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Coldplay Asian Chatterers Thread


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ni hao.


wait. not japanese. :uhoh:


my friend nicknamed a teacher in my school 'tom yam'. because the teacher reminds her of tom yam.


my school canteen have improved so so so much this year. roti canai selling now. :sneaky:

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i think that stupid ad about "apa khabar" and "surat khabar" is really lame. where got people that stupid to start shouting "apa khabar" (or is it "khabar baik") when they're supposed to shout "surat khabar"? -.-



What is that ad all about? :uhoh:

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What is that ad all about? :uhoh:


cant really remember LOL. must be something about budi bahasa or 1 Malaysia or something. not so sure.


wait til it goes on tv again. the Chinese fella saying "surat khabar" when the Malay/Indian (not sure, don't remember) asked him "apa khabar".


i find that ad a bit dumb though. one of the fella told the Chinese that he should answer "khabar baik" when the question "apa khabar" is asked.

what if the Chinese is in "khabar buruk" terms? :disappointed:

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I went to a night class when I was in Standard 6 (kelas tambahan UPSR), and before the class starts, the class monitor commanded:


"Stand upppp!"


"*the whole class stands*"


"Good night, teacher!"



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I went to a night class when I was in Standard 6 (kelas tambahan UPSR), and before the class starts, the class monitor commanded:


"Stand upppp!"


"*the whole class stands*"


"Good night, teacher!"






normally the mistake would be the time of the day. like, instead of good afternoon (because at 12pm it hits noon and then we morning session students forget), we wish good morning.

it happens when i wish teachers while walking around in school.


do u need to wish lecturers at college? :thinking:

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