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French TV ditches prime-time ads

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This seems incredibly unfair to the french television stations. What right does Sarkosy have to cut down on the money they get from sponsors? It will surely affect the quality of the programming and the amount of advertising during the shows. It's really none of his business. If a station has way too many ads, then viewers will start watching another channel. It's competition among the networks that increases the quality of tv, not the government taking their money away by saying when and what they can broadcast.

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Ditching adverts will have an adverse effect on the quality of the tv programs on offer because the companies will have less money to play around with.


I'm basing that theory on ITV whose advertising revenue has fallen in the past 10 years due to falling viewers

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As you said, it'S France, what could you say more ? And I'm french, so... Our country and our president "the marvellous Sarkozy" are acting foolishly each day a little bit more...



It's pity cause public television have sometimes good show like 'Rendez-vous en terre inconnue'....Guess this one will disapear, it's a really expensive show... :\

Anyway, for many years I don't watch telly anymore, I just caught my favorites show which are basically all on private channel Canal+...


And what makes me angry is that the law was applicated before it was even voted...!!! Viva la democratie!

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Europeans need to quit putting up with this crap. You guys take it laying down way too much... I mean look at how fast the EU got off the ground! That idea should have been laughed out of existence the second it popped up.


You remember the "Just say No!" campaign against drugs here in America? Maybe we should adopt a Just say No campaign against government.

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