who tells me that he‘s part of Coldplay‘s team. “Hi I’m Phil, nice to meet you. I understand you’ll be traveling with us for a while.”


“Umm, yes Hi… I’m Charlotte. Nice to meet you” I say nervously. This guy’s killer smile has me flustered. He assures me that my bags will be taken care of and leads me up the couple of stairs and onto the plane. He tells me to sit anywhere I like, and I chose a row in the middle of the plane. One by one the members of their massive entourage start to arrive. Assistants, tour managers, and then finally the band themselves.


First Will arrives. Phil introduces me. Will seems lovely, maybe a little tired but still very nice. He talks to me for a minute or two and then goes directly to the last row of the plane and busies himself with his laptop. Then Jonny arrives. He’s absolutely charming, so sweet and friendly. He takes a seat a few rows ahead of me. Guy shows up and immediately introduces himself. He asks if he can sit next to me, and of course I say yes.


Chris is the last to arrive but he sits down and talks on his phone for a while before saying anything to anyone. He finally comes over and says hello to me.


“So,” he says “Are you glad that you came?”


“Absolutely!!” I can’t help but smile. This is going to be unforgettable.






INTERESTING! *om nom noms*


Well here's a stab at it.


<snips the nicey>


Ooooh Chris/Gwyneth! *om nom nom noms* We need moar of that in here, I think :D.

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"Gangster 1: 'ey it's da cat dat scwatched up ma face!


Gangster: Come on man, let's get 'er!


The gangsters walk over to Unknown and start a huge fight which is going extremley harshly... Unknown trips on his dead leg that Gangster 1 had gave him and then Gangster 2 gave him a dead leg on the other leg... Unknown falls to the ground in pain! Kitty runs as fast as she can towards the bakery ecsaping from trouble... or is she just about to make a big mistake?...


Unknown: Kitty no! Don't leave!


Kitty (running): Meow!"



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