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So Bryan is playing a number of acoustic shows around the UK next month, including one in Southampton.


So I said to myself, okay, let's see how much the tickets cost and I might decide to go, so after a while trying seetickets/gigsandtours I found out the only play selling tickets is shiticket 'master' (ticketmaster) so I logged on, passed all the various security measures waiting 10 years in the queue to find out the tickets were £60 each! Plus on top of that the world's worst ticket company charges £7 on top in booking fees plus you get the choice of paying £3,50 for 2nd class insecure mail (value around 50p) or £3,50 for e-tickets.


Needless to say I quickly exited cos there is no way on earth I'm paying £70+ for a single ticket for a single show.

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  • 5 years later...

Thread back from the dead! No it's not about Ryan Adams. Here is a cool article, Who knew his fav band was Coldplay?




From Mashable:


Bryan Adams' iconic album 'Reckless' turns 30





Image: Bryan Adams

photo.jpgBy Corinne Bagish2 hours ago

Welcome to Throwback Tunesday, where Mashable amplifies the echoes of music past. With genre trends and throwbacks, we synthesize music and nostalgia.

This month, Canadian musician Bryan Adams is celebrating something big, even for him — and we're talking about the the artist that's sold ~65 million albums. The "Summer of '69" rocker's hit album Reckless turns 30. Reckless, which was released on November 5, 1984 (Adams' 25th birthday), was number one on the Billboard 200 and had a whopping six hit singles: "Run To You," "Somebody," "Heaven," "Summer of '69," "One Night Love Affair" and "It's Only Love," featuring Tina Turner. Although Adams was already in the big leagues, "Reckless" catapulted him to international stardom; it sold millions of copies in the U.K., Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.S., Germany and, of course, in his native Canada.

To commemorate the occasion, Adams will release a super deluxe edition of Reckless on November 24, complete with re-mastered audio, seven bonus tracks and more — including unreleased photos from the original 1984 studio sessions. Mashable chatted with the rock star about all things Reckless, kicking off the conversation with one of these vintage photos.

Q&A with Bryan Adams





Image: Bryan Adams


Let's start with the throwback photo you sent along. What’s going on here?

We were recording in New York City in 1984 for the album Reckless at Power Station studios … I’m not sure what song exactly.


This month marks the 30th anniversary of Reckless. What are some of your favorite memories of recording the album?

Getting the songs together was probably the best bit; the recording was bloody hard work. I cut some songs two or three times until it was right.

As for the reissue, what was the decision process to decide what unreleased material made the cut?

It was simple, if it was written within the time that Cuts Like a Knife was released and before November 5, 1984, it qualified.


Reckless made it to number one on the Billboard 200, and the album's six singles were all hits. What are your thoughts on the chart toppers in the time of Reckless versus chart-toppers today? Any favorite new artists?


I like lots of things that are out there, Coldplay is by far my favorite band and 

Miley Cyrus is by far my favorite youngster; her live show is killer.

Miley Cyrus is by far my favorite youngster; her live show is killer.


You're embarking on an international Reckless anniversary tour in December. What are you looking forward to most about this tour? Any anticipated similarities between your 1984/1985 tour and this one? 
Hugely different to back then. Firstly, I didn't have the arsenal of songs I have now, secondly all the songs from Reckless were unknown, so they didn't get reaction they get now and back then there were no screens or lights like we have these days.


If you could go back 30 years, to the day you released Reckless, and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?

Release everything, don't be precious about the songs or the recordings, put it all out there.

Release everything, don't be precious about the songs or the recordings, put it all out there. The super deluxe package of Reckless could be the best thing I've ever released; I'm really proud of it.

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