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Freaking Society

earth to raven

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i hate it and they hate me. and when i try to be nice, they ignore me


and when they try to be nice, i ignore them and when i really need people, they avoid me


and when somebody looks hurt, i avoid the situation and society hates me


and i hate society they make me invisible


and i make them inaudible and we ignore each other


and i hate it and they make me hate me


and i shouldnt complain about my life, i have friends, i have family, i have a place to live


but i hate being away from home while i AM at home and i hate that i drive my self crazy over myself and my own fucking stupidity


i hate being confused, and im always confused


i hate my fucking perfectly fine life.

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i hate it and they hate me. and when i try to be nice, they ignore me


and when they try to be nice, i ignore them and when i really need people, they avoid me


and when somebody looks hurt, i avoid the situation and society hates me


and i hate society they make me invisible


and i make them inaudible and we ignore each other


and i hate it and they make me hate me


I feel your pain. Everybody does, imo.

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eh. fuck the government(im not high, by the way, i really hate it)


i hate that i say hate so much.




Wait, do you hate SOCIETY or the GOVERNMENT?


It sounds to me like you could really use a good.......... something. You could go running or something. That tends to calm me down when I'm angry.

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This thread is summed up in a Green Day song


Ironically, the majority of people, or at least the majority of people my age, want to be in the minority. Which means that everybody who thinks they're in the minority, is actually in the majority. Example: basically all the goths/emos at my school.


Or was that your point?

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Ironically, the majority of people, or at least the majority of people my age, want to be in the minority. Which means that everybody who thinks they're in the minority, is actually in the majority. Example: basically all the goths/emos at my school.


Or was that your point?


Yeah man, dress in black and listen to the same bands cos you are different.


You are special.

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Yeah man, dress in black and listen to the same bands cos you are different.


You are special.


Exactly. People think if they get a tatoo of the ICP logo it means they're a wicked freethinker or something :\

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eh. fuck the government(im not high, by the way, i really hate it)


i hate that i say hate so much.



I was just going to say you need to do some drugs! :lol:


I kid I kid though! Im sorry about that though, I feel ya!

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to the thread opener:

... do you happen to listen some agressive/against society band?

last year we discussed about how important society is for each one personality, and is far more important than we think, many aspects of society or kind of social groups influence us (both good and bad way) and make us be what are when we are adults, have so negative thoughts about society won't help you much; sure society is not perfect none of us are perfect.


our lecturer said: people can never say, i don't need society or anybody to live my life or be happy, that's not true for what i've said on my first paragraph here, we all need each other even to learn about the worst things about society. ;)

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