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Online Love?


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Well i think it's possible to find real good friends over the net. So i did. I found better friends here on Cplaying, myspace etc then many friends in real life are...

I don't know why but i think it's easier to speak with someone you do not see. And yes, maybe it can become love one day but i think there is more needed than just "blind" writing

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Never in love, I've met some pretty good friends online but in my opinion you can't actually love someone until you meet them. If you fall in love after you meet them I understand, but I just don't get how you could fall in love with an online identity as it may not be the true person.


I love to talk about this subject and what you said pretty much sums up what it think.


My answer: no, i've never actually loved anyone i've met online. I used to have this "online boyfriend" when i was like 13 but that was just a crush..

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I think you can get along with someone well online and, depending, get a certain "feeling" of liking someone. But I don't think you can really fall in love with someone until you've met them in real life. You can talk about the things you like and your feelings online or whatever, but that "feeling" of love or whatever...you can't really know unless you've met the person.

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None of the Above, explain below.


I've never liked somebody based on meeting them online. Yes I have liked people that I communicated alot with online and got to know them better online.


So I would say the internet is a good tool for getting to know people better and perhaps being a catalyst in a relationship.


Exactly. (coincidentally the words of one of my good online friends!)


And besides getting to know new people, im has been a good way for me to get to know people I actually know in real life much better. But in any case, you can't be in love unless you actually spend time with the person.

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But in any case, you can't be in love unless you actually spend time with the person.


I don't think that's necessarily true. You can definitely be in love with someone online... online relationships can actually have stronger initial connections that certain in person relationships, I think... if that makes any sense.

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I love to talk about this subject and what you said pretty much sums up what it think.


My answer: no, i've never actually loved anyone i've met online. I used to have this "online boyfriend" when i was like 13 but that was just a crush..



Online love = bullshit

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Why do you think that? :thinking:

Because i tried a long distance relationship before and it doesn't work, you can't see that person, can't touch her/him or even know if he/she is telling the truth about anything. You're just sitting in front of a pc alone in your room and thinking about someone who lives far away from you and keeping your hopes up and you don't know what that other person is doing or if the feelings are mutual. In my case it was slightly different because i knew the girl irl first and she moved abroad and it was then when i got to know her better than irl and decided to give it a try even though we were far away from each other and it didn't work. For me it's very important to see and touch the person you date or have feelings for. I agree the internet is a great way to get to know a person and even more than irl but that's all for me.


You can't develop a genuine feeling unless you treat that person in real so i can't see how some people fall in love online, it's bullshit. But that's just my opinion.

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i think friendships can definitely exist over the internet, but real relationships? i think something could potentially start online, but i don't think it really is "complete," for lack of a better word, until it's carried out face-to-face. an entirely online relationship that lasted for a singificant amount of time, while nice and fun, i think would probably lack something without it continuing on in real life. i'm having a hard time articulating why i consider it differently than just regular friendships, because i don't think it has all that much to do with being physical with each other, but for some reason it's inherently different in my mind.

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