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Show Off "Your" Coldplay!


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Thanks guys! I actually had bought the blue one with all the butterflies from the Coldplay website. But, I really wasn't pleased with it. So... I was like why don't I make one, and wear it to my Coldplay show (which was last night in Darien Lake, NY)...


So, I bought a shirt. Traced out 7 different sizes for the butterflies, from the cover of LeftRightLeftRightLeft...


So, I made those, then i bought fabric. And, I traced out all the butterflies onto them,cut them out, arrange them how i wanted. and then I used like Steem A Seam, it's this thing that you can use to iron one fabric onto another.


All in all, it took me like 10 hours or so to make that shirt because I am a perfectionist and had to have the butterflies perfect, or as close as I could get to perfect.


As for the writing, fabric paint.


Yeah, I wore it to my concert last night, and got some comments from some Oxfam people, and a couple Coldplayers that I met.


Great night! :)

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The embellished tee-shirt


I've added some fonts on the sleeves. The paint is drying.






I had already taken a picture of the tee-shirt before painting the sleeves :




I don't think I'll add anything else now on this tee-shirt. :laugh3:

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Oh, so you mean that - you want to steal mine and not the idea. But your birthday is later ... ;)
And from where do you think you know that? :D

And yes, stealing the idea wouldn't work for me at all, because I suck at this kind of things. You know that!

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Yay, my shirt's done! Turned out... okay. I still gotta get rid of the chalk marks on front (decided to put the butterfly on the back instead). And, ugh, you can see the cat hair on it. My kitty is in his spring shed. :S





It's a bit like the shirt I made back in November but I've worn that one to shreds already. ;)



I'm so excited I feel like I might explode! !!!

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