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The "We Don't Need A" Commitee


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this isn't arguement thread. this is build an empire thread :P



simon, as a chairman of a respective committee, can i politely ask that you don't post in this thread, again? you can take any issues with any comments up with me through PM.

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Hooray for irony! :laugh3: I like this thread.


Alas, I cannot join, as it would jeopardize my universal anti-committee-ness.




Speaking of redundant (and random), has anyone else noticed that when spelled properly, "committee" has not one, not two, but three double letters in it? :mad:

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On a slightly related note, I remember in "Life Of Brian" (Monty Python, ca.= god only knows the year:laugh3:) Didn't they form a committee to save Brian, which finally made a decision to save Brian's life moments after Brian had been crucified? I recall that John Cleese was the head of the committee, and they argued over the 'what to do' about the situation for endless days - it was hilarious!:laugh3: If anyone has seen certain governmental bodies in action (maybe 'inaction' is the word), I'm sure you can relate to this.;)

Word Origins: Com*mit*tea - from the Old English, "Come, sit a spell, put on your mitts, have some tea, and we'll have a jolly good time for hours on end, but probably solve absolutely nothing!":P

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:laugh3:At times, I would have to say the same of myself. As the old jingle goes, "some times you feel like a not, some times you don't.." And maybe you could learn something about the strange quarks of each?? (pun intended)

we all have split personality at some point

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ&feature=channel_page]:laugh3:[/ame]Because the committee with John Cleese at the helm couldn't act soon enough, this is what happened to poor Brian: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ&feature=channel_page]YouTube - Always Look On The Bright Side of Life[/ame]

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Hath this Universe no greater depth than Star Trek:Deep Space 9?:laugh3: Oddities, as such - perhaps top quarks? Bosons? M or W theory, depending on which way you think is "up" (and who the mystery is named after..) All I know, is I still think it's bubbles and not strings, but perhaps they really are one in the same...


Committees are what happens when gravity overcomes inertia.. ;.]


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Hath this Universe no greater depth than Star Trek:Deep Space 9?:laugh3: Oddities, as such - perhaps top quarks? Bosons? M or W theory, depending on which way you think is "up" (and who the mystery is named after..) All I know, is I still think it's bubbles and not strings, but perhaps they really are one in the same...



Are they Star Trek characters too??:rolleyes:

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