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|~|The OFFICIAL Coldplay FanFic Thread 2: DISCUSSION|~|


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You really are too kind, but thank you for your praise. :stunned:


Edit: But I don't understand why you took your stories off the thread. :( They were so good!

You've got much more creativity than I do.



I took the old ones off to save room.

I figured whoever was going to read them had already done so.

The newest ones are the ones that usually get read.

I didn't think it was so unusual.


I took the newer ones off because I didn't think anyone read them and they were just clogging the place up.

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But...but...if we ever get the list updated (which may or may not happen), your fanfics should be up there!

And I'm pretty sure everyone read them.



If they read them, they must not have liked them because I don't think anyone commented on them.

I don't mind a bad comment.

Those can be very useful.

But nothing at all is hard.:(

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I'm sorry. I feel horrible.

But I do remember commenting on one not that long ago, and you thought it was odd. :cry:



Don't feel horrible.

I am just goofy that way.

I was shocked when you made a comment because I think it was your first one ever.

And I greatly enjoyed it.

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*sounds like a 6 year old* No it wasn't; I've commented before that!

But I think another reason it's hard for us to comment is because you move like lightning.



Sorry....didn't mean to sound like that.

I will accept what you say.

I won't write like that anymore.

I appreciate you telling me that as I didn't know that made it hard.

It is very nice of you to have this exchange with me.

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You're too hard on yourself. But yeah, sometimes I come home and there's a whole new fic of yours that I haven't even started yet. :laugh3:


But I like you...you're a very good person to have conversations with. :hug:





Thanks for your honesty and your input.

A whole new fiction will never happen again.:laugh3::laugh3:

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